Cat Rant

  • trophy19
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Another rant….

    What do you do with cats roaming loose & getting into garages, cars, killing birds, crapping in kid’s sandboxes, etc.?

    Another city ordinance that doesn’t apply to many people…

    Don’t want to harm the animal,,,not the cat’s fault – just want it to stop coming on my property.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    BB gun….pellet rifle, one pump. Not a break action pellet gun.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Women and cats will do as they darned well please- – men and dogs might as well get used to it.jerr

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Poisoned fish remnants? Kill all the stray cats you can the birds at your feeder will thank you!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    BB gun….pellet rifle, one pump. Not a break action pellet gun.

    X2. The only good cat is a……

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    BB gun….pellet rifle, one pump. Not a break action pellet gun.

    Good suggestion as long as the barrel is pointed at the owner.

    Really, finding out who the owner is and talking to them (nicely) about it has worked for me a the neighbors pit bull.

    IF it’s a stray cat…I call open season, but feeding and capturing it, then taking it to the human society is one of the few options.

    Some people have used the “dog catcher” to communicate to the neighbors, but that would be a second level deterrent in my book.

    Just because the neighbors have a cat/dog doesn’t mean I want one.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I say you can shoot them if you want as long as its legal to shoot a gun where this happens. I dont advocate city sniping for cats but at the same time I cant stand those wasteful killers roaming the streets. I would have to be in the right frame of mind to shoot a cat. The one time I pulled on one I coulndt do it and that was when I was a young teenager and killed everything.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Try the three S’s.

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    for cats, my neighbor has a cure, he uses a live trap, and takes the pussums he catches out to his brother’s farm and lets um loose.
    Then the coyotes make lunch out of em, never to be seen again. Works well too.
    They get into his garbage and scatter it, that is his hate on for em.

    Thanks for reading.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I love the bravado this post provokes every year. I see people who shoot stray cats worse than those who leave their dog crap. Behind every stray cat or outdoor cat is an irresponsible idiot of an owner.

    I came back one weekend to find a chipmunk, a red squirrel and a gray squirrel all on the side of the house.

    On days I would see cats I would chase them and try and scare the heck out of them.

    In our neighborhood it was about 3-4 cats. All from the same house I believe. That stopped when one of his cats went missing. Now I don’t see stray cats very often anymore.

    What I wanted to do when they were a problem is catch or trap them and then dump some ketchup on them. I think that would be a good warning.

    I also contacted a city rep about the problem. He sympathized with me since he had the same problem. I asked if I could live trap them and bring them to a shelter and he cautioned against doing anything to them because in the eyes of the law, they are property.

    I can’t remember if he said there was a law against it. I don’t understand how you can have a leash law for dogs, but not cats.

    Nicolet County
    Posts: 222

    Being that I live in the country surrounded by marsh and farm fields, does that still make me a horrible person if I occasionally pop a mangy feral tomcat that comes around harassing my barn cats? No bravado here, but distemper and mange in feral cats isn’t pretty.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    My dad raises 12,000 pheasants each summer. Feral cats are prime 17 practice. Along with coon, badger adn coyotes. Living in the country and taking care of one’s self continues to become more and more attractive.

    Posts: 94

    Be careful. This problem can make your town famous/infamous.

    Police chief charged with cat shootings
    West Concord, MN (US)

    Incident Date: Tuesday, Feb 28, 2006
    County: Dodge

    Disposition: Alleged

    Alleged: Robert Utech

    The mayor of this southern Minnesota town is defending the police chief after criminal charges that he killed cats, including using a rifle to shoot out of a moving vehicle while trying to kill one stray.

    Chief Robert Utech is charged in Dodge County District Court with felony mistreatment of animals and a gross misdemeanor charge of misconduct by a public official. He’s on paid administrative leave.

