I’m just wondering ? 3 times in the last 2 weeks this has happened to me I drive out on to the lake 100 feet from anyone and after drilling a bunch of holes and dropping a line I had a guy pull up within 10 feet of my wheeler and say ” hey I was fishing here about a week ago and did ok” and another time I had a guy pull up and park right next to us and started reopening some really old holes so close to my one man house that when he pulled the auger out water ran onto the skirt of my house I flipped my house open and asked if he would like to sit on my lap and got the same response ” oh I fished here a couple days ago and did ok. Monday was the final straw I had a Tahoe baha between my house and four wheeler which were about 25 feet apart then stopped and set up not 25 feet from us. So I ask when is it no longer your hole ?

Posts: 37
February 27, 2013 at 1:30 pm