2003 Johnson 70 hp 4 stroke

  • igotone
    Posts: 1748

    best way, replace it if you do not know when it was done last

    just did mine pretty easy job with another pair of hands

    Posts: 3239


    Is there a way to check the water pump?

    Run it with some muffs and see if it discharges water.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907



    Is there a way to check the water pump?

    Run it with some muffs and see if it discharges water.

    I would imagine that the pressure from the garden hose could push water past the pump even if broken or not spinning just from water pressure in the hose.

    I would say to use a garbage can or rubbermaid tub full of water. Make sure the water is up to the cavitation plate. If it pees water then you know it is pumping. However, I have seen then still pee and there are a few rubber tabs broke off.

    Its easier to use a boat ramp but they seem to be a bit iced over at the moment.

    Posts: 2596

    Wouldn’t the water pressure via the garden hose through the muffs mimic water pump pressure? If the motor has a tattle tail then running it in a drum will reveal via tattle tail if it’s pumping water. Still should replace at least the impellar, cheap insurance.

    Posts: 2998

    A impeller is pretty cheap, and it’s a pretty easy task to do it. I say just replace it if you got a few extra bucks and a little time.

    Posts: 349

    diddo on replacing the impeller. That is your best bet.

    Chisago county
    Posts: 43


    diddo on replacing the impeller. That is your best bet.

    #896625 – 04/29/10 11:47 AM Edit Reply Quote

    I got through it all without a scratch and saved 1.7 hours of labor @ $125/hr Yes, there is a linkage clearly visible just above the fwd sect. of the lwr unit. It’s the first thing to remove. BE ADVISED there is a tube that must be disconnected from the lower unit in the same fwd area AFTER it is separated a few inches. I cut the zip tie and removed the tube from the nipple. Seven bolts, 3 each side and one long bolt accessed by removing the trim fin under the zinc plate. The rest was easy. remove the housing pull out the impeller noting which way its bent and replace exactly the same way. Replace gasket and plate then lower housing and impeller down the shaft, insert new key in keyway tighten bolts. Grease the spline. Put it all back together.

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