when is it no longer your hole ?

  • rfuchs
    Posts: 37

    I’m just wondering ? 3 times in the last 2 weeks this has happened to me I drive out on to the lake 100 feet from anyone and after drilling a bunch of holes and dropping a line I had a guy pull up within 10 feet of my wheeler and say ” hey I was fishing here about a week ago and did ok” and another time I had a guy pull up and park right next to us and started reopening some really old holes so close to my one man house that when he pulled the auger out water ran onto the skirt of my house I flipped my house open and asked if he would like to sit on my lap and got the same response ” oh I fished here a couple days ago and did ok. Monday was the final straw I had a Tahoe baha between my house and four wheeler which were about 25 feet apart then stopped and set up not 25 feet from us. So I ask when is it no longer your hole ?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Immediately following the divorce.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    I guess when you’re not sitting on it.

    Just like open water fishing in Northern MN, like Lake Vermilion, Leech, Kabetogama, etc. where if your catching fish, others will pull up on your upwind side and drift right into you and over your lines.

    A-Holes! Got over 20,000 acres of water and they always want you spot.

    Posts: 433


    Immediately following the divorce.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    You cannot fix stupid. Some people have no common sense or morals any more. After they drill their holes and if any are empty go jig in them and see what they say.

    I had a few young kids come out and put tip ups in my holes. It was obvious that the freshly drilled holes that were less than 100 feet from us were our holes and we were hole hopping from shallow to deeper water. They had tip ups in a line about 300 yards long and the last one was in our hole. Guess it was to far for them to carry the hand auger. If they needed holes drilled all that had to do was ask.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    Immediately following the divorce.

    Long way from home
    Posts: 316

    No words needed in these situations. Where they drill I get out my auger and drill 12″ away! Just follow them around and continue. If they have comments about being there the day before just smile. It really po’s them more! Ill even get a tip up out if they’re jigging and set it within 2 feet of them. Unfourtantly some guides are becoming the biggest problem with crowding out people. They use the line im trying to make a living here! I just crank up the radio to a obnoxious station or hook up my iPhone on pandora. It usually clears them out rather quickly. If not and they hang in most of the time they come over and apologize! If not my goal for the day becomes being obnoxious. It’s my new coping mechanism since ive become to old to get after it in the ring. And doing so on the ice would only land me in jail! I go out to enjoy myself and I hate crowds. That’s the reason I choose to fish large bodies of water and look for isolated stuff. My fishing partner had a flag made the hooks on a pole on his Atv! It says a__h_le magnet! When guys pull up and ask how they biting he always says read the flag!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Seriously. I would have come unhinged if someone drilled close enough to touch my shack.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    This usually doesnt bother me to much out on the ice most likely because Im not that serious about my ice fishing. Secondly because most guys that pull up seem to be good to BS with. Good way to get some info about the area to go look else where for fish.

    Now this time of year Im one of those guys that has no problem dropping a line in some open holes out on the lake. Heck some days I dont even get more a than just a few holes drilled with my own auger. Try my best to scope out the areas 1st to make sure someone else is not fishing them but with the number of holes guys drill nowadays every once and a while Ill get someone off a way yelling over that they are fishing there. Got no problem moving off then. No the few guys that have told me these are our holes we drilled them this morning and are going to fish now chances are Im not moving. Might get out my own auger to punch a few then. Dont want to be fishing someone else work.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390


    Immediately following the divorce.

    Posts: 3010


    Immediately following the divorce.

    usually for a noticeable time period preceding the divorce, actually

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422


    Immediately following the divorce.

    usually for a noticeable time period preceding the divorce, actually

    In many cases it’s when you found out someone else has been using your hole with out you knowing which then starts……. ‘The Fight’

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987



    Immediately following the divorce.

    usually for a noticeable time period preceding the divorce, actually

    I stand corrected.

    Posts: 1899


    Immediately following the divorce.

    Even though you’re still paying for it?

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    This is my pet peeve!!!! I hole hop a lot when I’m fishing, on lakes. In Northern Wisconsin it is not uncommon for local old guy to walk out with nothing but a pail a rod and a spud and proceed to spud out(to make it look good) holes that I have drilled when there is a foot of ice on the lake. They clearly have no intention of actually spudding an old hole because the ice was that thick and there were no old holes within half a mile of me! That was the worst case I’ve ever had, but it happens all the time. I don’t care if you want me to drill holes just ask, don’t be an about it. And as soon as you say something the person gets all huffy and retorts “well this ain’t your lake, you don’t own these holes.” Drives me crazy, so I just take extra equipment now and set it around my outside holes. Some people though, wow, no manners on the lake.


