when is it no longer your hole ?

  • hnd
    Posts: 1583

    walleye guys are more thick skinned about it. those bass guys if you even look at them while they are fishing they freak out.

    Bob Schultz
    Posts: 774

    Why does it have to be that way? I don’t do it to other people.

    Posts: 37


    Why does it have to be that way? I don’t do it to other people.

    I agree with you I don’t do it to others

    Posts: 1899

    If that every happens to me, I have the solution.

    Wear a white shirt, black tie, black pants, and a backpack. If someone gets too close to your hole, simply walk up to them, pull a book out of your backpack and ask “Are you familiar with the book of Mormon?”

    They’ll move in a heartbeat.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    No, no. Metallica or Megadeath cranked up to the max. If they seem to like the music, switch over to Snoop Dog.


    Posts: 1899


    No, no. Metallica or Megadeath cranked up to the max. If they seem to like the music, switch over to Snoop Dog.


    I have a combination of Slayer cds and polka cds in my truck cd player. If they like one, they probably won’t like the other.

    If they like both, they’re probably pretty cool and we’ll have a love connection, Chuck.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Barry Manilow or Neil Diamond………

    Posts: 1899


    Barry Manilow or Neil Diamond………

    Rod Stewart or Pug

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Beethoven or Mozart!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    This thread reminds me of the wonderful comraderie seen with salmon snagging on Lake Michigan back in the 70’s. Elbow to elbow wasn’t even crowded.

    Posts: 493

    I had the same issue this year drilled some holes off a rock pile and here comes a truck. 2 guys get out say they caught fish right here last year at this time of day as they were looking at their gps…I was so mad I packed up and left. I managed to salvage the day on another spot but I felt it wasn’t worth it yelling. If they are that stupid and have that little common sense me chewing them out isn’t going to help them out much and only going to make me more upset. So in the auger and marcum went and off to a new spot all to my self that was holding nice gills. It was like a reward for playin it cool at the last spot.

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