Hds10 question saving waypoints?

  • a.j.-wiesner
    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    First question is how big of a sd card do I need? And an sd card is what I need right??

    Next question is what page am I going to find out waypoint saving info on the unit??

    Trying to send it in and get a new unit under warranty just want to keep my old points. I know I should have been saving them along the way for backup but better learn now than never. Thanks for any help

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    Yes you need an SD card. Doesn’t need to be very much memory, waypoints don’t take up much space. I guess 1GB is about the smallest most places carry now days which is way more then enough.

    To save your spots press pages, go to Utilities, Files, Highlight My Files, go down to Waypoints, Copy(Save) and then select the SD card installed and name the file. This might not be exact as I dont have a manual in front of me but it will get you close.

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