    Immediately following the divorce.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    As close to your house as you state is one thing. I’ve had others who have made swiss cheese all over a rather large bay and then think they have a right to the whole area. I say if no one is fishing a hole and not within 20 or so yards then it is fair game.

    Posts: 1493

    Had 2 guys park within 25 ft of me yesterday in a matter of 10 minutes. Jokes on them, I had just started setting up and didnt realize I missed the drop off by 50 yards…Best of luck jiggin in 4 fow buddy!!!

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694


    As close to your house as you state is one thing. I’ve had others who have made swiss cheese all over a rather large bay and then think they have a right to the whole area. I say if no one is fishing a hole and not within 20 or so yards then it is fair game.

    I would agree. I might increase the distance a bit, but if no one is using it why not.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    too close ?

    Posts: 1899

    Are you guys still yapping about fishing?

    I thought Suzuki had successfully derailed this thread already.

    Posts: 3010

    if you can tell (by either method) when I pass gas . . . then you’re too close

    Bob Schultz
    Posts: 774

    I say drill your own holes. If someone beat you to the area you want to target, you should have gotten there earlier.

    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 314

    A guy I know just pees in his holes
    And if you see someone fishing in it you at least get a good laugh.

    Posts: 4033

    They are not your holes the second you stop fishing them. And by this I mean stop hole hopping your line or sit down and flip the shanty over. Soon as you park it and set up camp, the rest of the holes are fair game. You cant own holes, doesnt matter if your arm or gas made them or not.

    Now respect does come into this a bit, if you are fishing a huge wide open area and someone come and drills right next to you without asking that would be a problem. But around here the spots that hold fish are very small, 20’X20′ max or one laydown. Its nothing to fish so close to another guy you are bumping elbows on a hookset. Or usually the first guy to the laydown pops 15-20 holes all around and everyone just kinda hops around.

    Of course we are all friendly and don’t have the attitude that my spot is my spot and nobody should be near me. I need the spot all to myself to catch fish.

    Ice fishing is about having fun and meeting new people for me, I don’t care if someone drills next to me as long as they are friendly and we can share a few laughs while fishing. Most of the time I don’t keep fish and will throw mine in his pile.

    If you see me on the ice, come drill next to me.. I don’t care.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    This is the worst I’ve seen… while fishing with Tanner up on the Flowage we had an middle aged women fishing with her husband sit on the front rack of our 4 wheeler while fishing a hole we had punched in front of it. She just walks right up, plops down and starts to fish. She didn’t leave until she saw us catching fish off to the side at which point both her and the husband started to crowd us.

    Honestly at first I was PO’d but then it became almost comical. They never did catch a fish and the more they followed us around the more worked up they got and it seemed to push us to fish harder to put more fish on the ice to drive them crazy.

    That said, most people I run into are very respectful out on the ice.

    Posts: 3010

    shoulda asked her if she’d like to sit on your lap

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    had this happen last winter, I mean we were the only ones out in no-mans land, and this dude pulls up in his fancy side by side and pops a hole 6-7 feet away, my brother started in on the guy, I said let me take care of this the civilized way. Every time he got a cell phone call I’d start the loud Jiffy up and start popping some new holes. His buddy was too embarrassed to even get out of the UTV. This is also common while bobber fishing on Mille Lacs, Somebody always asks why I fish with 50# test, I say just wait for the clown to troll by 5 feet away and snag my bobber…I set the hook real hard!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    take a dump in it… have at er’ boys….

    Posts: 37

    I understand the lake is not mine and I love being out on the lake with like minded anglers. But I’m not talking about swiss cheese n bay or something or fishing community spots I’m talking about doing the work drilling the holes off in the distance well the guys from the community spot bird dog and after the first hook set they leave there spot and swing on in. Now that being said if they would just come up and say hey how’s the fishing do you mind if I fish bye you. hell pull up a chair but don’t come up and say this is where I was fishing or this is my spot nothing makes me madder.

    Posts: 4033

    Its part of fishing. The same happens in a boat or on shore. You cant get away from it, not possible. It is what it is.

    Walleye fishing below the dams on the Miss is just like that. You’ll find a spot off of the main pack of boats and as soon as your rod bends there is a line of boats headed your way.

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