Dog Crap

  • Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Here’s my rant for the day. Sorry if I offend anyone, but if this offends you, you deserve it.

    I am disgusted by people who don’t clean up after their dogs. We walk our dog twice daily, and we always pick up his poop. Why do others think that they don’t have to? I could care less if your dog poops in a field and you leave it–fine. I’m talking about right in the middle of the sidewalk! In our short, couple block jaunt this morning, I counted 5-6 piles of dog crap on the sidewalk. Come on! I understand that picking up dog poop isn’t the most pleasant task (try picking up after a Great Dane), but it’s something you need to do when you own a dog. Do you think I want to step in it? Or that I enjoy it when my dog steps in it?

    To the jack ars(es) in my neighborhood that do this, you’re going to get a piece of my mind if I ever catch you.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I support you in your rant!

    However I also have problems when people don’t pick it up in the field if there is a chance kids or dogs could come in contact with it, at say a park, football field, woods adjacent to a park.

    The obvious is that a kid or adult could still step in it. The other is that dog diseases can be spread by poop.

    Michelle won’t even let me set a bag O’ Poo down to be picked up on the way back. Our dogs poop about 2 minutes into the walk, so I carry the thing for 30-45 minutes. But I can see her point. No one knows that you are going to come back for it and you looko like an arse leaving it sit on the side of the road.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Same [censored] no matter where you live. Poop heads don’t pick up after their Pooch!

    Seen it in Hudson, years ago, in Plymouth, and now in Chaska

    Paintball gun may work to mark the Perps, then call the Police!

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1301

    I totally agree the park we frequent has dog bags in several convenient locations for free, trash cans spaced evenly around the park and people still do not pick it up.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    But, then again I have a problem with all the Deer crapping all over my backyard. I end up cleaning up after them too!

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Yep, Rant away.
    These types of individuals simply make me sick.
    Someone recently made a remark that they are about 47% of the population that doesn’t want to do thier share and expect you, or someone else to do it for them .
    Guessing these cuplrits fall right into that catagory
    Wow, Now I feel better too

    Willy Wonka
    Forest Lake, Mn.
    Posts: 161

    I agree with you both. I live outside of town in a rural area. I have a dog and like both of you I pick up his logs (Lab) and bring it home. I also stop at a local park from time to time if I want a change of scenery. I always find piles of stool there.

    Dogs aside I have a little different gripe on the same subject. It is very common for people to ride horses by my house. The riders seem to think it is ok to ride down in the ditch and walk along the edge of my yard. It never fails for one of the plugs to dump his load on my driveway, or in the area I mow. I personally hate everything about a horse, but I really get ticked off when I have to take the wheel barrow and pick up a five gallon pail of horse crap before I can even mow. I would love to follow them to their home and take a dump on their lawn But I am sure that would be wrong.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    You are right. I cant even stand people letting their dog pee in my yard. I tell them to stop whenever I catch them.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    However I also have problems when people don’t pick it up in the field if there is a chance kids or dogs could come in contact with it, at say a park, football field, woods adjacent to a park.

    Yes. Depends on the field. Away from town, I am fine with. But I see plenty of crap in the park. Gross. It really doesn’t make me want to let my son play there.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Here’s my rant for the day. Sorry if I offend anyone, but if this offends you, you deserve it.

    I am disgusted by people who don’t clean up after their dogs. We walk our dog twice daily, and we always pick up his poop. Why do others think that they don’t have to? I could care less if your dog poops in a field and you leave it–fine. I’m talking about right in the middle of the sidewalk! In our short, couple block jaunt this morning, I counted 5-6 piles of dog crap on the sidewalk. Come on! I understand that picking up dog poop isn’t the most pleasant task (try picking up after a Great Dane), but it’s something you need to do when you own a dog. Do you think I want to step in it? Or that I enjoy it when my dog steps in it?

    To the jack ars(es) in my neighborhood that do this, you’re going to get a piece of my mind if I ever catch you.

    Thanks for doing your part. We have dogs that of course use the yard. Somehow people walking their dogs felt it was OK for them to leave their dog’s droppings in our yard cause we have dogs.

    The only reason I know is cause I caught two different people letting their dog’s go poop and then leaving it there.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3498

    Two summers ago there were a couple kids (probably 13 or 14 yr old girls) walking a horse sized dog (just like yours Ralph) in our neighborhood. I had seen the dog several times before. They were on the side walk in front of my neighbors house when I was coming home from work. The dog was just finishing doing his business on the grass between the sidewalk at the street. It was the kind of pile you could trip over. It didn’t appear they had any intention of picking it up. As they were walking away, I backed up, rolled down my window and told them I hoped they were planning to pick it up. They looked like they saw a ghost. They told me they would be back to pick it up (they didn’t have a bag). Sure enough, within a half hour, they came back to pick it up. I don’t think they would have if I would not have said anything.

    This ranks up there with throwing cigarette butts out your car window or emptying your ashtray out your car window. Slobs….

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    Dont get me started on butts. Those things never rot!!!

    Posts: 1471

    This is a great Rant. We have a neighbor that lets his little wiener dog run loose. Always comes to our yard and craps. My wife got so tired of it that she would shovel up the crap and throw it in his driveway. Didn’t seem to catch on so one time she even laid it on there walk up to the front door. Finally follwed the dog home and knocked on the door and confronted the guy. She let him have it. Told him that it is against the law to let his dog run loose and what gave him the right to let his dog crap in our yard. The guy went back in the house and came out and cleaned up about 8 piles of crap in our yard. All the while my wife was pointing out other piles and ranting at him about his dog crap. Was funny as heck to watch. He learned his lesson haven’t seen Mr Wiener dog walking around anymore on his own.

