93 Walleyes Over the Limit

  • Jira
    Posts: 517

    Unbelievable. Here is the link:

    Star Tribune

    They are talking a 3 year revokation? I vote for a lifetime. This makes me absolutely sick. What are your thoughts?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    In my opinion, gross violations need to be dealt with as felonies. Any time the value of the fish taken exceeds $500 I think the people responsible / involved need to get the hammer and do some jail time and since that vehicle was used to transport the stolen property I’m all for the owner loosing the vehicle. I can understand how people can mis-count and get an extra crappie in the bucket but this type of abuse is no different in my mind than busting into a home and stealing a TV. Except that we all own the house and they just robbed “us” of “our” TV.

    Thanks for the link. I hope we can find out how this turns out.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    That is the problem! The courts feel “why should we disrupt a persons life, family and job for JUST a few (even 93) fish”.

    Now the question is: How does a person make a differance?

    The second question is.. Do you know anyone that would put there catch in their trunk?

    preston, mn.
    Posts: 118

    I agree 300%. What do you suppose these idiots were thinking? I wonder if it’s a group decision or if one person talks the rest into it? I could see 1 glutton keeping a few extra. It is really a shame . Apparently they were thinking with their . JLK

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800


    If they cant play by the rules, dont let them play.

    I wonder what it would cost to restock that lake make them pay for it!

    Posts: 168

    I totally agree with James on the felonie,that way they could not own a gun either.If they abuse fishing like that you better believe they also abused hunting! The dnr should have the rights to take all “fishing equipment” from all parties involved!! I’m also wondering where the boat was? I’m pretty sure they did not fish off the bank….to obvious! Makes you the think more people (parties) were involved !!!!! FRY THEM!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    They ought to hang em by their damn BOBBERS.. Ummm, you know what I mean…

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    ok here is my two cents worth.

    i think that they have abused the law and the legal limits a few too many times. time to make them learn a lesson by 1, taking all fishing rods, tackle, and vehicles used in this huge poaching of fish. 2, lock all guilty parties in jail for 1 year, 3 take all hunting and fishing privies away for LIFE, 4 make them do comunity service for the dnr, make them wear a shirt that says, i poached to many fish. i think that their decisions should be punished, and not worry about thier life that could be wrecked with jail time and or fines, or loss of fishing. I think that the DNR needs to set that line in the sand and not just let people that do this kind of damage to a lake by taking that many fish over the limit, but also have that many fish in the freezer, and just let them skate by. if that does happen, we should hook him to a #7 shad rap and troll them around on pool 4 for a bit. I am going to have to stop at a bill board that i see everytime i head up north to go fishing. it is on the north side of wadena on highway 71. it says limit your kill, not kill your limit!! not if that don’t make a statement. i say let the dumb dumbs fry, server up a dose of poached eggs in jail every day. this kind of thinking really tics me off. throw the book at them, ok now i will be steping down off my soap box and will keep quiet about this subject.

    thanks for letting us get out our point of views.


    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675



    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    This is unbeliveable! Thake their privlages away for life! What would they have done to them if they had 10 deer more than they should have? Nail their a##es to the f-in wall. The sad part about it is, it probly happens more than we could imagine. “Good Job!” to the people responsible for catching these guys!


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    If we’re willing to let murderers have a second chance at life, I think we should have a second chance for poachers too. However, I don’t want this to come easy. A minimum of 1 year jail time, minimum of 10 years no hunting or fishing priviledges, DNR community service with the T-shirt or sandwich boards, loss of all fishing/hunting equipment, loss of any means used to commit the FELONY, including but not limited to transportation and real estate, and a second offense committed repeats all fines and losses with the addition of LIFETIME loss of these priviledges!

    I believe in choice, a second chance, and heavy price for being too ignorant, greedy, and stupid to make the right decisions regarding them both.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    But I no read english, how sposed to no limit of fish

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I hear ya’ there Jake.

    I feel no sympathy AT ALL for anyone that partakes in an activity without FIRST establishing a clear understanding of the rules and then later runs into trouble with the law. Somehow, I’m completely unsure how, some people seemingly are able to skate through around and past game & fish laws by pleading ignorance.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    Jake your right and its too bad.

    Turn the tables for a second though. What is one of us (law abiding, all-aound good poeple), were in a foriegn country and we commited act that was over the top. Do you think they would take it easy on us because we didnt understand the law (or because we were too ignorant to attempt to)? Think about that one for a second guys, it dosent paint a pretty picture in my mind.


