yamaha f150

  • been fishing
    Posts: 43

    whats the best way to change oil in a f150 with out getting oil all over thanks

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Big piece of cardboard bent into a V angled to a drain pan and have someone hold it while you take the plug out. Its a 2 person job to do it with out a big mess.

    Breezy Point, MN
    Posts: 207

    One person job here, tilt motor all the way up then remove drain plug and lower motor til oil comes out, have funnel ready to direct oil into pan. This job is not messy if done right.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I used to use the old college beer bong. Large funnel with a flexible hose attached running to the oil pan.

    Last fall I skeptically purchased one of those kits and was pleasantly happy with the process. I’ll try to find the link to add.

    Also, if you don’t know, tilt the motor up before removing the plug. Once the plug is removed, tilt the motor down to drain.

    You Tube has videos for the procedure.

    Dave Bonjour
    Menomonie Wisc
    Posts: 36

    Do a google for tilt n drain, I believe I paid around $15 works for all Yamaha outboards, I have 115 Yamaha , works great made in Minnesota

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 317

    Place an 18 inch piece of duct tape under the screw. Only sticking a couple inches to the motor and the rest hanging freely. Place your drain bucket below the tape. Open the screw slowly, the oil will run down the tape.

    Posts: 4033


    Place an 18 inch piece of duct tape under the screw. Only sticking a couple inches to the motor and the rest hanging freely. Place your drain bucket below the tape. Open the screw slowly, the oil will run down the tape.

    Piece of string works too. Make it go all the way to about an inch above your drain pan. The oil will run right down the string no matter what angle you have the motor at.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    I have one of the adapter kits that I bought online. Works great. No mess at all. Explains it perfectly in the directions.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    I had mine done at the dealer this year, since it was the first oil change for the motor

    I was wondering how much does it cost you guys to do it yourself?

    Is their any real savings?

    Cokato, MN
    Posts: 114

    Paid $160 2 years ago at Cabelas. Likely more now. I do it myself now with Amsoil top and bottom for about $75. And I don’t forget to put oil cap back on like they did

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Yeah, to have it winterized, and the oil changed it cost me almost $250

    Posts: 125


    Do a google for tilt n drain, I believe I paid around $15 works for all Yamaha outboards, I have 115 Yamaha , works great made in Minnesota

    Just saw the video. I will be getting one. Thanks

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