Oil Boom – Side effects

  • Grouse_Dog
    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Grandma and Grandpa get kicked out of their apartment in Dickinson, ND as they are not willing to pay $1200 per month – they used to pay $440.

    Fights at bars – no women – have money – will fight for fun….

    Teachers can’t afford the rent – they move to another small town – out of state.

    Wildlife has left the area – busy roads, pumping stations 24/7, new roads into fields, etc. No more deer, pheasants, grouse, etc.

    Check out google earth at night – the flaring of the wells – lights up Oil Sands ( looks like a metro area )

    Kids can make $15-$30 per hour – so they don’t complete high school or go to college

    Strip joints, prostitution, drug use. etc.

    Holiday Inn and other small hotels are bought up by the Oil Cos and you can’t stay there, unless you are an employee.

    Long Standing employers in the area lose their employees to the Oil Cos.

    Many other peculiar side effects.

    Who says progress is good?


    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Hey leave the strip joints out of this! I’m still clicking for that Roman Orgie

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    At least the gas prices have gone down

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    Sounds alot like Downtown Mpls

    Posts: 61

    Maybe the guys that have been unemployed for a couple years that have found work,they probably like it….
    There families that finally have enough money to pay there rent and buy groceries, they probably like it…
    All the people that have a glimmer of hope that we can get rid of the dependance we have on countries that want nothing more than to kill each and everyone of us, they probably like it.
    I have to believe Gramps and Grandma will find a place to call home as will the deer and the pheasants.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Wish I owned some land out there, I’d be sitting in the boat 24/7 collecting checks.

    Posts: 7348

    Progress requires sacrifice, always has and always will that’s how the world has worked up till now. Just be glad some are getting compensated for it nowadays. Dig up a Chinese dude who worked on the railroad or my Irish ancestors who slaved in factories on the east coast or the miners in the mountains of this state about 150 years ago and ask what they think. It might not be good but a ‘ell of a lot better than back when.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    A lot of what you say is true. Housing and groceries are expensive. There is more crime. Blue tongue took out the deer herd around Williston over the last few years, not the oil boom. There are pheasants and sharptail up the wazoo. The areas and infrastructure are getting beat up; but unemployment is 3% in ND (basically 0%) and the state has more money than they know what to do with. There is upside and downside to everything. I am making 3X what I was back in Mpls and I can pay my bills. Rather be back home, but this beats starving.


    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    I was sitting on the plane – next to a young man that was giving me the downside of the oil boom –

    He lived in Dickenson from 0-18.

    Thought it was an interesting perspective.

    I am just waiting for the cheap gas….


    Posts: 488

    Yep, growth comes with a cost!

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043


    A lot of what you say is true. Housing and groceries are expensive. There is more crime. Blue tongue took out the deer herd around Williston over the last few years, not the oil boom. There are pheasants and sharptail up the wazoo. The areas and infrastructure are getting beat up; but unemployment is 3% in ND (basically 0%) and the state has more money than they know what to do with. There is upside and downside to everything. I am making 3X what I was back in Mpls and I can pay my bills. Rather be back home, but this beats starving.


    DD – you are my kind of man.

    Thank you for not sitting around, complaining that there is no work and you have been unemployed for 3 years.

    Two thumbs up to you!!!!!


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Aw, go plant a solar panel on your wind mill why don’t ya.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3498


    DD – you are my kind of man.

    Thank you for not sitting around, complaining that there is no work and you have been unemployed for 3 years.

    Two thumbs up to you!!!!!

    X 2

    Posts: 630

    Those who can have the pride and dignity of providing for themselves, they probably think it is a good thing. Economics isn’t always pretty, but we have to take care of ourselves.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    Many other peculiar side effects.

    including all of the Frac Sand Mining exploding in Western Wisconsin and Southeastern Minnesota along with the side effects of Dust and thousands of Trucks roaring down the roads.

    The Good thing IMHO maybe they move the Minnesota Renaissance Festival Grounds as it sits on a Proposed Frac Sand Mine. So, we would trade a few weeks of overburdened weekend Traffic for Hundreds of Trucks all day and night.

    Cuba City, WI
    Posts: 395

    Anyone who thinks this wiil cure our dependance on oil from other countries is not thinking clearly. We have been exporting more oil than we import for about 2 years now. The new midwest pipeline that they want to build from Canada to Houston,TX is so that the oil companies can export more. The study I saw on this said if thy get the pipeline built it will raise the fuel prices in the Midwest to be more inline with what gas costs on the E & W coasts. Just what we need in the Midwest. Equal cost and lower wages than either coast. I hope they hand out free Vaseline when that happens.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    We were supposed to have flying cars by now!!
    We need to get away from such massive use of oil. We are way too dependant on a finite resource.