    Posts: 649

    I know the authorities in Mexico are extremely understanding if you get in trouble down there.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    yeah, i guess i did hear that!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240


    But I no read english, how sposed to no limit of fish

    Back in my younger years I use to frequent a local pool hall, they had several customers who supposedly did not understand the English language. There was a sign in the door that read “you can not bring in your own beverages” or something to that effect, but they would bring in there own beverages all the time anyway. The common reply was “me no understand English”, the funny thing was that when these same people won or lost money at the pool tables they seemed to be able to understand the English language just fine!!!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063


    Note: Forfeiture for crime having been generally abolished in the United States, the term felony, in American law, has lost this point of distinction; and its meaning, where not fixed by statute, is somewhat vague and undefined; generally, however, it is used to denote an offense of a high grade, punishable either capitally or by a term of imprisonment. In Massachusetts, by statute, any crime punishable by death or imprisonment in the state prison, and no other, is a felony; so in New York. the tendency now is to obliterate the distinction between felonies and misdemeanors; and this has been done partially in England, and completely in some of the States of the Union. The distinction is purely arbitrary, and its entire abolition is only a question of time.

    Note: There is no lawyer who would undertake to tell what a felony is, otherwise than by enumerating the various kinds of offenses which are so called. originally, the word felony had a meaning: it denoted all offenses the penalty of which included forfeiture of goods; but subsequent acts of Parliament have declared various offenses to be felonies, without enjoining that penalty, and have taken away the penalty from others, which continue, nevertheless, to be called felonies, insomuch that the acts so called have now no property whatever in common, save that of being unlawful and purnishable. –J. S. Mill.


    Since the law essentially makes no distinction, I’m wondering what you guys are getting at… What do you want done to these fellas?

    Posts: 7

    Anyone get the name of that lake??

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    find the nearest ol’oak tree, and let’em swing.
    about 12 years ago, I turned 4 guys in to the TIP program who had overlimit crappies, and were also using live crappies to catch Muskies. the DNR got back to me and told me those guys had their day in court, cost was 1000 bucks. don’t remember if they had commumity time, and the language barrier was not a factor on their side. Jack.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I believe if I should get caught once with a fish over the limit and I should get my hand slapped. Anytime I see this type of gross misuse of our resources it enrages me. While I’d like to hang them by the personal’s, I doubt it would do much good. Even if they take their licenses away for 3 years or life, they obviously have no regard for the law or resource and will no doubt continue to fish.

    I suggest as part of their community service, they should have to give educational classes on how important it is to protect our natural resources. They should also have to stand up and say I abused the resource, it cost me $xxx.xx to replace the fish I wasted. I also hope their community service hours are directed to the MN DNR only. We all know how the budget cuts are not helping that department.

    Just my two cents.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Someone helping to clean all those gravel feeders out of my smallie areas…
    Sorry eye guys… I couldn’t resist.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    Someone helping to clean all those gravel feeders out of my smallie areas…
    Sorry eye guys… I couldn’t resist.

    Careful Jeremy! There’s plenty of rope to go around…

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101


    Someone helping to clean all those gravel feeders out of my smallie areas…
    Sorry eye guys… I couldn’t resist.

    Who allowed one of the grass carp guys out of his forum!!

    Posts: 3

    No kidding. I thought this was a “Dock-Rat” free zone!!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    The names of the charged poachers have been released.
    Bunchan Srey age 51
    Dymong Chhoun age 20
    Bunsean Lieng age 19
    Samnang Pich age 19
    All reside in Mpls and are navtive to cambodia. A search of thier residence came up with 305 Bluegill believed to have come from Twin City area lakes.
    This just goes to show, these folks want to rape our resource. They cant even eat the fish in the freezer first, they need to go rape again. I’m going to follow this case and I will be present at the sentencing if allowed to give a victim impact statement on behalf of law abiding sports anglers.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Thanks for the update Derek, keep us posted on this one

    As for these poachers

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    As of yet, I think this has gotten maybe three serious responses. The remainder look like hyperbole and overreaction.

    I’m still curious what penalty MN carries on a felony that has people calling for it.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    What do I want?

    Fines so stiff that the offenders pass out when the verdict is read.

    Jail time. Made mandatory for gross violations.

    Restitution. Not just for the number of fish taken but for the numbers of fish that would need to be stocked to replace those fish in the system, at that size.

    Loss of any personal property used in conection with this / these violations.

    Community service to include supervised interactions with peer groups designed to educate others in their peer group against breaking any game and fish laws in the future.

    Loss of hunting & fishing privledges for a minimum of 10 years during which it would be illegal for them to own any hunting or fishing equipment.

    There. That’s what I want.

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128

    Disturbing to say the least!
    I agree, the consequences are far too lenient for these kind of people that delibertely hurt our precious resource.
    So their licenses get revoked for three years? Big deal. whats to stop them from doing this next week or next month without a license? Catching these criminals is always a struggle for the lack of conservation officers that are employed to patrol this nature. I would love to see penalties so stiff that these people who go out of their way to poach, see a fine and loss of material property(ie. automobile, boat, house). Hit them where it hurts! The way I see it, if you do not understand the rules you will not be able to buy a license. Also, if these people are allowed to buy a license again in three years after their probation period, the cost of another license should be extremely expensive! Bottom line is exactly what everyone else has stated above here that one over your limit may be an honest mistake and may only happen once? 93 over your limit? Thats intentional! Book em!

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