MN looks @driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I see a lot of bad drivers of all races. The DL test is not a cure all for bad drivers.

    So do I!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I have open arms and welcome anyone who is willing to go through the process. Personally, I’d like to see us mandate a basic understanding of the English language(maybe this exists today??). Can he/she read road signs etc… I don’t think the process needs to be complicated. I just want these folks to pay social security and taxes just like me. Then they can vote for whomever they want.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I kind of wish the government would be as accommodating to me and bend over backwards. Is that too much to ask?

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    God people please wake up Once again these are ILLEGAL ALIENS ! They need to be deported or become legal citizens before they are “given any rights” or privelages ! period ! Dont you get it a Drivers license gives an Illegal person the right to vote …….. Its got nothing to do with their driving abilites or lack of ! Please help us God why cant people even get these simple concepts

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987


    God people please wake up Once again these are ILLEGAL ALIENS ! They need to be deported or become legal citizens before they are “given any rights” or privelages ! period ! Dont you get it a Drivers license gives an Illegal person the right to vote …….. Its got nothing to do with their driving abilites or lack of ! Please help us God why cant people even get these simple concepts

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Just have a question on how a DL gives you the right or ability to vote?

    In WI, they won’t even LET me show a DL. If I pull the DL out, they immediately tell me to put it away. I give my name which is verified against a registered voters list.

    Are we thinking a DL is all that is needed to register to vote? I’m no expert on this but I would think there is a question or two on ones legal right to vote. If anyone, illegal immigrant or other is answering these questions fraudulently, then that is voter fraud.

    Not saying that doesn’t ever happen but I’m confused on how a DL automatically opens up a persons right to vote?


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Not trying to pick on you Mat but I have to examine this statement.


    You know like [censored] marriage, and Gun Control, Legalizing Marijauna, Illegal Aliens rights. And then as we sit on the sidelines doing nothing but complaining about how the US is going downhill as a World leader.

    Is the US really going downhill as a World Leader? Or is this your opinion? There are many problems in our country which are exasperated on cable news channels, but the good in our country far outweighs the bad and compared to life in other countries, we have it pretty good, IMO. Not perfect, but pretty damn good.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Is the US really going downhill as a World Leader? Or is this your opinion? There are many problems in our country which are exasperated on cable news channels, but the good in our country far outweighs the bad and compared to life in other countries, we have it pretty good, IMO. Not perfect, but pretty damn good.


    Hmm, but I think we have had it better and at least could have it better. In the very, very least, we should demand better and never be complacent. Hex, we are complacent enough as is.

    As for DL to vote, in Minnesota you don’t even need that. All you need is someone to vouch for you. You can drive a bus load of people and vouch for all of them.

    Sure it is fraud, but I’d love to here from an election official on the site how they stop it. I don’t see anyone willing to put time and resources to investigate numbers that don’t add up or anything that seems fishy.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Agree on the demanding better and striving for making US better!!

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Cougar, Believe me when I say I love the USA ,but with that said,I see trouble ahead with a lot of Liberal thinking. Just because people are lazy and have the attitude of a long as it doesnt affect me then let it be. To that I say BS stand up and put your foot down. And sorry for the cliche but, If you dont stand for something you will fall for anything !

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    When the lazy and subsidized become a voting force there is always going to be problems. They will simply vote themselves more free stuff. They would vote/run our country into the ground before taking resposbility. You can see examples of this happening today.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    When the lazy and subsidized become a voting force there is always going to be problems. They will simply vote themselves more free stuff. They would vote/run our country into the ground before taking resposbility. You can see examples of this happening today.

    I agree with this, but I think there is an assumption that every illegal immigrant is not here working providing for a family. That’s the American dream, right? Well, I say for those that are here, have jobs and want to work should get a crack at citizenship. Which also means they start paying taxes and social security etc… Of course I also assume only the needy citizens are getting healthcare and government benefits given to them. Which we all know isn’t the truth.

