Looking For A Part For A ’70’s Model Evinrude

  • whiskeysour
    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    A guy I work with was telling me today that someone stole a part of his 1970’s era 6 HP Evinrude. It is part of the throttle linkage and he thought it was called a strador or strator. The engine starts fine but it won’t rev up at all. He has asked 2 small engine guys to fix it but nobody can find the part or parts. I was pretty sure someone on here would know where to take it or where the part could be found. Don’t let me down here.

    Posts: 2596

    Twin cities outboard. Also look on marineengine.com they have parts manuals online, sell parts, and provide part numbers. Last but not least eBay.

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 214

    Also try Sea-Way Marine in Seattle, WA. If they don’t have it ask them if they know anywhere else to try. They gave me a couple other names and I ended up finding all the parts I needed a while back.

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