Forgot your password or have trouble registering?

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    To anyone that has ever had an account here and forgot your password, you can send an e-mail to [email protected] (provide your username please) and we can resurrect your account and get you back participating in a couple minutes. It would be out pleasure to do so.

    To anyone having trouble getting registered, some ISP’s block the type of e-mail sent out by this site to confirm you account, all you need do is send an e-mail to [email protected] stating your prefered –

    Log-in name:
    Display name (can be the same as the log-in name):

    With that info we can manually regsiter you and get you set up to participate!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Generic question, that maybe others are having the same issue with.

    My “password” doesn’t “remember”. Even when I click on the “remember me each visit” box. I have to manually type it in each time. Is there a way I can fix this? I tried cleaning up the “cookies”, but that didn’t work.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I noticed the same thing on one of the terminals I use to check the site. I noticed that if I go ahead and just click on “Forums” from the home page instead of the “Log-in” link, It takes me to the message board and I am logged in. (Even though it says I’m logged out on the main page.)

    Give it a try.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    this might seem stupid but I am wondering why when you hit the back you go through all the pages to get back to the MN lakes. I am sure that it would be nice to have a link to return you to the list of MN lakes and not having to run through the back buttons or going through the forums again.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Yes indeed. That is item #1 on my plate to get fixed ASAP. I don’t like it either. Thanks for the input gentlemen.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Aight, I’m gonna use this as my “I still have a beef with the format” thread too

    1) why won’t the Mississippi river forums show up when I’m viewing only my favorite forums? I’ve removed and re-added them to my list of favorites several times, but they still don’t show.

    2) For some reason I can’t right click when I’m in a reply page. This makes it hard to us the quote feature as I can’t copy/paste anything into a reply.

    3) I’ve got this “thang” about the color red. It just seems to bring out the suppressed angry feelings from my dark childhood……and when I get angry, nobody wins…….I know you used to be able to switch the color scheme somehow, but I can’t find a way to do that anymore. Am I blind, or is that just the ways it’s gonna be?

    Well, that’s probably enough beef for now. If I’m being overly impateint with the continued development with the new layout feel free to tell me to shut my mouth and drag my back under the rock I crawled out from.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Mississippi River as a favorite… a work in progress. Not possible now but likely will be so in the future… after a bunch of fancy coding work.

    The “right click” feature has been disabled to help stop other competing webmasters from stealing our photos and other content. It was getting to the point where staffer “x” would put up a fishing report and we could find it on about 2- 6 other websites (w/o any reference to the poster or where they got it, of course.) in a matter of a day or two. On one hand it’s a compliment. On the other they’re low down thieving turds unable to do there own work that had to be stopped. BUT… there is a solution that will work wonders to accomplish what you’re trying to do. Short-cut Keys. (and ALL college students should know this one… )

    Highlight any text you intend to copy by left clicking and dragging with the mouse. Once highlight, press CONTROL + C. This is the keyboard short cut for Copy.

    To paste… place the cursor where you want the text to be and press CONTROL + V. Keyboard shortcut for PASTE.

    Also note that if you click on “quote” to the right of the reply you intend to reply to… it copies and pastes it for you into YOUR reply window.

    We will add some alternative color schemes in the future. For now… it is what it is. Sorry. It’s on the list but it’s a long list and we have some items in front of this one.


    Aight, I’m gonna use this as my “I still have a beef with the format” thread too

    1) why won’t the Mississippi river forums show up when I’m viewing only my favorite forums? I’ve removed and re-added them to my list of favorites several times, but they still don’t show.

    2) For some reason I can’t right click when I’m in a reply page. This makes it hard to us the quote feature as I can’t copy/paste anything into a reply.

    3) I’ve got this “thang” about the color red. It just seems to bring out the suppressed angry feelings from my dark childhood……and when I get angry, nobody wins…….I know you used to be able to switch the color scheme somehow, but I can’t find a way to do that anymore. Am I blind, or is that just the ways it’s gonna be?

    Well, that’s probably enough beef for now. If I’m being overly impateint with the continued development with the new layout feel free to tell me to shut my mouth and drag my back under the rock I crawled out from.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    I have a dumb question, before James disabled the right click how did you use left click for copy/paste or to quote?

    When I want to quote someone and not quote the whole post I use the reply on that particular post, then I click on the quote button, then scroll down to In response to, then use left click to highlight what I want to quote, copy and paste in-between the quote symbols. Like this……..


    2) For some reason I can’t right click when I’m in a reply page. This makes it hard to us the quote feature as I can’t copy/paste anything into a reply.

    This does bring up another question for James, when I paste something into a post then click on a Graemlin the text that I pasted in disappears, any ideas why that happens? Not a big deal I just paste it in a second time.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Boy you got me there Steve. I just tried to make that happen and I couldn’t replicate the problem. It does sound rather odd though.

    Just so everyone knows, all items brought up here will be addressed just as fast as humanly possible. Do know that even a single bug fix can take dozens, sometimes many dozens, of hours to solve the problem for all browsers / operating systems w/o causing other issues.

    We’ll keep pluggign away. You guys keep posting any issues you find right here so I can keep a tab on them all.


    This does bring up another question for James, when I paste something into a post then click on a Graemlin the text that I pasted in disappears, any ideas why that happens? Not a big deal I just paste it in a second time.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey James,

    You and the rest of the staff are doing a great job. Keep up the good work!!!!


    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Hey James,

    I’m still having trouble with the search tool. Sometimes it works and brings results, but sometimes it just shows me all the posts in that particular forum. I’m not sure what I’m doing differently that makes it work sometimes and not others.

    any clue on that one???

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