    No way you’ll ever see a major deportation. Too many bleeding hearts in this country. Cripes, I read stories on here about people who treat their dogs like kings. Can you imagine the outcry when the first set of big watery eyes in a child being deported flashes across CNN. Sorry, won’t happen.

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    I was having a good day until I read this. This cant pass.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    When the lazy and subsidized become a voting force there is always going to be problems. They will simply vote themselves more free stuff. They would vote/run our country into the ground before taking resposbility. You can see examples of this happening today.

    These are the comments that left unchecked really put a bad spin on things. My hope is that you don’t think everyone or even a majority of people in the party you don’t prefer are “lazy and subsidized”. It is dangerous IMO to pick out the bad apples in a group and stereotype the rest that way.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    I agree with this, but I think there is an assumption that every illegal immigrant is not here working providing for a family. That’s the American dream, right? Well, I say for those that are here, have jobs and want to work should get a crack at citizenship. Which also means they start paying taxes and social security etc… Of course I also assume only the needy citizens are getting healthcare and government benefits given to them. Which we all know isn’t the truth.

    Well said!!

    I’ll throw out an example. On July 4th of 2012, my truck was run into in the Lake Elmo boat ramp parking area. The culprit was a man of mexican descent (sp?) who did not speak any English. His cousin interpreted for him. He had a DL but no insurance. He offered to pay. Well I let him leave with just writing down his info. I sent him a couple emails of which he originally replied to but his broken English made it difficult to discuss. In the end, I got disgusted when he pushed back on the original estimates and I just filed as uninsured motorist, paid my deductible, and moved on. I did provide the Ins Co his info.

    Over the last month, I have been getting my deductible back in $100 monthly increments. He has taken responsibility for his actions and is paying the Ins. Co monthly.

    I had him written off as a deadbeat, illegal immigrant, using his language barrier as a way to get me to quit working with him.

    In the end I was wrong and should not have judged him this way. Of course, he should have insurance and I could have had him prosecuted, but glad I didn’t go down that road. Sometimes, people surprise you when you give them a chance!


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987



    When the lazy and subsidized become a voting force there is always going to be problems. They will simply vote themselves more free stuff. They would vote/run our country into the ground before taking resposbility. You can see examples of this happening today.

    These are the comments that left unchecked really put a bad spin on things. My hope is that you don’t think everyone or even a majority of people in the party you don’t prefer are “lazy and subsidized”. It is dangerous IMO to pick out the bad apples in a group and stereotype the rest that way.


    I’m refering to the actual lazy and subsidized people out there regardless of their affiliation or race. They are or will be outnumbering “us” soon. They will continue to base votes on what they get for free from “us” the providers until we fall apart. Its already happening.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I agree with Suzuki as well and while this post is about illegals getting a DL I think he hits the nail on the head and I am not singling anyone out. When the lazy and subsidized(no matter what race) are the main voting power they are going to continue to vote for whomever offers them the best handouts.

    I know this would never fly…but to me it makes sense….if you aren’t a productive member of society you don’t get to vote. It just seems to me if you aren’t helping to pull the wagon you shouldn’t have any say in where it goes.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Sloth is generally not considered a redeeming quality and is seldom rewarded, except by our Government!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    Sloth is generally not considered a redeeming quality and is seldom rewarded, except by our Government!

    I disagree! Employers have been doing this for years. They “give away” healthcare under the guise of providing for their employees, yet when their employees become fatter, and have more diabetes, and chronic health conditions, the employers do nothing but continue to provide healthcare to these employees.

    Sloth is getting more and more prevalent in this country and our government is not to blame.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    actual lazy and subsidized people out there regardless of their affiliation or race. They are or will be outnumbering “us” soon

    I’m not sure this is true. Possible. Do you have statistics that show the number of non-working Americans, excluding children and those with disabilities, outnumbers those working? Unemployment is high but still in single digits.


    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890



    Sloth is generally not considered a redeeming quality and is seldom rewarded, except by our Government!

