Mille Lacs Smallmouth Destruction

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    There will be more interest in bass tourneys because you can weigh smallies under 21 inches and have more than one in possession. Up until this year, you would be fishing for one smallie then go largemouth fishing. There are walleye guys who know a few good smallie bites that might make a run at the largemouth guys.

    Sartell Eye Guy
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 624

    Buzz, The no cull rule has little effect when a 2 person team can have 12 fish in the livewell. (and weigh their best 5 or 6)

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Knees are jerking all over in St Paul…. no decisions are being made by fisheries management, they are being made by politicians and $money$… anything to deflect from the real issue. netting during the spawn. What if the natives decide that they need to gnaw on bass to survive ??? Then open up Musky to any size and no limit ???

    Posts: 184

    So to fish a tournament you think I should put 12 fish in my livewell and not be able to release them. No self respecting bass fisherman would ever do that.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Its no cull while fishing. The tourney permit allows release. (At least that how walleye tourneys work)


    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857


    Knees are jerking all over in St Paul…. no decisions are being made by fisheries management, they are being made by politicians and $money$… anything to deflect from the real issue. netting during the spawn. What if the natives decide that they need to gnaw on bass to survive ??? Then open up Musky to any size and no limit ???

    I know this thread is getting old but I will put in my $.02 along with everyone else…

    There have been so many changes in Lake Mille Lacs the last 10 yrs everyone is aware of (zebra mussels, early ice out dates, Cormorants, tribal netting, spiny water fleas, milfoil, etc) . I really feel the decision to increase the SMB bag limit by the DNR was based on the need to “do something drastic”. They felt pressure from Walleye anglers that “something had to be done” and unfortunately, increase SMB harvest were one of changes they made.

    The MN DNR even admits they don’t fully understand what is happening in the lake and the real root causes of the low Walleye population; especially with smaller males.

    Remember the Red Lake crappie explosion a few yrs back?? Were the big crappies the reason for the low Walleye population or did the crappies just replace the Walleyes?? We now see crappie numbers are down while the Walleye numbers have increased. Maybe this is what is happening with Mille Lacs SMB??

    I would be a lot more supportive of the SMB harvest increase if the DNR said we have factual data (assuming other variables are the same) that an increasing SMB population correlates to a lower Walleye popluation; but they haven’t said that. They only said SMB numbers have increased and they may not necessarily be mutually exclusive to a low Walleye population. Also remember, SMB are in fact native to Lake Mille Lacs.

    Posts: 3696

    Two comments from all the posts above that I believe are sad but true:

    “They have been working towards a world class smallie fishery for years and they are going to throw it all away just because the walleye population has taken a beating the last couple of years.”

    “I really feel the decision to increase the SMB bag limit by the DNR was based on the need to “do something drastic”. They felt pressure from Walleye anglers that “something had to be done” and unfortunately, increase SMB harvest were one of changes they made.”

    Emotions run high in Minnesota where walleye is the state fish…however, because of that emotional level, I’m not sure a lot of factual or rational decisions are being made..

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857


    Emotions run high in Minnesota where walleye is the state fish…however, because of that emotional level, I’m not sure a lot of factual or rational decisions are being made..

    You are exactly right…Too many decisions based on pure emotion and not necessarily facts.

    Posts: 3010


    And everyone knows Bass guys have more money than walleye guys. Resorts should embrace this.
    … better looking too

    Granted at least their boats are usually prettier
    but they ain’t near as gooda boat drivers as the “pound-the-chop to get there” and “boat control for the spot on the spot is of utmost importance once ya are there” crew

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1918

    There is no way you can say that the increase in the SMB pop. in Mille Lacs is a strong reason the walleye numbers have plummeted. Way too many other factors involved to point fingers at bass, but people always want a scapegoat, and they have chosen it already. Really I wish the SMB had normal statewide possession limits on them in the first place, I think it would of prevented some of the genocide that will take place this year. Some of the walleye guys are going to take out their frustration on the poor status of the walleye fishery by trying to keep whatever bass they can. Many though understand that fish populations on a lake with the size and diversity of M L are always in flux and will right themselves over time. It might be the case that if bass, muskies, and pike were slaughtered in record numbers the walleye pop. might still go in the crapper because it is being affected by something like climate, zebra mussels, or something we don’t even know about. I like the idea about more bass tournaments coming to M L but with the regs right now, smallies aren’t going to win squat. A bunch of brownies under 17″ can’t compete with the largemouths up there. Honestly there aren’t many brownies under 17″ up there. Man the DNR really needs to mess with slots, size minimums, and limits less.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    I agree that keeping 6 fish is “drastic” and doesn’t make sense to go from basically zero to 6. How many people keep bass? Will people really drive to Mille Lacs just so they can get their limit of 6 bass to bring home and eat? Maybe a limit of 6 isn’t drastic because people won’t keep them anyway and the occasional person who does, won’t destroy the population.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    “They have been working towards a world class smallie fishery for years and they are going to throw it all away just because the walleye population has taken a beating the last couple of years.”

