angling edge rant

  • Bird
    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 317

    To Al, Jim, and Ron,
    Don’t change a thing….love your show!

    Paul Heise
    River Falls, Wi
    Posts: 723

    Didn’t see the rant either, but it might have an impact or inspiration on those who choose to watch it. Its not like he is preaching through the entire show and we all have the freedom to watch or flip the channel at the end. Its not like you don’t know its coming. It very well may be an eye opener to some viewers and give them the courage to go against the grain and show and share what they believe rather than keep quiet like society has slowly done to us believers.

    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    Does anyone remember previous years when the Angling Edge was shown on Fox Sports North on Saturday and replayed on the Versus channel Sunday’s? After NBC Sports bought out Versus the execs told Al he had to drop his inspirational message and any references to God on his program’s. Maybe this was just Al’s way of getting even with all the God haters.

    We received notice from NBC Sports regarding the inspirational message Al presents at the close of each program. The following is a quote from NBC Sports (formerly Versus) “Moving forward, NBC Sports Network will no longer allow any non-sports related content, such as religious content in their programs. Any religious references need to be removed entirely. This includes, but not limited to, on show opens or logos, graphics, animations or any references by talent or guests. This change goes into effect immediately.” Therefore, we have no choice but to remove this segment from our Angling Edge series. We have made the required adjustments and Angling Edge will air as scheduled.

    Nice Job Al

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    I watched the end of the episode I believe is being called a rant. Although he was voicing his displeasure of the film industry, it was a controlled and certainly not a rant. It had a religious nature to it which I found refreshing. His entire statement needed to be said and should be repeated again and again.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394


    To Al, Jim, and Ron,
    Don’t change a thing….love your show!

    Ill second that. His little sermon at the end is one of the reason I like that show. Maybe not everyone’s perspective on life but do like the positive message.

    Kearney, Nebraska
    Posts: 111

    Personally I get more out of Al’s two minute segment then I do out of an hour at church. That way when I skip church to go fishing I just tell my wife I already watched Angling Edge.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166



    Didn’t see the rant. I always make a point to turn the channel at the end. Linders should either do a fishing show or a preaching show. The two don’t mix well together.


    . Jon thanks for your editorial position on this matter as a moderator of this site. Like so many other times you are doing a great job of setting the high standards for the day to day reading enjoyment of IDO.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, Drew. The liberals and conservatives. The believers and non-believers. Even Jon.

    Posts: 7348


    I watched the end of the episode I believe is being called a rant. Although he was voicing his displeasure of the film industry, it was a controlled and certainly not a rant. It had a religious nature to it which I found refreshing. His entire statement needed to be said and should be repeated again and again.

    Cmon Drew, let’s call an apple an apple here. Al got as upset as anyone I have seen in regards to fishing programs and there is nothing wrong than that. I don’t care for people making light of it and trying to pass it off as displeasure. He made a rant and for the most part I think he ‘ranted’ his opinion very well.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    You are correct Sir but not as a representative of this site. It was only about a month ago that a rep of this site used words that made me proud that he felt the need to dress up the words to tell me if I did not like what I see to get lost or f. Hardly a position to take for a business. This is a business right. Thank you for the refresher course in freedom of speech.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    He takes 2 minutes at the end, references the bible a little and talks about a subject on his mind having to do with his spirituality. I don’t think he has ever yelled repent now. I don’t see it as much of a sermon.

    I think it is pretty funny, if not revealing, when people get so defensive about it. Turn the channel.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501



    What makes these solely christian views? Hmmm?

      well here is your hmmm. My attempt to avoid a strong statement in support of Mr. Lindners beliefs was obviously a mistake. I would never turn my back to God at any time especially because his word interferes with my viewing of a fishing show. I have enjoyed watching him fish and I am always thankful for his fishing tips. I have always paid attention to what he has to say at the end of His show. I get a kick out of people who obviously enjoy a God given right to freedom of speech and then belittle others for trying to enjoy that same right. Why do they have to be Christian

      ideas. Well my friend if you want to attach some other reason for his statements go right ahead but I remember him holding a Bible in his hand while making a statement at the end of two of his shows and he referred to verses from it. That maybe a hint. Maybe you would enjoy fishing shows without Bible quotes or references. There are a lot of them out there. I wish I had a ten dollar bill for every time I saw a Pro bass fisher thank God for allowing him to catch a contest winning fish. Hmmm,m,m I have to go or I will be late for 8 am mass. Hey Brian did I confirm with the rules of decorum on this site this time?

      Consider me slapped by your self righteousness and ideals. My values are guided by my spirituality. I don’t question those of a club or an order unless those that belong to such club or order take ownership of good values that guide our way. They don’t belong to only you and your club or order. What say you to try to take them away from me???!!

      Make this go poof! So be it. I said what I said.

      Read into things that are not there much. Going off on a rant on me for something I did not say or suggest is uncalled for Drew.

      I know I can be a prick but calling me out for something that is not there is just disturbing and hatefull.

      s/w WI.
      Posts: 1404



      I watched the end of the episode I believe is being called a rant. Although he was voicing his displeasure of the film industry, it was a controlled and certainly not a rant. It had a religious nature to it which I found refreshing. His entire statement needed to be said and should be repeated again and again.

      if you feel it was a rant it is a rant

      Cmon Drew, let’s call an apple an apple here. Al got as upset as anyone I have seen in regards to fishing programs and there is nothing wrong than that. I don’t care for people making light of it and trying to pass it off as displeasure. He made a rant and for the most part I think he ‘ranted’ his opinion very well.

