Asian Carp barrier update

  • Buzz
    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Here is what is being considered: (I’m providing my interpretation of this with the understanding that if some or all of it is wrong, I don’t have to give Brian K my tie-dye undershorts).

    Using Federal legislation to close L&D 1 (Ford dam)or St Anthony lock. Amy Klobuchar Bill

    A low voltage electric barrier at L&D 1 and Mankato

    Providing financial incentive to the two companies above the L&D to relocate (this might be the cheapest). Then if commercial traffic ceases to exist, the lock can be closed with the Federal legislation.

    Have Peter Sorenson of the UofM study this until he can find another solution.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    How they going to keep them from leaping St Anthony Falls or traveling up the many tunnels that circumvent the falls?

    That is rhetorical.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    I agree with the your St Anthony Falls analogy (don’t know about tunnels) but with closing the lock the Falls might be reworked/restored. It doesn’t make sense to me, but it does to the City of MPLS and to others. I’m in favor of the elec barrier

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I’m in favor of the elec barrier

    Please explain how and why you are in favor of this?? I’ve yet to see any data that supports this barrier will work.

    I’ve not followed this as closely as I probably should, but did I miss the discussion on how this barrier will prevent fish from heading up the Minnesota or every other tributary that dumps in the might Miss?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    If they put it at Ford Damn a lot of good shore and boat fishing could be eliminated if they need a large barrier down stream. Its all park land on both sides. Seems dangerous but I know nothing about it.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053


    I’ve not followed this as closely as I probably should, but did I miss the discussion on how this barrier will prevent fish from heading up the Minnesota or every other tributary that dumps in the might Miss?

    There’s a second barrier proposed at Mankato. Probably not very effective considering the volatile nature on Minnesota River flooding..

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    We have a number of electric barriers already in place here in MN (which are 100% effective)and just used LSOHC dollars to help fund a barrier in Iowa to keep Asian carp out of So.MN

    The DNR agrees a elec barrier may be better then the bubble barrier they first recommended but has some concern that it has not been done on a river such as exists just below the Ford Dam. As far as risk to the public, the low voltage isn’t going to do much to anyone stupid enough to swim on top of an electric barrier but it may discourgae them from doing so twice. Boating should not be an issue with the amount of low voltage.

    When we first heard about barriers they were compared with the Illinois river carp barrier, which would toast bread lying on a boat seat LOL

    I have seen and passed over smaller types of barriers many times in other States in both glass and tin boats.

    It will push fish back from the barrier about 400-500 feet (this is my speculation only). The Corp is saying, if you design a barrier that conforms to our spec’s, we might approve it. Getting those specs and entering into a design contract might be the next step. So, we might spend 500,000 to have a barrier designed that the Corps. rejects.

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616


    We have a number of electric barriers already in place here in MN (which are 100% effective)

    Come on down to Albert Lea, Ill show you 3 electric barriers. These area a whole different animal than what is proposed for the Miss. though. Ours are on streams less than 30 ft. wide.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    As far as risk to the public, the low voltage isn’t going to do much to anyone stupid enough to swim on top of an electric barrier but it may discourgae them from doing so twice. Boating should not be an issue with the amount of low voltage.

    When we first heard about barriers they were compared with the Illinois river carp barrier, which would toast bread lying on a boat seat LOL

    Are you sure about the two types of barriers?

    IL claims theirs is a low voltage barrier as well…

    Link to PDF- Re: Chicago Fish Barrier<

    PS we could also spend $500,000 for a $1,000,000. design that the Corp doesn’t approve. Right?

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094



    We have a number of electric barriers already in place here in MN (which are 100% effective)

    Come on down to Albert Lea, Ill show you 3 electric barriers. These area a whole different animal than what is proposed for the Miss. though. Ours are on streams less than 30 ft. wide.


    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Sooooo, what happens when it’s shut down for maintenance?
    What happens when the power goes out for whatever reason?

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    We’ll have Brian organize an IDO Carp Fest, I doubt any will get by us. My understanding is the the Illinois barriers has went down a number of times, just as all systems do. But I’m hearing that there will be back-up systems and redundancies, but Murphy Law applies to everything, what if the dam fails? What if due to flooding the gates are opened. In my mind it’s like Zebs, we need to spend whatever it takes to slow them down until we can find a knock-out punch.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Sooooo, what happens when it’s shut down for maintenance?
    What happens when the power goes out for whatever reason?

    Herb, you know as well as the rest of us that this is just something that makes it appear St Paul is doing something about the imagined problem.

    It doesn’t matter whether it works or not, just as long as no one can point a finger and say, well “they” aren’t doing anything about the sky falling.

    Can someone post a picture of the IL River and the Silver Carp again? I haven’t seen it for a few days.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    To add insult to injury, the rumor is that the L&D specifications needed from the Corp, are classified by Homeland Security and we might not get them. We wouldn’t want al qaeda learning how our locks work.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That’s TOO funny!

    You were saving that for the punch line weren’t you!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Coon Rapids Dam

    So we are spending $16 for a barrier there too? How many barriers do we need in the river for 3-4 silver carp?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13392

    Thats what i was wondering to.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    The Strib story is a good example of news stories missing the mark. I worked closely advocating for funding to repair the dam. It was rebuilt years ago using bladder-type gates, which are deteriorating. Spinning it as a Carp Barrier was just an added reason to fix it. It has been deemed only partially effective to prevent Asian Carp due to it’s height and water conditions in the Spring. If it could be rebuilt to be a taller dam, it would work better as a barrier. (and Yuck Yuck – Mpls wouldn’t get funding to buy out the industrial businesses they want gone or the property they are on: to redevelop into condos and tax base)

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