Muskie vs salmon/steelhead rods

  • Rusty21
    Posts: 50

    Anybody know the difference between a casting Muskie rod and a casting salmon/steelhead rod? Assuming they are both the same length and stiffness.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Salmon rods will have a more paroblic action to them where the whole rod loads where a Muskie rod will have a fast to extra fast action where only the first 12-20″ of the rod loads. The only way you could use a salmon rod for muskies is maybe as a trolling rod? I can’t see a situation that using a Muskie rod for salmon would be a good idea.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    Salmon rods are usually softer tips, the actions are moderate- mod-fast-med fast. This is to protect light lines and running fish. The rated lure weights are lighter and the line rating is lower. ( don’t over think those though, that is only a guideline)

    Muskie rods usually have more power because you are using heavier baits and fishing them harder. They are usually Fast action, they have more backbone and are usually higher graphite to give the rod faster deflection. (usually again there are exceptions to all of this).

    Posts: 445

    I don’t think I could have said it any better than Tim did. There is a big difference in the way the rods are designed to load when casting.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I don’t think I can cast a float and fly rig with a Muskie rod set up (maybe a super heavy set up), but the Salmon/Steelhead rod is excellent for that technique.

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