    Posts: 128


    We were supposed to have flying cars by now!!
    We need to get away from such massive use of oil. We are way too dependant on a finite resource.

    Hmm, I don’t say this often, but I agree with Suzuki!

    At the end of the day we just need to use less.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    We should start by banning outboard motors.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3498


    We have been exporting more oil than we import for about 2 years now.

    I don’t think this statement is quite true. My dad said the same thing to me last weekend and I disagreed with him. You two must have read the same article.

    If you are referring to refined oil products the statement is true. We export more than we import. If you are referring to crude oil, you are incorrect. We import way more crude oil that we export.

    US Weekly Oil Imports/Exports

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    I understand that most people operate in a “not in my back yard” scenario, but when is it a good thing to produce a product in America. Providing jobs for people, adding to the tax base, and selling a product on the open market.
    I will go for this in every industry. We cannot survive as a country by sending it elsewhere.

    I would love to say that we are energy independent and that we do not need to use oil, but the fact of the matter is that we are HUGELY tied to oil. Not just for cars, but look around the house or office. 90% of the items we have have some oil in them. Plastics, paints, coating on furniture, carpets, clothing, etc. is all oil based products.

    Stop and think about it. We sell oil on the world market. OPEC can no longer monopolize prices by having all the supply, Americans at work, larger tax base, we can manage the environmental impact. Win – Win

    Posts: 3010


    We should start by banning outboard motors.

    rolling brown-outs would help too

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    We should start by banning outboard motors.

    rolling brown-outs would help too

    Oil Rationing too!

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    We could all get a couple of goats to do the lawn and go back to shoveling our driveways too

    I will stick to burning oil and gas

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    If I recall correctly… and I may not be… but I believe all Oil produced goes on the world market. Whether the US purchases from domestic or foreign is all based on price… all production goes into the world market and is purchased based on the lowest price. To take advantage of domestic oil (which removing foreign product and basing on domestic costs only would drastically reduce price)… policy would need to change to purchase only domestically produced product. of course… demamd is higher than current production.. (production, not supply.. as we all know the next Arabia is below our feet.. just need to cut red tape and allow drilling). In short.. If policy were changed to purchase ONLY domestic… and require those domestic producers to not inflate prices based on world market prices (because shipping, handling, administrative, and all other export costs, etc goes out the window… and because we all know that OPEC raises pricse based not only on demand, but on the basis of needing to inflate prices and raise profit… nothing to do with supply).. then the US would become energy self-sufficient within minutes… causing world prices to drastically change as well.. and putting the US in an economically stronger position in the World as well.

    Ahem… where was I… Uhm.. lets go fishing.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    Did someone say hookers…Are they the cheap skany ones or the fancy dolled up kind that look like millionaire wives?

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Did someone say hookers…Are they the cheap skany ones or the fancy dolled up kind that look like millionaire wives?

    From what I understand.. the dancers/etc from vegas go to ND on the weekends.. and make a ton of dough… then go back to vegas during the week. just what I heard.

    Posts: 7348

    Mike I think your question deserves some answers and noticing your title it calls for you to go do some “In Depth” reporting. . I am sure the fish bite up that ways all year long.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    another side-effect land owners and property owners selling houses at almost 300% profit, increase population anywhere brings in riff-raff, as far as the strippers and escorts they are flying in from Vegas not just on weekends….I feel bad for people trying to acquire more land to farm or own, however; the profit some are making well, if someone is willing to pay it let them…

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70

    For those of you who think younger people are doing themselves wrong by going to work and not to college….I think you all need to look and read around. Thousands of dollars in tuition debt does not guarantee good things to come. For many it has guaranteed one thing that being it will be many years before they can afford anything like a house of their own or a new car. Many professions have seen a decrease in pay over the past 5 years which leads to other problems. In ND I see many good things coming but with the good always comes some bad. As far as going against the drilling I think that is outragously stupid when you consider all the good manufacturing jobs that this country has lost over the years. This country is coming up with new ways to make money and liberals are stepping in the way much like prescription drug companies step infront of cures for cancer and diabetes. Its time for all of us to let business do business so our economy can attempt to rebuild itself. Our gov’t continuing to print money is not working and probably contributing to the problem. We are our own worst enemy…ALL THE TIME.

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