    Posts: 3010

    I wish someone would clean up after all them da^^n geese at the playground in the city park

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Plan of Action.

    1. Identify address of dipstick leaving piles of poo

    2. After dark, use shovel to throw poo on roof/gutters over front door of said dipstick. Wait for spring….

    3. Call the cops and show them videos of dipstick leaving the scene of the crime – not cleaning up after your pet is breaking the law in most cities/towns.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    I had a woman go into a tyrade when I told her to keep her dog off my yard. My property and she screems at me! I called the police for advice only. Man did I want to handle it myself but knew that would mean jail time. They wanted her address so they could confront her but I told them I would wait and see if that’s necessary. Now she tries to push my buttoms by leading her dog in right at the property line. She be crazy so it doesnt bother me as long as its not my yard. Another crazy dog walking ***** yelled at my neighbor over the same thing when he told her to keep the dog out of his yard. He went all Agamemnon on her and scared her away for good. These poeple and many more like than just walk the streets with their dog and determine what yards they can use as a toilet.

    West Salem, WI
    Posts: 428

    My turn. A few weeks ago I came home on garbage day after the truck had been by. Small bag in the bottom of the garbage can. Some dog walker decided to put his/her dog’s business in my EMPTY garbage can so I could keep it in my garage for a week – LAZY! wish I would’ve been driving up as it happened.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    These nitwits are everywhere. Two years ago I was working in one of our flower beds when this kid come along with a golden retriever. The dog wandered into the yard not twenty feet from me and took a dump. The kid just tugged the rope and kept going. I stood up and asked him when he planned to clean up his mess and he said “I don’t do that”. I scooped the crap up with my garden shape and followed that that little prick up the street. When I came up behind him I told him he forgot something. When he turned around the pile hit him in the chest. And chin.

    When his dad showed up at my door I had a couple neighbors around who are tired of the same thing going on in their yards and together we sent the old man home with some fresh insight along with a visit from the gustapo who explained very clearly the whats and how’s of doggie clean-up duty when they enter someone else’s property or on city /parkland property.

    Another gripe along the same lines is leash laws. We have people running loose dogs all the time. I’ve seen loose dogs get after a squirrel who crossed a busy street to get away only to have said mutt schmucked by a car. I’ve seen hellatious dog fights out in the park behind us when two dogs meet and one or both are not leashed.

    I love dogs, but the owners of some of them….no love at all for’em.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I scooped the crap up with my garden shape and followed that that little prick up the street. When I came up behind him I told him he forgot something. When he turned around the pile hit him in the chest. And chin.

    You sir, are my hero!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844



    I scooped the crap up with my garden shape and followed that that little prick up the street. When I came up behind him I told him he forgot something. When he turned around the pile hit him in the chest. And chin.

    You sir, are my hero!

    Justice perhaps but most certainly assault. Be careful.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I hear ya. It is unfortunate this Brady Bunch world we live in now.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I got my butt in hot water over it, kinda. I’m happy the neighbor was out working her yard and saw the whole thing with him just walking away and having heard what the kid said about cleaning it up. My yard, I don’t owbn a dog and the law says if your dog does it, it is YOUR responsibility to clean it up. Way too many of these dog walkers just don’t give a….well, crap.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Every spring… I head over to the neighbors and tell them that their dog has been crapping my my yard all winter… and I would appreciate if they cleaned it up. Then… i let them clean up every pile in the yard.

    Since I have two small dogs.. and they leave only small piles.. you would think my neighbors would have caught on by now since they only seem to find and pick up the small piles most definately not left by their german shepard.. and I have never seen their dog in my yard. Love having great neighbors willing to pick up my dog’s crap!

    Posts: 9271




    I scooped the crap up with my garden shape and followed that that little prick up the street. When I came up behind him I told him he forgot something. When he turned around the pile hit him in the chest. And chin.

    You sir, are my hero!

    Justice perhaps but most certainly assault. Be careful.

    For it to be assault, there would have to be a fear of bodily harm.


    Subdivision 1.Misdemeanor.

    Whoever does any of the following commits an assault and is guilty of a misdemeanor:

    (1) commits an act with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death; or

    (2) intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm upon another.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Love having great neighbors willing to pick up my dog’s crap!

    I hope that’s a joke.

    But that reminds me of the one thing I hate about spring. the 1-2 hours of picking up old, mushy, moldy piles of poo.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844



    Love having great neighbors willing to pick up my dog’s crap!

    I hope that’s a joke.

    But that reminds me of the one thing I hate about spring. the 1-2 hours of picking up old, mushy, moldy piles of poo.

    I hear ya. I try to let the super old ones keep fading into the lawn and concentrate on newer ones. But either way its an overwhelming task soon to be upon us.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I hear ya. I try to let the super old ones keep fading into the lawn and concentrate on newer ones. But either way its an overwhelming task soon to be upon us.

    I probably step in more than I pick up. Those old ones are such a pain. It seems like I tear up more lawn than poop I pick up.

    Which reminds me, that damn mole in the front yard is going down this year. I am so happy there is snow, because seeing the damage every day was ticking me off. I don’t even think he has tunnels anymore, I think it is one giant bubble.

    Posts: 9271

    That’s why you have kids. I taught my dog to go in the crp field next to my house. What really burns me is when the neibors male labs come over and pee on all my stuff. My kids can’t leave their toys in the yard.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844


    That’s why you have kids. I taught my dog to go in the crp field next to my house. What really burns me is when the neibors male labs come over and pee on all my stuff. My kids can’t leave their toys in the yard.

    Dont even get me started on the d-bags that bring their male dogs ice fishing and let them pee on everyones gear.

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