Looking for a decent 2 Piece Casting Rod?

  • pete/ny
    Youngstown NY
    Posts: 230

    I am heading on a fly in trip in June and want to take my casting reels with me for crankbait trolling.I cannot take any of my assorted 1 pc rods because of length.Can any reccommend a decent rod that is 2 piece and the action is not like a broomstick? There really is not that much out there that I have fond.Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

    Posts: 1693

    I know this is neither 2 piece or casting but it works really well for motorcycle/bicycle/fly-in trips. I have a double ice fishing pole case that will hold two 4 piece 14wt fly rods with spinning reals on them. These 14wt flyrods will cast a bait like nobodies business. In fast you can put so much energy into a cast you have to be careful about not snapping the line. They are traditionally used for saltwater, even sharks. So, they have plenty of backbone without feeling like a broomstick. In fact they are excellent for feeling a walleye nibble on a jig and for tying on a steel leader and a 1oz Johnson Silver Minnow and ripping it for Pike.

    If you wanted to try one with a casting reel you could get a multi piece 14wt flyrod blank off fleabay or used and either build/rebuild it yourself or have one built with a casting handle.

    I’m sure other folks will have plenty of traditional suggestions for you.

    Then again what are you trolling for and how deep? You may need a broomstick.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    There are few options of good travel baitcasters. Reason being there is a lot of stress on that joint between the two.

    I know Haggerty Lures has some really nice ones for sale out in your part of the country.

    I would also recommend a Jet Tube for your rod tube best I have ever found and the most user friendly.


    Knoxville, IL.
    Posts: 208

    I’ve got a zebco PLATINUM Ti, 7 footer that i really like for a 2 piece rod, bought it at Bass Pro! Recommends 6-15 lb line, med. action! graphite eyes awesome for casting or trolling! Have a good trip!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 29

    Look for an “inshore” travel or two piece 7-7.5 foot in a medium action. Not sure why but most of the rods marketed for inshore fishing have a softer curve than those sold for freshwater purposes. St. Croix Tidemaster and Penn are both good examples. An added bonus, their super tough rods! If it fits within your guidelines, Bass pro cranking stick in 7’6″ med. teamed with a lc27 is a personal favorite, own three, and comes with a telescopic handle, collapses down to roughly 6’3″.

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    +1 on the Tidemaster, I love mine. I also like my 6’6″ med. Shimano Claris 2pc baitcasters for Walleye trolling.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    I take this One in a 2 piece 7′ MH, when I go to Canada. I also take a couple 2 piece Lightening Rods for walleye, but the Eagle is for the BIG BOY Pike

    Posts: 1693

    That’s a heck of a nice price point there Big G at $40.

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