    Talk about letting emotions get in the way of logic… Can you point me to any examples of lakes that have been cleaned out by “greedy” bass fisherman who show up in droves to fill up their livewell because they were allowed to keep 6 bass? Oh wait, that could never happen because bass anglers only practice catch and release

    Seriously though, this change is pretty much symbolic/political in nature and in reality should have very little effect on the lake itself. Last time I checked Lake Minnetonka still has a pretty good bass population even though people are allowed to keep bass there AND it is much closer to the metro

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Lake Hopatcong, New York (equivalent to Iowa in latitude) Smallmouth is 14 inches at five years-old they average 16 inches at six years old they average 17 inches and 18 inches at seven years old .

    Smallmouth Bass in the Mille Lacs range reach sexual maturity around 6 years of age (16″ fish according to info above).

    So according to what I found IF every walleye angle kept their six 15-16″ fish. It looks like they would hardly touch the “breeders”.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Can you point me to any examples of lakes that have been cleaned out by “greedy” bass fisherman who show up in droves to fill up their livewell because they were allowed to keep 6 bass?

    I wish I could. The in-laws lake is over run by small Largemouth Bass. The DNR imposed a special reg “No minimum length limit and the daily bag limit is 5.” Nobody ever seems to take a LM Bass out of there that I know of.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    There is no way you can say that the increase in the SMB pop. in Mille Lacs is a strong reason the walleye numbers have plummeted. Way too many other factors involved to point fingers at bass, but people always want a scapegoat, and they have chosen it already. Really I wish the SMB had normal statewide possession limits on them in the first place, I think it would of prevented some of the genocide that will take place this year. Some of the walleye guys are going to take out their frustration on the poor status of the walleye fishery by trying to keep whatever bass they can. Many though understand that fish populations on a lake with the size and diversity of M L are always in flux and will right themselves over time. It might be the case that if bass, muskies, and pike were slaughtered in record numbers the walleye pop. might still go in the crapper because it is being affected by something like climate, zebra mussels, or something we don’t even know about. I like the idea about more bass tournaments coming to M L but with the regs right now, smallies aren’t going to win squat. A bunch of brownies under 17″ can’t compete with the largemouths up there. Honestly there aren’t many brownies under 17″ up there. Man the DNR really needs to mess with slots, size minimums, and limits less.

    So you’re also worried about those “greedy” bass and northern anglers who are going to show up and “slaughter” the bass and northerns now just because the size restrictions have been lowered?

    Remember that these regulations have only been in place for a matter of a few years… Before that Mille Lacs survived just fine on its own using the general state wide restrictions. Personally I think the DNR needs to stop over-regulating lakes and just use the statewide regulations in most cases… But then I’m not a big fan of government regulations in general so maybe I’m just crazy

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 42

    Will – I’m not at all worried about the bass guys keeping fish. I’m worried about every slip bobber and lindy rig bass in the legal limit immediately getting boxed and taken home out of spite. Over the course of a couple summers, how many pounds of fish will that be? I’m willing to bet that it’s alot.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I’m worried about every slip bobber and lindy rig bass in the legal limit immediately getting boxed and taken home out of spite.

    I can’t think of a single person I know who would do this.


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I apreceate all you C&R guys, makes it easier for the rest of us to catch a few keepers..

    Limits if set correctly, are imposed to keep fish populations at a desired level, if the lake can handle 6 fish limits so be it, you don’t have to keep fish but don’t tell anybody else what they have to do as long as they are following the laws.


    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I apreceate all you C&R guys, makes it easier for the rest of us to catch a few keepers..

    Limits if set correctly, are imposed to keep fish populations at a desired level, if the lake can handle 6 fish limits so be it, you don’t have to keep fish but don’t tell anybody else what they have to do as long as they are following the laws.


