True Irony, Cabelas now limits ammo purchases.

  • mark-bruzek
    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    I was in line at a register today at Cabelas in Rogers. The fella ( 60 years old or so) ahead of me was buying some ammo. 2 boxes of shotgun shells and 7 boxes of various rifle caliber. The clerk notified him that the Store has a policy that no one person can buy more then 5 boxes of rifle ammo.

    The clerk ended up doing 2 transactions, 2 boxes shot shells and 5 rifle ammo to the fella and then his wife bought the other 2 boxes of ammo.

    When I stepped up I asked if this was now a company policy or a city ordinance? She noted it was now a Cabelas policy since all the “shootings”.

    I handed her my intended purchase and told her to tell he manager that I will no longer support Cabelas due to the fact they will give in and not even try to fight for the rights of their clients. Then walked out.

    I am absolutely appalled that Cabelas is not standing up for the rights of the the individuals that keep their doors open.

    I am done with them and I ask that you look into such issues where you shop.


    Update on Cabelas, misinformed…

    Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407

    I respect that decision from Cabelas. I would shop there either way but I have nothing against that policy. Everyone has the right to their opinion however. Is it much different than a bartender cutting you off at a bar because they think you drank too much? Every business has to make decisions. Just my thoughts.


    Posts: 4033

    I also respect their right to choose to put in place an ammo limit. However, I do not support it.

    Posts: 699

    They are limiting the amount of ammo a person can buy because they want more than one person to actually get some. That’s all. Their web site says the “limits will be lifted when supply catches up with demand and will provide the best chance for the greatest number of our customers to fulfill their needs.” Nothing more sinister than that.

    Posts: 516

    I like the idea so someone who actually needs a box or two can get it rather then one person buying it all and then trying to sell it for more.

    Posts: 4033

    They did that here. Guys are selling .223 for 200% retail because you cannot find it anywhere.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Gander Mountains here get a shipment Wed mornings… if you are not in line a half hour before store opens to by a maximum of I think 1 box 22 cal or 9mm, you will not get ammo. Even some late arrivers in the line miss out. Not me, but family member has been going.

    Black River Falls
    Posts: 36

    I understand your frustration. Limiting ammo sucks. But limiting for the “shootings” is a bit odd. Limiting for the shortage, I can understand. I am not a fan of Cabelas. They are over priced on fire arms and ammo.Look at there used gun section sometime. You will say WTF? Cabelas is a good clothing store IMO.

    Posts: 6259

    The real question is why is the goverment buying so much ammo?

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    The real question is why is the goverment buying so much ammo?

    Exactly! What are they preparing for?

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Quick, grab all your guns and ammo, dig a hole in the backyard and hide it all. The governments coming, the governments coming!!!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Every store I shop in is doing this unfortunately. The employee was sadly misinformed.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    I think when it is all over, there is going to be lots of ammo sitting in basements/closets/gun safes that will go bad before it is ever shot. Reminds me of when there is a weather forecast of a winter storm and you go to the store and see people with carts full of milk/bread/TP etc.

    Paul Heise
    River Falls, Wi
    Posts: 723


    I think when it is all over, there is going to be lots of ammo sitting in basements/closets/gun safes that will go bad before it is ever shot. Reminds me of when there is a weather forecast of a winter storm and you go to the store and see people with carts full of milk/bread/TP etc.

    You got it! Its all craziness driven by the gov’t. I haven’t felt the urge to go stock up in the slightest. It will be there when I need it! I won’t need a single shell or cartridge till this fall and by then there will be a surplus and prices will have dropped.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I hope you are right, but I don’t think prices will ever drop to pre-panic again. By fall, there will be more available, but not like it was last fall. For those of us who shoot a lot, this stinks. I’m not even sure I consider the amount I shoot a lot compared to some guys I know. I’ve got enough rounds to last me a while simply because I stumbled on some great deals.

    Northeast, Iowa
    Posts: 373


    They are limiting the amount of ammo a person can buy because they want more than one person to actually get some. That’s all. Their web site says the “limits will be lifted when supply catches up with demand and will provide the best chance for the greatest number of our pcustomers to fulfill their needs.” Nothing more sinister than that.


    Posts: 630


    I think when it is all over, there is going to be lots of ammo sitting in basements/closets/gun safes that will go bad before it is ever shot. Reminds me of when there is a weather forecast of a winter storm and you go to the store and see people with carts full of milk/bread/TP etc.

    I hope you are right.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    As a gun owner and carry permit holder, I like the idea that “everybody” who wants ammo, can get it. Hoarding will not help our cause, all of us being adequately armed will The hoarders will still go everyday and get their 5 boxes, but it will hopefully slow them down some

    Central MN
    Posts: 323


    Quick, grab all your guns and ammo, dig a hole in the backyard and hide it all. The governments coming, the governments coming!!!

    That’s when you need to be digging it up.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    One less guy in front of me at the register.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248



    The real question is why is the goverment buying so much ammo?

    Exactly! What are they preparing for?

    Nothing. This internet myth was totally debunked months ago. It was started by tinfoil-lined-hat twonks looking for a way to blame “the government” for the bare ammo shelves instead of dumb[censored] hoarders.

    This alleged “massive order” for ammunition was not an order at all. It was a contract that procurement floated to establish a price and terms. The exagerated figures posted on the internet were not what the government bought, they were the maximum that the contarct would allow the government to buy at the stated price and terms.

    The truth. Always a lot less interesting than internet rumors.


    Posts: 125


    I was in line at a register today at Cabelas in Rogers. The fella ( 60 years old or so) ahead of me was buying some ammo. 2 boxes of shotgun shells and 7 boxes of various rifle caliber. The clerk notified him that the Store has a policy that no one person can buy more then 5 boxes of rifle ammo.

    The clerk ended up doing 2 transactions, 2 boxes shot shells and 5 rifle ammo to the fella and then his wife bought the other 2 boxes of ammo.

    When I stepped up I asked if this was now a company policy or a city ordinance? She noted it was now a Cabelas policy since all the “shootings”.

    I handed her my intended purchase and told her to tell he manager that I will no longer support Cabelas due to the fact they will give in and not even try to fight for the rights of their clients. Then walked out.

    I am absolutely appalled that Cabelas is not standing up for the rights of the the individuals that keep their doors open.

    I am done with them and I ask that you look into such issues where you shop.

    Cabela’s has done more good for sportsmen then any other retail operation to date. All there doing is protecting you from having to pay 10x then normal. By the way never listen to a part time employee. Most of the time your lucky if they show up for work, more less then know all the store policies. Talk to a manager.

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