Traffic on Snow Days

  • carroll58
    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Minnesota should adopt the rule done other states have on cars off the road:
    If your car/vehicle leaves the roadway, not blocking traffic, your vehicle with sit until after Rush Hour and the roadways have been plowed full width.
    Law Enforcement will give you a ride to a safe location to wait out the storm.

    Who is with me on this?

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Most of the people I encounter are fine. It is the one or two “ethels” on the road that are terrified and screw it up for the rest of us.

    In NW Wisc the back roads were 40-45 MPH and the freeway was 50 MPH. Yet you always run in behind some “ethel” that is terrified and doing 30 MPH.

    I also agree with the OP. Clear it and leave it sit.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I drove around one of those drivers this morning. Female.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317


    Most of the people I encounter are fine. It is the one or tow “ethels” on the road that are terrified and screw it up for the rest of us.

    In NW Wisc the back roads wew 40-45 MPH and the freeway was 50 MPH. Yet you always run in behind some “ethel” that is terrified and doing 30 MPH.

    I also agree with the OP. Clear it and leave it sit.

    You’re going to get old one day to Wade. I hope that people think the same of you then

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    so you guys are saying its OK and SAFE to drive 65-70 mph in these conditions???????????

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I was amazed this morning at how many cars pulled out from side streets in front of me.

    Traveling on County 18 3 miles to I-94, people were pulling out like the road was dry.I’m going 30 mph and could slow/stop ok…and did. One GUY blew a stop sign just to get ahead of me….and of course I had to slow down until he could get up to speed on the snow covered road.

    On another note, I hope when I get older I’ll have enough sense (enough CENTS too) to stay home on days like today.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    White knuckled drivers? Are you sure about that?
    What the hell is wrong with driving in a safe manner for you and your vehicle Mr. Insurance Man?
    If you guys are in such a hurry to get somewhere on days like this, leave home earlier.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    The guy in front of me on the HWY was in a Jeep with those nice 3 foot high tires. He was going about 30 MPH in what can only be described as somewhere in the middle ( it varied wildly ). That was fun to be behind going over the Wakota bridge…

    I also had someone who had to pull in front of me before his light changed so he could get onto 494 via the valley creek exit that slid three lanes over before he figured a correction was in order was interesting to watch also to say the least.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    On days like today, living 5 miles from work is fantastic!

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907


    so you guys are saying its OK and SAFE to drive 65-70 mph in these conditions???????????

    Oh absolutely thats what we are saying…

    You dont read too well do you?

    Why do people deem it necessary to try to make up things from what they think they read? If you will go back a READ what was written there was NOTHING said about 65-70mph speed.

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    I’m with good ole BK, if you don’t slow down when the road is bad ya find yo happy azz off staring at a nice snow drift to say the very least.
    Ice is the very worst, seen too many doing cookies on it, and then setting in the ditch batting their eyes like a bullfrog in a hail storm.
    My rant for the day. Thanks

    Roger here

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    It is tough to drive more than 30 mph in these conditions with a cell phone in your ear while putting on lip stick.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924



    so you guys are saying its OK and SAFE to drive 65-70 mph in these conditions???????????

    Oh absolutely thats what we are saying…

    You dont read too well do you?
    Why do people deem it necessary to try to make up things from what they think they read? If you will go back a READ what was written there was NOTHING said about 65-70mph speed.

    oh i read quite well…….thank you. i got the impression from your post 40-50 mph on these road conditions they were ethels. and so flipping what someone was going 30 dont like it go around or leave early.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I see the problem two fold this morning here in St Paul. First, several drivers had bad tires or no weight over the rear tires. They came to a stop at a light or sign and that was it. Stuck right where they came to a stop. Second – not one plow had been out on any of the main streets. Eight inches of new snow had many of these small cars riding through axel deep snow.


    Dodge Center, MN
    Posts: 192


    On days like today, living 5 miles from work is fantastic!

    What is better is being a teacher and having school canceled and avoiding ALL of the idiots!!!