    But at a raucuous town meeting Thursday night, Mayor Burt Boe called the charges “trumped up” and said that even if Utech did shoot cats — which Boe insists he didn’t — it was because of complaints that stray cats are overrunning the city.

    “These cats have pretty (much) cleaned out all the song birds in this town,” Boe said. “And because there are so many of them, they’re hard to catch. They’re hard to catch. You got to really work at it.”

    The criminal complaint charges Utech with shooting the cats and dumping their remains near a grain elevator in town. In the complaint, Tom Sendecky, a former part-time West Concord police officer, contends that he was once driving a squad car while Utech, seated in the passenger seat, was pointing a rifle out the window and shooting at a cat.

    Utech then allegedly got out of the squad car and shot at the cat as he chased it down Main Street, the complaint said.

    Utech has not yet entered a plea to the charges. He could not immediately be reached for comment Friday. His attorney, Tony Spector, told The Associated Press he had no comment on the charges.

    The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office launched the investigation after a West Concord resident reported that six of his cats had been shot, and he suspected Utech was involved. The case has since been turned over to the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office.

    At the Thursday night meeting, resident Carl Martin defended Utech as a kind-hearted animal lover who has nine cats of his own. Martin also said the allegations are hard to believe because Utech is known around town as a bad shot. “I doubt Bob could hit the cat,” he said.

    But some residents expressed concern that the case was making West Concord, in the words of one meeting attendee, the “laughingstock of southern Minnesota.” The city of 850 residents is about 30 miles west of Rochester.

    “I got friends two hours away calling and mentioning about the city of West Concord,” resident Scott Greenwood said. “They make this town look like a bunch of hillbillies.”

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987


    My dad raises 12,000 pheasants each summer. Feral cats are prime 17 practice. Along with coon, badger adn coyotes. Living in the country and taking care of one’s self continues to become more and more attractive.

    Yea. Guys in the country can deal with many things however they want while us cidiots have to worry about getting caught.

    Posts: 7348



    BB gun….pellet rifle, one pump. Not a break action pellet gun.

    X2. The only good cat is a……

    X3. a dead one.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Being that I live in the country surrounded by marsh and farm fields, does that still make me a horrible person if I occasionally pop a mangy feral tomcat that comes around harassing my barn cats? No bravado here, but distemper and mange in feral cats isn’t pretty.

    Well when you explain the circumstances in detail like that, I understand. Nevermind.

    I got no problem taking out problem or potential problem feral cats.

    The Villages Florida
    Posts: 364

    So, if I set a live trap for “opossum” and catch the neighbors so called ‘property’ when I return it I should be thanked and maybe rewarded After the first time I would be catching a “free ranging” feral predator.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Drop it off at the local shelter then pretend you need something in your car and leave without giving them one scrap of info.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I assume the OP is referring to domesticated cats that wander the ‘hood and NOT feral cats, which are wild animals.

    Unless you don’t care about starting a fight and hoping you aren’t the one that gets his buttski handed to him, do NOT kill the cat. Monumentally stupid move, IMO and a great way to end up with either the cat owner’s 6’4″, 275 pound MMA-fighter brother-in-law, the police, or a process server (or all 3 if your luck is really bad) showing up at your door. All it takes is one witness to your little cat sniping antics, and the spit hits the spam.

    I don’t know what it is, but for some reason any conversation about cats seems to bring out the shoot it, stab it, poision it, hit it with a guided missile, etc, etc tough guys.

    Brothers, we’re dealing with a creature with a brain the size of a walnut here. Let’s not make this so hard. So the neighbor’s cat is coming around and crapping in your flower bed? No problem. Apply a little aversion thereapy and problem solved.

    You just have to use your big ol’ brain and get a little creative. We had the cat from 2 houses down strolling over and laying one down every day in Mrs. Grouse’s flower bed.

    So I went out and put a big old garden sprinkler right in the middle of the flower bed and hooked up the hose. But! I turned off the hose at the cold weather shutoff in the basement, but left the tap outside on.

