Sick Kids

  • blackbay
    Posts: 699

    Second time in two weeks that one of my kids is down with one form of the creeping gleep. Last week my daughter had a temp of 102 to 103 for 2 days. Yesterday I was picking up the kids and my son had yacked in the school van, then proceeds to continue emptying his stomach when we got home. Luckily things at work aren’t too busy so I have been able to stay home with them. I guess there’s some crud going around so beware.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It seems there are less folks sick now then a month or so ago.

    But if anyone is going to get sick it’s the little folk.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5877

    For us and several homes in my area, the crud made its way around on 30ish day cycles.

    It started in my house the 3rd week in Oct, then followed again on Thanksgiving and then again on Christmas. SO far we have stayed away from it since then!

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742

    It just went though out entire house last week. Both my wife and I, and our 1yo and 3 yo. It began late Tuesday afternoon with my wife and daughter, and was done with me by Thursday morning. Very quick ordeal.

    Now both kids this week seem to be getting colds…..

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Hope they are better soon, I had it over the weekend. Worst headache I have ever had. On the plus side I did lose 10 lbs from not eating anything but crackers and a little soup for 3 days.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    On the plus side I did lose 10 lbs from not eating anything but crackers and a little soup for 3 days.

    You need a hug and I need to catch what you had x 3.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902



    On the plus side I did lose 10 lbs from not eating anything but crackers and a little soup for 3 days.

    You need a hug and I need to catch what you had x 3.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Last Thursday my littlest guy was sick with a temp. I stayed home from work with him thinking I’d get all kinds of things done. NOPE,, I was blowin’ chunks by Noon. Popped a Tamiflu at 11am, 8 pm and 8 am the next morning. Felt like a champ by later that afternoon.

    Posts: 699

    Well the little guy is eating goldfish crackers and playing with Lincoln Logs. He wanted McDonald’s but I nixed that idea.

    BTW Spaghetti O’s digest quickly if anyone is curious.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 132

    just got over the flu here. worst i ever had. laid up for 4 days. going to get the flu shot starting next year. never had one before.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19011

    Out of curiosity how many of you that were sick had the shot? And if you had the shot how bad was your bout with the flu?

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Out of curiosity how many of you that were sick had the shot? And if you had the shot how bad was your bout with the flu?

    Good question! I’d like to hear some responses on that.. Throw a POLL out there

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I have been sick more this winter then ever and i let the wife talk me into getting the shot. last time I felt like this was the shot i got 15 years ago listening to the ex. everytime I get the shot I am miserable all winter. so I am going back to my normal routine to stay healthy and more . seems to work for me. no room for the flu bugs

    Posts: 7348

    Both kids got the flu mist and all of us go influenza A still. They were over theirs in 2 days, it took me a trip to the ER BC of a high heartbeat(140-150 just laying down) and like mentioned earlier the worst sickness ever. Body aches were unreal, still not signing myself up for the shots though, whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!!

    Posts: 216

    Had the shot,and got just a 2 day dose of the flu.Sore throat and headcold mostly.

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