what is the best way to store a crappie until i get
it to the taxidermist? how big should it be i always said
over 15 i fish the river. getn tough to find that big on the river
March 13, 2013 at 10:45 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » mounting a crappie
I would not get too hung up on size? A trophy crappie is different for anyone, 15 is a nice fish. Everyone has different standards of what is considered mountable. I wish I would have mounted a couple of 15 inchers years back. I have caught 15 incher since but I always want to get them mounted from a lake that I have memories on or something that was memorable like at the cabin or with some friends etc. Talk to most taxidermists they hear this all the time, some of the best mounts that customers get are the ones that have a great story behind them. Good catch. Big crappies are cool mounts as the fins get really big when they are flared out.
Freeze it flat in a plastic bag.
I’ve always heard just putting it in the freezer, but not quite sure if there is any sort of special care needed
I’ve got a 14-3/4″ I caught on the St. Croix many years ago, and I’ve been wanting to get a replica of that one cause I haven’t caught another one that big since
Welcome to IDO
Best way to store it that will last forever is on your phone or camera then getting a replica done……just saying.
If you feel a fish is worthy of mounting then go for it Don’t mind the replies you will get from the “holier than thou” folks.
Just sayin…
Welcome to IDO
Get a towel wet and carefully wrap the fish in the wet towel and put in freezer.
TG002 is exactly right. Thats what iv done with my fish i got mounted. Great Catch and welcome to IDO! Its a great place to be!
hi zubba
Welcome to IDO.
mounting crappies or any fish, a mountable fish is in the beholder, no minimum size necessary. special trip, family, kids first fish, first anything, is all good.
i’ve mounted fish for over 35 years (am getting out of it tho).
Best thing for taxidermist, is to take multiple pictures when you catch it. do not gut or clean fish in any way, leave it whole.
for under 3 months in freezer, use a plastic garbage bag, put the fish in and lay flat, roll the fish up pushing out any air. For longer that 3 months, use a towel, fully soak the towel with water with fish rolled up inside the towel, then put that into a garbage bag and roll up the same way.
Put fish in freezer, lay flat. You might also want to label it with your name, address and date you caught it; your taxi person would need to have it labeled while in his freezer.
Shop around for a quality fish person before you catch your mounter (so when you catch it, you will know where you are going with it). Look at their work not just pictures. If their work is cheap, their work will probably show it, and you will not be happy with it over the long term.
Good Luck,
and again Welcome,
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