    It took a while, but eventually Mrs. Grouse looked out the window and spotted Fluffy picking her spot to lay one down in the flower bed.

    Downstairs I went, and I threw the valve on. Fluffy was just in the middle of grunting the first one out and WHAMO! That nice cold shower comes on full bore. Fluff’s @sshole must have slammed shut like a car door! Mrs Grouse saw it, but I wish I’d have had her take a cell phone video so I could have seen it too! Fluffy got absolutely soaked.

    And as a result, Fluffy has taken her porta-potty business elsewhere. It only took once.

    See? It doesn’t have to be so hard. Just put down RPG launcher and get a little creative. It’s a lot less risky and, dammit, it can also be a lot of fun.


    SE WI
    Posts: 146


    … I see people who shoot stray cats worse than those who leave their dog crap. Behind every stray cat or outdoor cat is an irresponsible idiot of an owner….

    There also might be an irresponsible idiot of an owner’s child,who’s pet you just killed…Or wounded,if you’re not a very good shot. My now-50 year old wife still gets teary-eyed remembering her pet cat who crawled home to die in her arms when she was 8 years old.

    I bring cats to the humane society. I’m not very happy doing it,but my wife’s cats get all excited when some stray is outside taunting them…I see the pawprints in the snow – it IS taunting them. They respond to this by pissing on “things” that spend a lot of time outdoors. My “things” – coats,bibs,boots,etc.

    But to coldly kill what is potentially some child’s pet simply because that child’s parents are irresponsible? Maybe I’m getting soft in my old age,but I could never risk doing that.

    Posts: 125

    The the city I live in we can live trap them. Then the humane society will pick them up and if the owner is responsible for letting them run loose they will be charged a fine. A buddy of mine had many issues with cats in his neighborhood and he trapped them all. It sucks having to mess with them but a lot better then being caught shooting someone’s pet.

    Posts: 1960


    Poisoned fish remnants?

    Horse-[censored] advise!!!

    Poisoning anything is a terrible way to kill it. I have trapped, shot, and speared thousands of animals, and I surely am not a treehugger, but I try to do it humanely. Anybody that can consciously poison a stray or feral cat or dog without remorse deserves NO respect in my opinion. It is a lowdown, rotten, cowardly thing to do. If your gonna kill something, be a man and do it cleanly……not in a lingering, suffering fashion. Poisoned animals suffer terribly.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248



    Poisoned fish remnants?

    Horse-[censored] advise!!!

    Poisoning anything is a terrible way to kill it. If your gonna kill something, be a man and do it cleanly……not in a lingering, suffering fashion. Poisoned animals suffer terribly.

    Totally agree.

    Also, the chance of this biting you in the [censored] by having some OTHER animal get into the poisioned bait is freaking awful. What if your neighbor’s dog was to get loose and get into the bait? Good job genius, you just killed off the neighbor kid’s best friend.

    Like I said, get a little creative and apply some aversion therapy and the problem goes away. There’s no freaking reason to napalm the neighborhood to keep a cat from crapping in your flower bed.


    Hastings MN
    Posts: 263

    I spray them with the garden hose.
    One time one was in the front yard when I got home. I sprayed it and it wouldn’t move very far. Come to find out it was a neighbors, and had been hit by a car(broken pelvis). Owner is a vet and I think surgery was done. None of their pets have left their yard since.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    There also might be an irresponsible idiot of an owner’s child,who’s pet you just killed…Or wounded,if you’re not a very good shot. My now-50 year old wife still gets teary-eyed remembering her pet cat who crawled home to die in her arms when she was 8 years old.

    I thought about that too.

    As for bringing it in to a shelter, like I said, it is property and you best not get caught. Personally I think you should be able to and every city should have a law against letting cats run loose.

    I understand sometimes they sneek out too, but I am talking about ones you see all the time.

    Posts: 4941


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