      Mr. Hamm If you want him to be a ranter, he is by golly. Isthere something else that you feel I misrepresented? I don’t want to take away anything I said about your post that is incorrect. Opps my original statement was not directed at anything you may have posted. So may I determine that your post is a correction of what I posted using my definition of rant. You might read the recent post by another moderator who demands that everyone has a right to his own opinion. Wll Mr. Hamm you have not given me the same courtesy by demanding I had mis used the word rant.

      s/w WI.
      Posts: 1404




      What makes these solely christian views? Hmmm?

        well here is your hmmm. My attempt to avoid a strong statement in support of Mr. Lindners beliefs was obviously a mistake. I would never turn my back to God at any time especially because his word interferes with my viewing of a fishing show. I have enjoyed watching him fish and I am always thankful for his fishing tips. I have always paid attention to what he has to say at the end of His show. I get a kick out of people who obviously enjoy a God given right to freedom of speech and then belittle others for trying to enjoy that same right. Why do they have to be Christian
        ideas. Well my friend if you want to attach some other reason for his statements go right ahead but I remember him holding a Bible in his hand while making a statement at the end of two of his shows and he referred to verses from it. That maybe a hint. Maybe you would enjoy fishing shows without Bible quotes or references. There are a lot of them out there. I wish I had a ten dollar bill for every time I saw a Pro bass fisher thank God for allowing him to catch a contest winning fish. Hmmm,m,m I have to go or I will be late for 8 am mass. Hey Brian did I confirm with the rules of decorum on this site this time?

        Consider me slapped by your self righteousness and ideals. My values are guided by my spirituality. I don’t question those of a club or an order unless those that belong to such club or order take ownership of good values that guide our way. They don’t belong to only you and your club or order. What say you to try to take them away from me???!!
        Make this go poof! So be it. I said what I said.

        Mr. River you have to remember thati it was you that wanted an explanation of my post. I was sure that if I came on to strident, I would bring on exactly what you are doing. I have read your most recent post (not a rant) and I am at a complete loss at what you are trying to tell me. I did catch the phrase “what say you” sounds like Bill OReilly. I am sorry that you became so upset. Good luck the next time out.

        Hudson, Wisconsin
        Posts: 1890

        To all you ranting word warriors I say, with all due respect: Pax Vobiscum!

        On the St.Croix
        Posts: 2501

        Good luck on doing better at reading things that are not there Mr.Drew.

        Isle, MN
        Posts: 22932

        Et cum spiritu tuo

        s/w WI.
        Posts: 1404




        Didn’t see the rant. I always make a point to turn the channel at the end. Linders should either do a fishing show or a preaching show. The two don’t mix well together.


        . Jon thanks for your editorial position on this matter as a moderator of this site. Like so many other times you are doing a great job of setting the high standards for the day to day reading enjoyment of IDO.

        Everyone is entitled to their opinion, Drew. The liberals and conservatives. The believers and non-believers. Even Jon.

        I agree with you Wade without reservation. With his position in this business (Ido) so visible to every member I would think he would soft pedal a little. This is a business right. Does he have the power to delete posts he feels do not meet the criteria of good standards.? Good luck the next time out.

        Hudson, Wisconsin
        Posts: 1890


        Et cum spiritu tuo

        Palmetto, Florida
        Posts: 25026


        With his position in this business (Ido) so visible to every member I would think he would soft pedal a little.

        Does soften the pedal meaning not offer his own opinion?

        Steve Plantz
        SE MN
        Posts: 12239


        To Al, Jim, and Ron,
        Don’t change a thing….love your show!


        I also missed this weeks show but have always enjoyed the show and the message at the end. Also really enjoyed his book as well “First light on the Water” good read!

        Sioux City IA
        Posts: 3974

        I like the end of his segment the best, kind of a daily devotion. The show is not a fishing show, it is a paid advertisement, therefore take what you want away from it. Al is expressing his opinions, his advertisers agree and pay for him to continue running those fishing “commercials”. Maybe Al is a fisher of men. Give him credit, one of the few who doesn’t shy away from his expressive views.

        Posts: 5

        The choice to listen at the end of the show is everyone’s personal choice and they should not be judged if they listen or not. I once asked a local minister who come to our county jail if it bothered him that he gave his time and most of the inmates were not listening. He told me “God called me to preach his word, he never told me I had to make them listen”. You can hear what Al says or change the channel, isn’t America wonderful?

        Posts: 331

        Any way you look at it!

        God Bless America!

        Hudson, WI
        Posts: 133


        The choice to listen at the end of the show is everyone’s personal choice and they should not be judged if they listen or not. I once asked a local minister who come to our county jail if it bothered him that he gave his time and most of the inmates were not listening. He told me “God called me to preach his word, he never told me I had to make them listen”. You can hear what Al says or change the channel, isn’t America wonderful?


        Wilton, WI
        Posts: 2759

        Pug farted…

        Palmetto, Florida
        Posts: 25026

        You heard it all the way over there? Or it just the aroma that made it?

        Mpls, MN
        Posts: 2895

        Gotta be winter…

        Considering each normal program seems to be at least a third commercials now and we have reality programs that haven’t anything to do with reality, the kardashiean whores talking about which one has the better smelling hoo-hoo and
        800 channels on cable and maybe a handful worth watching.

        Al’s little discussion on religion seems kind of not worth the effort to get too excited about.

        btw I always thought the bass guys thanking god for a fish was a bit self centered, if they were true Christians they’d wish their fellow man as much luck…imho


        Farmington, MN
        Posts: 1438

        It is like going to a Springsteen or Pearl Jam show. You need to get through their liberal babbling between songs. The nice thing is Al does it at the end, which signals to me it is time to turn it off.

        Colorado Springs, CO
        Posts: 1316


        If I can stomach watching John Gillespie scream, spit and holler about everything, I can surely put up with a brief positive message from Al.


        Well put Tim. So true…

        Palmetto, Florida
        Posts: 25026

        Who’s John Gillespie?

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