• Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240


    What I found significant was that this person was once in favor of gun control. When she understood the truth about the 2nd Amendment, she grasped the importance of no gun control. Everyone in America needs to view this.

    Her analysis of the basis for our Constitutional right to bear arms is the best I have heard – it makes too much sense to come from one of our politicians.

    This young lady hits the nail on the head, telling a side of the gun control issue that most have never thought about. Take a couple minutes to listen to what a very bright young black woman has learned.

    Forward on because everyone needs to hear this.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5829

    I think she does too.

    Posts: 348

    Very bright and smart woman. Obamma should listen to her and all of us, we will never give in.

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 362

    As a not-so-bright white man I am still confused why this issue is fastening large weaponry control to the right to bear arms.

    I should have the right to own a rifle, not a Sherman tank.

    I can own a handgun, not a Star Wars laser guided targeting system.

    The difference?

    It is in the sheer numbers of humans that I can kill in one squeeze of the trigger.

    If WE decide to overthrow our outdated and corrupted government, then imagine 300 million of US armed with legally procured guns storming the administration. That is majority rule.

    Or consider ONE idiot armed with spray weaponry taking out 3 of your loved ones along with 30 other innocent people who were simply shopping at the mall.

    These are 2 DIFFERENT types of weapon uses and the discussions in DC are designed to eliminate the IDIOT, not the WE.

    If you have a better way to do this, speak up.

    The devil is in the details.

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    How would like like to defend your family with a revolver or a bolt action long gun,while a drug lord or crazed robber is standing on your door step with a ar16 with a 100 round clip. My point is in order to defend yourself you need to have equal fire power. Its kinda like the old saying dont bring a knife to a gun fight.

    Posts: 484

    Very good! Thanks!

    Southern Wisconsin
    Posts: 113

    Excellent!!! Thanks for sharing and yes she gets it!!!

    Posts: 7348


    As a not-so-bright white man I am still confused why this issue is fastening large weaponry control to the right to bear arms.
    I should have the right to own a rifle, not a Sherman tank.
    I can own a handgun, not a Star Wars laser guided targeting system.

    The difference?
    It is in the sheer numbers of humans that I can kill in one squeeze of the trigger.

    If WE decide to overthrow our outdated and corrupted government, then imagine 300 million of US armed with legally procured guns storming the administration. That is majority rule.

    Or consider ONE idiot armed with spray weaponry taking out 3 of your loved ones along with 30 other innocent people who were simply shopping at the mall.

    These are 2 DIFFERENT types of weapon uses and the discussions in DC are designed to eliminate the IDIOT, not the WE.
    If you have a better way to do this, speak up.

    The devil is in the details.

    Guns don’t kill people, blah blah blah we have heard this a million times but it is true. Your line of thinking is exactly how our politicians want you thinking BC they could then pass any law they want as long as its protecting you. There is a grey area when it comes to what should be banned a and I think we can all agree to that but a simple weapon such as an AR is well below that line. Its this I am not responsible for my own actions and everything is everyone else’s fault and look at me society nowadays with the twittering and face booking crap that is out there everyone’s world revolves around themselves. Kids, the mentally ill and non mentally ill are being raised along these lines and in their mind and can do whatever they want BC its all about their feelings. They never had their butts handed to em by a teacher nun, or a parent or any other figure in their lives who made them realize that you are only one person in this world and its a lot bigger than you so get over yourself. We have had guns around forever, and if people wanted to mass murder 50 years ago they would have done it but the way that society thought was a lot different than it does today and sadly I expect these to become all to common now.

    Posts: 7

    finaly some people are starting to figure it out. someone explain it to obama

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 54

    Thanks for the post. I will forward and hope they watch this, then think a little and not just listen to the Feinstein’s of the country!

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    Very well said and thought out, hope more people listen with an open mind!

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