Just so you all know – your 2nd Amendment is being modified today in a close door session….I am sure you will all hear about it in the coming days.
Sad day. Compromise and decay of our rights as Americans.
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Just so you all know – your 2nd Amendment is being modified today in a close door session….I am sure you will all hear about it in the coming days.
Sad day. Compromise and decay of our rights as Americans.
Be afraid!Very afraid the world is at an end!!
Sorry could not resist with this while woman’s rights are being taken away and micromanaged by the states while workers rights and pay are slowly being denigrated. But hay that extra hoop one has to jump through to get a gun trumps all!
I support background checks…the rest of it is just plain wrong and illegal!
Don’t own a gun but support those that do and responsibly use them.
Don’t own a gun but support those that do and responsibly use them.
Get one before it gets too difficult. Might need one someday.
Maybe he sold them all like me and thats my story and I’m stickin to it.
I support background checks…the rest of it is just plain wrong and illegal!
They already run background checks. What they’re trying to do now is disqualify more law abiding citizens from owning guns and create a registry.
When was the last time a bad guy purchased a firearm that required he/she submit to a background check?
Molon labe. Use ’em or lose ’em, boys.
Be afraid!Very afraid the world is at an end!!
Sorry could not resist with this while woman’s rights are being taken away and micromanaged by the states while workers rights and pay are slowly being denigrated. But hay that extra hoop one has to jump through to get a gun trumps all!
Which women’s rights are you speaking of?
Be afraid!Very afraid the world is at an end!!
Sorry could not resist with this while woman’s rights are being taken away and micromanaged by the states while workers rights and pay are slowly being denigrated. But hay that extra hoop one has to jump through to get a gun trumps all!
Which women’s rights are you speaking of?
The control of their own bodies and being subjected/mandated to unwarranted procedures. Imposing ones belief on to another with the use of the legislator. Sound familiar?
When was the last time a bad guy purchased a firearm that required he/she submit to a background check?
Virginia Tech Shooter purchased both weapons legally after passing computerized backround checks. None since then, and I don’t recall any other. Plus, the shooter should have been put on the restricted list, but the local magistrate failed to report the man as mentally incapacitated per federal statute after he found the shooter a danger to himself.
I do not support the new legislation, and actually know quite a few parents in Chicago with kids in CPS schools that completely support the NRAs position of putting an armed officer/security guard in every school.
so then by extension, should a woman have control over someone else’s body ?
so then by extension, should a woman have control over someone else’s body ?
Like it or not they already have control of your extension and there is nothing you can do about it.
Just so you all know – your 2nd Amendment is being modified today in a close door session….I am sure you will all hear about it in the coming days.
Sad day. Compromise and decay of our rights as Americans.
The rest of you guys are a laugh riot. I am concerned and upset about the changes taking place to our 2nd amendment. Its the beginning of many 2A changes to come I am afraid.
Like it or not they already have control of your extension and there is nothing you can do about it.
Like it or not they already have control of your extension and there is nothing you can do about it.
what does any woman have to do with my ice auger
They may hammer out an agreement today behind closed doors, but it still needs to come to the floor of both houses for a formal vote. This all before the Pres can even sign it. Then there will be challenges to it that will be heard and decided in the supreme court. Anything “they” do today is long from done. I know people like to bloviate, but don’t worry chicken little the sky isn’t falling…yet.
How many of us idoers are members of the NRA ? I for one am. And I believe anyone who has any skin in this game should join!
Bloviate – to speak bombastically: to speak at length in a pompous self-aggrandizing way(slang)Bing.com
so then by extension, should a woman have control over someone else’s body ?
Like it or not they already have control of your extension and there is nothing you can do about it.
Sorry could not resist with this while woman’s rights are being taken away and micromanaged by the states while workers rights and pay are slowly being denigrated. But hay that extra hoop one has to jump through to get a gun trumps all!
Workers, or grunts as I like to call them, have been denigrating themselves, they don’t need any help.
which part of the constitution is it that establishes, protects, or even addresses “workers rights”
so then by extension, should a woman have control over someone else’s body ?
If your line of questioning leads to where I think your going then my answer reverts back to imposing ones beliefs onto another and controlling the outcome. Not quite a democratic free society from those that want to control while spewing the words for the right of freedom and to be freed from tyranny.
If not define “else’s” and where is this control taking place aside from the biological of being pwhiped.
Imposing one’s beliefs (or even one’s will) onto another to control the outcome is not desireable? we could even say that to do so is wrong ?
I’d agree !!
How many of us idoers are members of the NRA ? I for one am. And I believe anyone who has any skin in this game should join!
I would post a pole here but I dont know how !
Bloviate – to speak bombastically: to speak at length in a pompous self-aggrandizing way(slang)Bing.com
Apparently invented after 1985.
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