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    To the guy driving the S10 with no weight in the back on 100 South and fishtailing and passing everyone today:

    Yes, you ARE more important than us. Carry on, good sir!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    someone was going 30 dont like it go around or leave early.

    While road conditions are OK to do 45ish. They aren’t OK to be passing some “ethel” doing 30. Hence the fact one person can screw it up and make it dangerous fo the rest of us.

    To be fair I was just as concerned with the guy running 60 in his 4X4 jeep. Apparently 4X4 makes him immune to the laws of physics.



    White knuckled drivers? Are you sure about that?

    What the hell is wrong with driving in a safe manner for you and your vehicle Mr. Insurance Man?

    When it becomes a safety concern for the rest of the drivers on the roadway that’s when.

    Simply put, some drivers shouldn’t be operating vehicles on major roadways during certain conditions if there not comfortable with it. A large percentage of accidents caused on major roadways are from drivers who are not operating there vehicles within the flow of traffic, whether that be higher speeds or believe it or not lower speeds as well.

    You can’t tell me that someone who is only driving 20 MPH on the highway while the rest of the flow of traffic is traveling at speeds of 45+ MPH isn’t a safety concern?

    There are plenty of other travel options for those who don’t feel comfortable driving in these conditions. There’s backroads, carpooling, city buses, etc.

    Posts: 699


    It is tough to drive more than 30 mph in these conditions with a cell phone in your ear while putting on lip stick.

    Um…are you trying to say something?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    that theory aint right man!! what right does anyone have deciding what is a safe speed in what type of road conditions and whats not. and to decide who gets to drive in them conditions and who shouldnt.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Then I’d just stay behind ‘ethel’ knowing I’ll still get where I’m going in due time and in one piece. A few of us can still remember what it was like to drive in the winter before we could afford anything with 4 wheel drive. Some of those habits don’t leave.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    It is tough to drive more than 30 mph in these conditions with a cell phone in your ear while putting on lip stick.

    With a little practice, it’s not that hard.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    that theory aint right man!! what right does anyone have deciding what is a safe speed in what type of road conditions and whats not. and to decide who gets to drive in them conditions and who shouldnt.

    I agree with Justin on this.

    I-494 E.B. near 169 this am, I was finally able to pass a Toyota 4-runner at 7am driving with no lights with light snow in the center lane doing only 30mph. Glanced to see a brunette in her approx late 40’s/early 50’s with a WHITE KNUCKLE Grip on the steering wheel, while everyone else was going on pass her approx 40-45mph.

    Plenty safe and most were leaving safety room between themselves and others.

    Yes, I will JUDGE her and say she should NOT be out driving in this weather!

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    Way too many white knuckled drivers in this state during snowy conditions. Makes it dangerous to be on the roadway.


    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 445

    I am so glad I can walk to work… especially on snow and ice days!

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    Minnesota should adopt the rule done other states have on cars off the road:
    If your car/vehicle leaves the roadway, not blocking traffic, your vehicle with sit until after Rush Hour and the roadways have been plowed full width.
    Law Enforcement will give you a ride to a safe location to wait out the storm.

    Who is with me on this?

    My rant today is due to the extra time everyone else has to sit in a backup because someone else made a mistake in judgement and went off the road.

    This morning the backup went for 7-miles on 212 E.B. due to a Prius sitting stuck in snow up the sideslope at the Wallace Road Exit just before 212 joins Hwy 5 in Eden Prairie.

    2-E.P. Squads and a Tow Truck blocking the shoulder and partially into the right lane. This cost the people ahead of me back to me approx (2-lanes @ 2,000 cars per hour x 1/2 hour delay, so approx 2,000 cars ahead delayed for 30 minutes = 60,000 minutes / 60 =) 1,000 hours of delay time.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Funny, I haven’t had anybody pull in front of me this morning. Of course I was driving my 1 ton plow truck Amazing the amount of room I get driving that.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    I think its safe to say that everyone believes they are an excellent driver and just about everyone else on the roads should drive more like them

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