    I disagree! Employers have been doing this for years. They “give away” healthcare under the guise of providing for their employees, yet when their employees become fatter, and have more diabetes, and chronic health conditions, the employers do nothing but continue to provide healthcare to these employees.

    Sloth is getting more and more prevalent in this country and our government is not to blame.


    Remedy:Invite your boss to eat with you, he can tuck you in also!

    Posts: 10

    In ILL the DL will have ” Not valid for ID” all over it similar to the under 21 lettering.

    It hopefully will get them to drive insured. They are going to drive anyways.

    I could twist it to say The Insurance Co. lobbist want to make (regulate) more money for themselves.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    Remedy:Invite your boss to eat with you, he can tuck you in also!

    Expand on this would you. I think I like where you are going, but I’m not 100% sure………..

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    When your employer provides a benefit to you it isn’t because you don’t do anything for him in return. That argument seems like apple to oranges.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I’m not sure this is true. Possible. Do you have statistics that show the number of non-working Americans, excluding children and those with disabilities, outnumbers those working? Unemployment is high but still in single digits.


    He said soon which is a relative term. The unemployment rate only accounts for those actively seeking employment.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987



    I’m not sure this is true. Possible. Do you have statistics that show the number of non-working Americans, excluding children and those with disabilities, outnumbers those working? Unemployment is high but still in single digits.


    He said soon which is a relative term. The unemployment rate only accounts for those actively seeking employment.

    I dont have hard data but have heard from reliable sources there are people in this country collecting welfare that have decent paying jobs.

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771



    I agree with this, but I think there is an assumption that every illegal immigrant is not here working providing for a family. That’s the American dream, right? Well, I say for those that are here, have jobs and want to work should get a crack at citizenship. Which also means they start paying taxes and social security etc… Of course I also assume only the needy citizens are getting healthcare and government benefits given to them. Which we all know isn’t the truth.

    Well said!!

    I’ll throw out an example. On July 4th of 2012, my truck was run into in the Lake Elmo boat ramp parking area. The culprit was a man of mexican descent (sp?) who did not speak any English. His cousin interpreted for him. He had a DL but no insurance. He offered to pay. Well I let him leave with just writing down his info. I sent him a couple emails of which he originally replied to but his broken English made it difficult to discuss. In the end, I got disgusted when he pushed back on the original estimates and I just filed as uninsured motorist, paid my deductible, and moved on. I did provide the Ins Co his info.

    Over the last month, I have been getting my deductible back in $100 monthly increments. He has taken responsibility for his actions and is paying the Ins. Co monthly.

    I had him written off as a deadbeat, illegal immigrant, using his language barrier as a way to get me to quit working with him.

    In the end I was wrong and should not have judged him this way. Of course, he should have insurance and I could have had him prosecuted, but glad I didn’t go down that road. Sometimes, people surprise you when you give them a chance!


    I will put a scenerio together that could change your opinion of why the Hispanic person started to be more compliant. It is possible that he was smart enough to realize that if you called the cops to the scene they would have checked his DL and found out he was here illegally and deported him back to Mexico ?? Before you call me names you can even do some poking around on the web to find out this situation is not far fetched.Several other states have already passed legislation to pass this law and interviewed some Illegals and they thought it was a great deal because now they have proof of a DL and think because of that they have less fear of being deported.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I won’t be doing any name calling, I’m enjoying our ‘conversation’. Just a couple of fisherman shooting the bull on the internet.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    I dont have hard data but have heard from reliable sources there are people in this country collecting welfare that have decent paying jobs.

    Agree, but this is not a majority voting block of people. Even a group large enough to shift elections.

    People doing this sicken me too!!

    I don’t know the answer to immigration. On one hand, being here illegally strikes me the wrong way, on the other, many of them have legitimate jobs, ones that the majority of Americans refuse or would prefer not to do themselves.

    The answer may be somewhere in the middle. Perhaps we make it easier to get here then you need to show you’re “pulling your weight” and the road to citizenship is made easier.

    Thanks guys for the discussion today. I gotta get ready for March Madness!! Get the couch, beverages, and snacks ready!!


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