angling edge rant

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  • nhamm
    Posts: 7348

    I think the rant bug of IDO bit Mr.Al this weeks episode because in his monologue he was quite irritated. Although I have much different views on religion than he does I always respect people for expressing their views and not letting your sponsors or businesses get in the way of it. Well done sir, well done.

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 263

    He was pretty worked up. Does it happen often?
    I’m fairly new to watching these fishing shows on tv. I was watching them on line in my free time(which hasn’t been that often).
    Usually the kids have some form of odd humored cartoon on. Or the wife watching her girly shows(when this happens I go outside). Slowly but surely the garage is getting more organized.

    Posts: 7348

    No he usually gives some type of inspirational message from the bible, article or magazine. That is why I was quite shocked at it.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Why doesn’t Hollywood ever have an evil Jewish character or paint a Jewish person of faith as hypocritical or bad?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    What was he worked up about?

    Posts: 3696

    Al has been worked up the last couple weeks I think about the liberal slant in America. First the incorrect perception that all rich people don’t donate money to those that need it (or if they do they have to get recognized for doing so), and second – the rant mentioned above – that Hollywood portrays people of faith in their TV shows and movies as out of touch bafoons or bad guys..

    Good for you Al … couldn’t agree more ~

    Posts: 1960

    Anybody got a link to it?

    Posts: 7348

    They don’t have the episode on their website yet from what I could find, but will post it as soon as they do. All of his messages are at the very end of every episode.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Well? what was his irritation about about? I missed this weeks show.

    Last week he was talking about how the successful people and businesses in his industry are giving people and do give back to society. Pretty much saying sportsmen are good people and that they give back caring about those around them. Couldn’t agree more

    I didn’t see any political slant to that at all.

    Sad and pathetic and self serving to see ones put words into his mouth and make it a political message or a message of there own.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Didn’t see the rant. I always make a point to turn the channel at the end. Linders should either do a fishing show or a preaching show. The two don’t mix well together.


    Posts: 7348

    I believe he made a point to that some time ago as well. The messages are there at the end and it is your choice to view into it or in your case simply turn the channel. I appreciate the show and if he has to give a little message at the end for whatever reason I will listen and take it as is. I’m just glad James in the IDO Shows doesn’t feel the same obligations to his beliefs, or Gillespie, or Muskies Inc., or any other fishing show out there. That would be too much inspiration for this guy to handle.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151


    Didn’t see the rant. I always make a point to turn the channel at the end. Linders should either do a fishing show or a preaching show. The two don’t mix well together.


    I agree I always turn it off at the end to. I like how his shows are pretty technical with a lot of good info. Watching it right now from the dvr will have to watch the end this time.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I turn it on just at the end.

    Posts: 7348


    I turn it on just at the end.

    Posts: 776

    I like his end messages too!I will have to watch the end today too,on Outdoor channel now.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I don’t see his messages as too preachy.although they do center around his spiritual life. You never know, I just might learn something.

    Posts: 1960

    If I can stomach watching John Gillespie scream, spit and holler about everything, I can surely put up with a brief positive message from Al.


    Posts: 4033

    I don’t mind the message at the end. I respect his right to say what he wants. The one thing I don’t like about his shows are that they are filmed 1-2 years in advance. I watched one the other day and they were showing off the brand new eyecon jig rods. At least he shows some good tips that can be put into place anywhere at the right time.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Tend to ignore the preaching, the rest I watch for how he/they fish with an set up and ignore whatever sponsors product they’re pushing at the time.


    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    “Ole” Al is just being a envanglelist. In my case I could use a little, I believe it can’t hurt!!

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I find it easier to listen to a message if I agree with it. Good for Al for sticking to his beliefs. How many times per day do you have to listen to main stream media pushing their liberal beliefs on us?

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    I find it easier to listen to a message if I agree with it. Good for Al for sticking to his beliefs. How many times per day do you have to listen to main stream media pushing their liberal beliefs on us?

    “To thine ownself be true”! Also my moto!

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    I would feel kind of hmmm ? If I turned my back on a Christian idea or two.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    What makes these solely christian views? Hmmm?

    Posts: 730

    I watch just because of his message at the end.
    Al was quite a “rounder” in the day, and for him to have turned his life around inspires me. And he’s right. The media makes heroes out of the bad guys and disdains the good guys who believe in God. RIGHT ON AL !!!!!!

    Posts: 3010

    If you ever have to chance to hear Ron Lindner tell the story of what prompted him to give up the wilder side of life, it’s pretty amazing to hear what his wake up call was.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404


    What makes these solely christian views? Hmmm?

      well here is your hmmm. My attempt to avoid a strong statement in support of Mr. Lindners beliefs was obviously a mistake. I would never turn my back to God at any time especially because his word interferes with my viewing of a fishing show. I have enjoyed watching him fish and I am always thankful for his fishing tips. I have always paid attention to what he has to say at the end of His show. I get a kick out of people who obviously enjoy a God given right to freedom of speech and then belittle others for trying to enjoy that same right. Why do they have to be Christian
      ideas. Well my friend if you want to attach some other reason for his statements go right ahead but I remember him holding a Bible in his hand while making a statement at the end of two of his shows and he referred to verses from it. That maybe a hint. Maybe you would enjoy fishing shows without Bible quotes or references. There are a lot of them out there. I wish I had a ten dollar bill for every time I saw a Pro bass fisher thank God for allowing him to catch a contest winning fish. Hmmm,m,m I have to go or I will be late for 8 am mass. Hey Brian did I confirm with the rules of decorum on this site this time?

      1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
      Posts: 18100

      What I think is important, our way of life is coming under attack more and more every day. The liberals in this country would love to end hunting and fishing forever. Let’s not forget because we may have slight differences amongst ourselves, you know Ford vs Chevy, walleye vs. catfish stuff. Don’t let it divide us so far we can’t see the common theme that brings us all together.

      Al and his family are pioneers in this industry and if he wants to say a few kind words at the end of his show, I think he’s earned it. Just because they tend to biblical based doesn’t mean they don’t generally carry a good message. And like others have said, if you don’t like it, turn the channel. Just don’t lose sight of the fact we all have stand together to protect our rights to hunt and fish in this country soon.

      Cedar Rapids, Iowa
      Posts: 7727

      Seems that I’ve heard Hank Parker and a few others say a few words of grace lately on thier shows too. The lord sure made a beautiful outdoors for everyone to enjoy didn’t he.

      s/w WI.
      Posts: 1404


      Didn’t see the rant. I always make a point to turn the channel at the end. Linders should either do a fishing show or a preaching show. The two don’t mix well together.


      . Jon thanks for your editorial position on this matter as a moderator of this site. Like so many other times you are doing a great job of setting the high standards for the day to day reading enjoyment of IDO.

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