Internet Ranting

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Im not a fan of internet ranting. Never have been never will be in fact I feel that if you have a problem with a person or a company you need to take it up with them via telephone or person to person before trash talking on the web. My league and I were personally attacked over on Walleye Central. It appears a sore loser who tried to cheat and turn in pictures of the same fish twice took it among himself to publicly accuse me of cheating before consulting with me. He trashed me, our league and those that fish it

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I encourage all who fish the league to go over to wc and leave your 2 cents good or bad. To the trash talker please give me a call

    Posts: 4941

    Don’t worry too much anout him Jesse, his insecurity will diminish his reputation.

    Caught red handed.. must be a future politician.

    Rule# 1 Plausible Deniablity:If caught,Immediatley place the blame on another.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I know it’s not funny to you Jesse, but I remember when you started talking about doing this league.

    You didn’t make any money unless you won the week and your goal was to have people learn from people fishing the river.

    Lot of work for not much pay (if you won) and the old stab in the back to finish it off.


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Easy answer is to reply to the person on WC.

    Personally I apreceate that someone comes on and says either good or bad about a subject.

    I tend to doubt most posts, but if several post in agreement, I’ll at least give it more thought.

    If you run a good tourny, quit whinning here and respond to the WC thread.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Kind of turns a guy off to tournaments. I just don’t get why people cheat in fishing tournaments, it seems so contrary to what fishing is, at least what fishing is and means to me.

    Are people fishing for the money or for the “bragging rights”? For me, the cat tournaments I fished it was more about the bragging rights and when I say bragging, I don’t mean it in a negative way. Just that you were able to out fish everyone that day, night or weekend. The money is prizes are secondary.

    And if you are fishing for bragging rights, how do you enjoy winning if you know deep down in your conscience you cheated?

    For me, every trip is a tournament. I am competing against myself to catch a PB or enough fish to make it a memorable(sic?) enough trip that it ranks as one of the best in my memory. A trip that I can recant to friends and families as one of those trips.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908


    Im not a fan of internet ranting. Never have been never will be in fact I feel that if you have a problem with a person or a company you need to take it up with them via telephone or person to person before trash talking on the web. My league and I were personally attacked over on Walleye Central. It appears a sore loser who tried to cheat and turn in pictures of the same fish twice took it among himself to publicly accuse me of cheating before consulting with me. He trashed me, our league and those that fish it

    Your kidding right ? (see Rant on internet above)

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    All pretty vague. I see no details that would point to your league. (even though you and some others know)
    Am I missing something?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    See pages 2-3 on that post.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973


    See pages 2-3 on that post.

    Oh. Found it.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317


    All pretty vague. I see no details that would point to your league. (even though you and some others know)
    Am I missing something?

    Its the part where he specifically mentions the St Croix league i think, but I could be way off here

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I know it burns you Jesse, but in the end I wouldn’t let it get to you.

    I run a big volunteer organization here in Hudson and you wouldn’t believe what we go through every year.

    Just remember, you cannot please all of the people all of the time.

    Those of us that know you well have your back. The SCVWL is well run and I personally know how much of yourself you put into it to make it work.

    Water off a ducks back…………

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973



    All pretty vague. I see no details that would point to your league. (even though you and some others know)
    Am I missing something?

    Its the part where he specifically mentions the St Croix league i think, but I could be way off here

    Like I said before you chimed in, I found it.

    Posts: 75

    Don’t let any of this bother you. Jesse you run an awesome league. It’s a lot of fun and I will be back to fish it this year! Can’t wait it seems the winner changes weekly and for me it’s just fun to get out and fish against a great group of guys!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Funny how 99.9% of these people who make these cheating accusations NEVER have any real proof. Just he said/she said bull [censored]. Most are just terrible fishermen who have no business fishing in any contest.

    My reply to the guys who tried pulling this crap with me >>> Well then, I guess you got to fish better than the best cheater.

    Good Luck Jessie. Don’t let one idiot bring you or your tourney down.


    Posts: 216

    Jesse your always going to have someone bitching or complaining about something.Try appointing 2 other people from the different teams to help judge besides your self.Different people each time from different teams, that should end most of it,and if you should win, they would know it was not just your decision but a majority.Just a thought.

    Posts: 125

    Don’t let it get to you Jesse. I hope the BS doesn’t stop you from continuing to run the league. I’ve had a lot of fun trying to fish up against much better anglers than I in your league. It’s too bad that if you try to do something for people there will always be that one person who finds a reason to complain.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I’m not sure if I missed it being posted or not but each week the pictures are posted with their scoring length, I don’t remember anyone complaining that they were shorted or bringing it up the following week. If you have an issue say something, don’t wait 6 months to post it on the internet.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I also think that everyone should know that the prize I won for taking 1st place for the year I gave away to a team that fished at least 7 of the 8 weeks . I went home empty handed and everyone else went home with a prize or three .

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Are you done ranting now.I feel better now that my rants over.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    All I know is when I go to launch there is times some guy from the league is parking in my spot that was awarded to me for being a cautious driver at the ramp.
    Get on that Jesse and we be just fine.

    Kudos for a fine league .

    That is my rant.

    Serious! That’s my spot!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    everyone else went home with a prize or three .

    Now I’m calling BS. I didn’t go home with a prize.

    Posts: 3010

    No BK, you go home TO a prize

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Brown noser.

    Posts: 3010

    Hey, I jus calls em as I sees em

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Thank you league members for your positive support. I’m lucky to have such a great group fishing the league.

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