Ok Steve so you say the deer up to 2.5 yrs old being taken is a problem statewide so why not put the restriction into place for the whole state instead of just a small portion of it?
Timmy answered this question in another post……..
I see the reasoning and benefits behind the concept, and IN THE RIGHT AREA, I think it makes great sense. In more open country with good populations of deer, I would be practicing APR without a law mandating it. But in the northeastern 3rd of the state (heavily forested areas) it does not seem like a good idea. In our area with LOTS of hunters and mostly public land, the average hunter does not get many chances to take a deer at all, let alone to study one and determine antler points. Without a doe tag, it is often the case of spotting a deer, getting a glimpse of bone, and firing…… I have shot more bucks by shooting at deer that were acting “buck-like” than not. Without doe tags in the party, a lot of deer I have shot would not have been taken….,and they were often times the only deer I had a chance at all year.
I do not see APR as being a good choice for everywhere.
Maybe this is a very select group of hunters wanting the antler restriction in place and they made the most noise and got their way. Just curious.
I already answered this question in my 5th reply in this thread……….
“The never ending mythical ‘select few’ argument”
APR adversaries frequently resort to the defensive claim that some “select few” trophy groups are controlling or making the DNR implement APRs. Now even ignorant legislators are resorting to this tactic.
“These prohibitions were brought forward by DNR upon the urging of two different deer groups that would like the ‘government’ to implement policies that they believe would increase the number of ‘large’ bucks in the region” (quote from Rep Drazkowski). This claim is patently false.
On page 3 of the 2009 zone 3 DNR survey summary prepared by the DNR it says…. “The vast majority of the survey respondents (93 percent) did not belong to an organized hunting group.”
This statistical fact, beyond any doubts, proves that the DNR implemented new regulation based on what “the public” majority said and NOT because minority “deer groups” ‘urged’ them to…these facts completely invalidate Rep. Drazkowski’s position statement and his initial justification for supporting this repeal. There are no “select few” trophy groups controlling the DNR, they go by public majority on public surveys.