I have had a lot of good results from using different ice fishing spoons(rocker minnows, jigging raps, hogger spoons, etc)while fishing winter and pre spawn on the river oer the years..
BUT<< only as a presentation to get some good eaters.. If you want to get big eyes on the river with any consistancy you need to be fishing much shallower than you would typically fish any of these lures including slender spoons..
Im not saying you wouldnt get a big fish on them, It could happen..
There are much better methods for consistant catches of larger fish..
think shallow water and walleyes.. colder water temps go slower
as things warm up get a little more agresive.. larger eyes are a different fish from the smaller brothers..
they tend to feed in a little different depths and there are not near as many so you will get bit less.. take some mental notes on what you were doing the last time you gat a big one and try and repeat.. keep at it and youll do it again!!!!…