Mille Lacs Smallmouth Destruction

  • manselmo07
    Hudson WI
    Posts: 42

    Well…the walleyes are gone so I guess the next step is to wipe out the best smallmouth fishery on the planet.

    I blame this new liberal bag limit of bass on walleye fisherman feedback and DNR ignorance. I suppose all the Muskie should be filleted too. There isn’t anything wrong with keeping a few fish, but they mentality of the walleye community is ridiculous. It’s the reason slot limits were imposed. This all revolves around the fact that every “legal” walleye pulled out of any lake is immediately kept. I bet less than 5% of legal walleyes are actually let go.

    It’s sad that the bass fishery is being set up for destruction. Look at the regs…anything look familiar? Take out the young year classes of fish and protect the large spawning females? Oh yeah…you can keep one “over” fish.

    The bass and muskie fishing communities across the country long ago realized that catch and release is ok. Why can’t the walleye folks get on board? Even if you can only keep 2 fish, I challenge you to find a lake outside of Mille Lacs with as much fish catching or trophy potential. I fish Mille Lacs all year for every species in the lake. This new limit will not keep me from fishing walleyes. I don’t feel entitled to a limit of “keepers” when I get to the ramp. I enjoy catching fish and Mille Lacs is world class for many different species.

    The new limit is 6 fish under 17″ with 1 over 20″. Does anybody else take issue with this besides me? It seems walleye guys like this and view it as a solution to the walleye “problem”?

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Uff Da!
    Lot’s of Walleye guys on this site.

    Might want to consider bashing on the DNR first before the Walleye guys.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    The new limit is 6 fish under 17″ with 1 over 20″. Does anybody else take issue with this besides me? It seems walleye guys like this and view it as a solution to the walleye “problem”?

    Count me in as a walleye guy with a problem with the new Smallmouth and Pike regs.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Man…Putting “all” walleye people in one basket are we? Maybe you need to attack the dnr 1st.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    What length can they be to use them for bait?

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    I dunno, how do smallmouth taste? I was always told, even growing up the the bass (Largemouth/smallmouth) all taste like the sole of my shoe. So not so much as catch a release, but throw em back cause you don’t want to look funny in the fish cleaning shack. I’m guessing your in the minority, but point well taken. Now if we can only get the smallies to swim towards nets, not away.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028


    What length can they be to use them for bait?

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 42

    I’m not attacking “all walleye guys” or the DNR directly. I am a Mille Lacs fanatic regardless of species. I fish Mille Lacs all year for walleyes. I just don’t like how this bass limit feels like a quick decision made by the DNR to make the walleye die hards happy.

    Posts: 220

    The only good Smallmouth I’ve ever seen had a 10/0 hook thru its back, and a 4oz sinker holding it to the bottom.

    Posts: 2687

    I’m a bass guy first. Walleye guy second. I see little issue with it. Fish die from many factors. Old age, heath issues etc, etc. Harvesting a few fish isn’t going to destroy the smallie population. If anything, it might help it out a little by balancing out the predator/prey imbalance. Those smallies up there the last few years are easy to catch. Imo their food supply isn’t all that great anymore. And there’s getting to be more smaller ones. Long term to many small ones could lead to a pounds/acre dilemma, a few big fish or lots of small ones. Most smallies up there are over that 17″ mark anyways.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Is this a serious post of someone or just trying to stir the pot? I don’t see these regs hardly putting a dent in the smallmouth population.

    Cuba City, WI
    Posts: 395

    First off I don’t fish ML. Don’t bash all the walleye guys. I know lots of them that don’t always keep their limit. I do know lots of bass guys that if they catch a few walleyes they keep everyone to take home even though they never keep a bass for the pan.

    Posts: 1748


    Well…the walleyes are gone so I guess the next step is to wipe out the best smallmouth fishery on the planet.

    I blame this new liberal bag limit of bass on walleye fisherman feedback and DNR ignorance. I suppose all the Muskie should be filleted too. There isn’t anything wrong with keeping a few fish, but they mentality of the walleye community is ridiculous. It’s the reason slot limits were imposed. This all revolves around the fact that every “legal” walleye pulled out of any lake is immediately kept. I bet less than 5% of legal walleyes are actually let go.

    It’s sad that the bass fishery is being set up for destruction. Look at the regs…anything look familiar? Take out the young year classes of fish and protect the large spawning females? Oh yeah…you can keep one “over” fish.

    The bass and muskie fishing communities across the country long ago realized that catch and release is ok. Why can’t the walleye folks get on board? Even if you can only keep 2 fish, I challenge you to find a lake outside of Mille Lacs with as much fish catching or trophy potential. I fish Mille Lacs all year for every species in the lake. This new limit will not keep me from fishing walleyes. I don’t feel entitled to a limit of “keepers” when I get to the ramp. I enjoy catching fish and Mille Lacs is world class for many different species.

