Ranger or Lund

  • lov2fish
    central, IA
    Posts: 85

    Looking to buy a ranger 620 vs fisherman or a Lund 2075 pro v IFS. What are the pro and cons, Which one handles the big waves and rough water best? What about durability if you hit something? Lots of questions. Thanks for any help in helping me with my decision.

    Posts: 31

    I used to think this was the right question. Then I fished out of a Skeeter. You’d be nuts not to look at Skeeter. Skeeter Boat Center, Chippewa Falls. Dean is a great guy and they sponsor IDO!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Both are solid performers. Rear deck is more open on the lund giving you more floor space for multiple people. Typically, the glass is a better ride. Do yourself a huge favor and drive both before you decide. No amount of online research will replace hands on experience for how you will use your boat.
    Good luck!

    Wright County Area
    Posts: 132

    That is a big question. Take a ride in both, and that will help immensely. I fished out of a lund for years, and recently got a ranger 620 fiberglass boat and there is no comparison for me. The fiberglass wins out by far, with that said I like to be able to fish in rougher water and bigger lakes. I can do this in both types of boats but the glass boat holds a better track in the water and feels so much more stable. I guess it really depends on how your fishing and where your fishing also. I will have a hard time ever going back to an aluminum boat however the fish dont know… Downside of glass if you hit a rock it is more prone to cracks and problems. However a rock can mess up any boat also…

    Good luck


    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1920

    Fiberglass all the way.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I currently own a 620.
    Before making the decission, I rode in a couple lunds (2025 & 2075) a couple skeeters, and 1 warrior (which I also really liked).
    After being in the 620 twice, my mind was made up. IMHO, it was the best of all the boats I was in.
    When the day comes for me to buy another new (I was hoping this year but mine is only on 4th season) there will be no looking. Another 620 for sure.
    That’s just one mans opinion. They are all very nice.
    Guess to anwser question at hand, me persoanlly, nothing but glass.
    Happy shopping

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    I can’t speak to the 620vs, but I own a 618vs, and I love my Ranger

    I’ll deffinately be getting another Ranger

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    You are comparing tin to glass. No comparison. Glass is so much better.

    metro area
    Posts: 151

    Like everybody else says, you need to take both for a ride!!
    I know people that went from Lund to Ranger and went right back to a Lund and vise versa. Like a bubby of mine said you cant beat the fishability of a Lund, he had a Ranger, he didnt like it!! Me, I go tin.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Message sent about used 620T that comes with a fishing trip in Tyler Tx

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