Well, I have to say, my 1st impression is this is a very nice, well tailored Garment Love to New Logo
! It is more on the heavy side and is going to keep you warm, that’s for sure.
Probably the most liked feature (other than logo) is the short zippered neck. Will allow you to losen around the neck area, or zip up tight to keep out the more brutal elements !
On a constructive criticism note, I have to agree with a few others that I thought $70.00+ shipping was a little steep , but it is one of the nice sweat shirts I now own
I will wear this Proud!
Won’t know until I get home and out of work grubs how the large decission will go with Budda. By the looks, think it’s going to be perfect.
Well done staff
February 21, 2013 at 7:06 pm