Etec Owners

  • TJ
    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 263

    What do you boys pay for your standard 3year/300hr service? I’m due and the closest dealer gave me a “service” quote of $300.00. If I want the water pump serviced, it is an extra $150.00. Maybe this is the downfall of etecs, but $450 seems pretty pricey!

    2005 60hp motor is what I have.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    I don’t have an e-tech, but that doesn’t sound to bad

    I have a Yamaha F150, and I paid $150 for them to service my engine this past fall

    So $450 over 3 years comes out to $150/year.

    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 263

    I suppose. It is interesting that they would charge more just because it is once every 3 years when it should be the same amount of work as the annual service in theory. It’s not like they hold 3 times the oil or have 3 times the spark plugs to change. Time to bite the bullet I guess.

    Posts: 3403

    I doubt they are changing plugs on the yamaha. Just changing oil, filter and gear case lube. The three year service plugs would be changed for sure. My E-tec plugs alone were $68


    I suppose. It is interesting that they would charge more just because it is once every 3 years when it should be the same amount of work as the annual service in theory. It’s not like they hold 3 times the oil or have 3 times the spark plugs to change. Time to bite the bullet I guess.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    They sure get a lot of $$$ for that oil. My Yami 150 take 5 quarts. I can’t believe that an oil change for my outboard costs more than for my car, and I use full synthentic in my car

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    My original estimate was $300 final tab was $640.24! Won’t mention here who I had do the work! See PM.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4335

    I change the oil/filter every fall on my Yammie F150, lower unit lube, grease the fittings, etc. for less than $75.00. I use all Amsoil products. Takes about an hour.

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