Rainy River condition

  • trophy_hunter_15
    SE Minn
    Posts: 23

    We are planning a trip to the rainy river for the wknd of the 22nd. Can anyone please keep me informed on the condition. Almost wondering if it will be open by than as we have had no wam weather to melt. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Posts: 1009

    Might want to make a change of plans or at least have a back up incase!

    Fox river could be starting to get good by then… Just an option….

    we have plans for april 6th for the rainy.. If conditions are bad of still frozen it will be the fox for us!

    good luck..

    I’m praying for warmer days too

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    Think the reports said 7 or 9 miles to go to birchdale as of yesterday.

    Posts: 556

    if 10 day forcast holds true, i doubt the ramps will be open at birchdale by then….might be able to push over..?? interesting year…..could go alot of ways…looks like slow progress for a while though…….good luck.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    As of this last weekend, They’re still driving Bombediers out the river out to the lake.

    SE Minn
    Posts: 23

    Thanks guys.. Like we thought. The ice still thick. God gave us pool 4 for a reason……………To fish.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Just be patient…just a few years ago we fishded in the boat by Frontier and guys were still driving vehicles on the river by Wheelers.

    west central minnesota
    Posts: 13

    keep checking the clementson resort website they have river conditions there on 3/11 the river was 9 miles from birchdale

    west central minnesota
    Posts: 13

    we are going up the 29th

    SE Minn
    Posts: 23

    We are planning for the 22 nd pending conditions. Reports look promising.

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