    Aren’t a lot of these lakes with six fish limits being stocked? Doesn’t that mean that they CANNOT support those limits?

    **I know Mille Lacs is not stocked for walleye.

    Posts: 4941


    …forgot to mention they are also better looking.

    Your skirt is Showing

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 42

    “Limits if set correctly, are imposed to keep fish populations at a desired level, if the lake can handle 6 fish limits so be it, you don’t have to keep fish but don’t tell anybody else what they have to do as long as they are following the laws.”

    “If set correctly” is the key part of this statement. Again, I have no problem with anybody keeping fish to eat. I do it all the time. But don’t get this new regulation confused as a strategic move for the fishery and the health of the lake. The DNR has stated it doesn’t understand the role of these predators in Mille Lacs. It’s a strategic move to keep the walleye community off the DNR’s a$$ for a few minutes.

    Posts: 19473


    On the way home from Mille Lacs this winter I had a discussion/argument with one of my best friends about keeping Walleyes. We caught some nice fish that day. A bunch of overs like 23″ 25″ 27″ inch fish. We caught a couple dinks but no slot fish. He was all pissy he didn’t have fillets coming home. I about kicked him out of the truck the way he was acting.

    I explained I’d rather have the photo to frame than a Walleye dinner. He wasn’t feeling that.

    If you want a fish dinner so bad go to Byerly’s and grab a fillet. People I see out there are keeping these little fish and putting a knife to them. It just drives me crazy. I am going to continue to fish Mille Lacs since I am targeting big fish and not a dinner. I toss all fish back for the most part out there. I love catching smallies too but trust me, they are safe from my knife.


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    I apreceate all you C&R guys, makes it easier for the rest of us to catch a few keepers..

    Limits if set correctly, are imposed to keep fish populations at a desired level, if the lake can handle 6 fish limits so be it, you don’t have to keep fish but don’t tell anybody else what they have to do as long as they are following the laws.


    Aren’t a lot of these lakes with six fish limits being stocked? Doesn’t that mean that they CANNOT support those limits?

    **I know Mille Lacs is not stocked for walleye.

    Not sure whether stocked or not makes a difference, if we didn’t stock you wouldn’t be fishing walleye’s, musky’s and who knows what else out of probably more lakes than you think.


    Posts: 4941


    If you want a fish dinner so bad go to Byerly’s and grab a fillet.

    That right there is the sadest statement of this whole mess!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    if we didn’t stock you wouldn’t be fishing walleye’s, musky’s and who knows what else out of probably more lakes than you think.


    Actually I know exactly. Of course cause I research the heck out of those things.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469



    If you want a fish dinner so bad go to Byerly’s and grab a fillet.

    That right there is the sadest statement of this whole mess!

    I disagree. 99% of the fish we eat is store bought. No need to stock the freezer. C&R baby!

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    Will – I’m not at all worried about the bass guys keeping fish. I’m worried about every slip bobber and lindy rig bass in the legal limit immediately getting boxed and taken home out of spite. Over the course of a couple summers, how many pounds of fish will that be? I’m willing to bet that it’s alot.

    If they take it home and eat it then I don’t see a problem, but if I ever heard of someone doing this and “fertilizing the garden” I know the DNR up there fairly well and they’d be getting a call. However, if people just wanted to kill bass couldn’t they simply cut their gills or knock them over the head with or without the regulation?

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895




    If you want a fish dinner so bad go to Byerly’s and grab a fillet.

    That right there is the sadest statement of this whole mess!

    I disagree. 99% of the fish we eat is store bought. No need to stock the freezer. C&R baby!

    And that would be the second sadest statement.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I’m worried about every slip bobber and lindy rig bass in the legal limit immediately getting boxed and taken home out of spite.

    I would like to think these guys are few and far between. Slobs are slobs, don’t lump every walleye fisherman in with them.

    I’m with Will on this one. Will there be any noticable harvest this year? I think the DNR is simply playing a shell game trying to place part of the blame somewhere. They know if they point the finger towards netting the GLFIWC will back away from the table and net as much and as long as they want.

    Posts: 4941




    If you want a fish dinner so bad go to Byerly’s and grab a fillet.

    That right there is the sadest statement of this whole mess!

    I disagree. 99% of the fish we eat is store bought. No need to stock the freezer. C&R baby!

    Great lets support taking away a persons right to gather fish if he so chooses!

    So then we can buy the fillets from those who net the lakes.

    Great Idea

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