    The new limit is 6 fish under 17″ with 1 over 20″. Does anybody else take issue with this besides me? It seems walleye guys like this and view it as a solution to the walleye “problem”?

    think of the food change

    should not B long B 4 this is gone

    Drew Engelmeyer
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 359


    Is this a serious post of someone or just trying to stir the pot? I don’t see these regs hardly putting a dent in the smallmouth population.

    After a long day at work, I needed a good laugh. Just like me, he must be getting tired of winter. How many people are going come up to Mille Lacs just for a bag of smallies?


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843



    How many people are going come up to Mille Lacs just for a bag of smallies?


    Oh, I don’t know. How many people went to Tonka for a bag of largemouth? How many people drive to Vermilion for Muskie?

    If the fishery is there, people will come, regardless of the species.

    Des Moines, IA and Hager City, WI
    Posts: 196

    Smallies….the other white meat. I just wish they would up the possesion limit on them.

    Garrison, MN
    Posts: 44

    I am a multi species guy and my home body of water is mille lacs. I definately agree that we as walleye fisherman need to practice catch and release more. We are quick to point the finger at anyone (netting, dnr or government) but are not willing to manage our own beloved catch. I don’t agree with the netting, but let’s focus on what we can do as a sportsman and let some fish go ourselves.

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 263

    I keep just enough for a meal. 80-90% of the walleye I catch are released. That goes for almost all the fish I catch. Wait a minute. The dnr says I can keep 6 who are you to judge?

    Garrison, MN
    Posts: 44

    If you are referring to my post…I am not judging. Just saying it can’t hurt to let some go. Sounds like you are doing that already. We as sportsman appreciate that.

    Posts: 184

    I’m not saying all but a lot walleye fishermen on mille lacs hate smallies. I have heard a lot of stories of them slicing bellies before they release them. Giving them permission to take a limit, I know there will be guys taking them home just to fertilize their gardens. Why would the dnr do something so stupid. They have been working towards a world class smallie fishery for years and they are going to throw it all away just because the walleye population has taken a beating the last couple of years.

    E Ashwell
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 423

    On the way home from Mille Lacs this winter I had a discussion/argument with one of my best friends about keeping Walleyes. We caught some nice fish that day. A bunch of overs like 23″ 25″ 27″ inch fish. We caught a couple dinks but no slot fish. He was all pissy he didn’t have fillets coming home. I about kicked him out of the truck the way he was acting.

    I explained I’d rather have the photo to frame than a Walleye dinner. He wasn’t feeling that.

    If you want a fish dinner so bad go to Byerly’s and grab a fillet. People I see out there are keeping these little fish and putting a knife to them. It just drives me crazy. I am going to continue to fish Mille Lacs since I am targeting big fish and not a dinner. I toss all fish back for the most part out there. I love catching smallies too but trust me, they are safe from my knife.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    It will not destroy the Smallmouth population. I like the new regs because it will bring more bass tournaments to the area. Some resorts are considering having their own tournaments. I don’t bass fish much, but I would give it a try.

    Posts: 1499


    I don’t bass fish much, but I would give it a try.

    Use a medium size bobber and hook a worm and fish 2′ off bottom.

    Posts: 1455

    Can’t say I agree with the new regs 100% either. 6 smallmouth seems a little high to me. Regarding bass tournaments on that lake it’s gonna be a big time game changer for sure….and that I am looking forward to.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    And everyone knows Bass guys have more money than walleye guys. Resorts should embrace this.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    …forgot to mention they are also better looking.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Can’t say I agree with the new regs 100% either. 6 smallmouth seems a little high to me. Regarding bass tournaments on that lake it’s gonna be a big time game changer for sure….and that I am looking forward to.

    Jeremy, do you feel a 6 fish limit too high for Mille Lacs or 6 fish is generaly too high for any Minnesota lake?

    I see this smallie rule on Milly swinging back and forth just like the walleye regs do.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    It will not destroy the Smallmouth population. I like the new regs because it will bring more bass tournaments to the area. Some resorts are considering having their own tournaments. I don’t bass fish much, but I would give it a try.



    Posts: 184

    There are plenty of bass tournaments on mille lacs already, largemouth will win 90% of the time even with the new regs. I don’t hate the fact that you can keep smallies now, I’m just worried about all the smallie haters. I’m also mad that the dnr went from almost total protection to six fish limit. Couldn’t they try two fish first.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    BigFife, what makes you think Bass tournaments will be drawn to Mille Lacs because of the new Smallie slot limit? Is there any other large lake with a bass slot limit that has tournaments on it? I don’t see it. Because ML is also no cull, any Smallie you put in the box, stays in the box. So I’m going to enter a contest with a $100-200 entry fee and try to cash a check on the basis of releasing all 12-15in fish in-order to hopefully fill the boat up with 16in fish and maybe one over 20? Don’t think so. What am I missing?

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