What the ‘ell is going on!?

  • eyejacker
    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    The getting stoned to death in the public square remedy might prove to be cost prohibitive and no punishment at all. Say the suspect lives for another 10 years, anyway you look at it, that is a lot of Mary Jane!

    Posts: 3010

    Need a multi-pronged TOUGH approach, and it WOULD have a noticable affect.

    If the perps know that the victims WILL return fire right then and there (takes arrest, trial, waiting for sentencing, possibility for plea bargaining out of the scenario) THAT ALONE would stop a lot of the “wannabees”

    And tough prison conditions (or states that have the death sentence) make the professional criminals look elsewhere; the professionals do think ahead and have a strategy to their criminal activity (that’s what differentiates them as professionals) … see my Nevada/Montana evidence above.

    of course nothing is going to stop the perp who’s also suicidal himself and wants to go out “in a blaze of glory”

    Posts: 3010

    everyone knows that 78.43% of all statistics are just made up out of thin air

    Posts: 3010


    I know it sounds great and it’s a good vent but you can’t seriously believe that would have any impact what so ever on these nut job’s doing these crazy explainable things.

    Gee, I better not rob or kill somebody at gun point because they may stone me to death or give me the gas chamber.

    They don’t have rational common sense thought process’s like we semi normal people do. They are generally on drugs or demented out and are not thinking about ramifications.

    I would be in favor of stoning if that helps!

    Ever seen a man hanged ? (not on TV or movies … I mean in REAL LIFE)

    Believe me, it DOES leave an impression.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    I’m in the lines of new strategies of preventing recidivism some prisons are taking to eliminate repeat offenders. As the talk became about imprisonment. Of course the violent and the most habitual offenders must be treated on a different level. These programs have reduced the the level of repeat offenders to the extant of actually reducing expenditures to the state even above the cost of implementing the program. Less people repeating means less crime.

    Tough prisons do not make good prisoners, just tough prisoners” and they certainly don’t help with the problem of recidivism.

    Now, this example we have here falls in the line of incarnation probably was not taken in account for his actions. So, How does one defend that?

    Desperado, thankfully you have the insight of how a criminal thinks we would be lost without you.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Maybe we could have them all help me start my chainsaw.

    Posts: 3010


    … (cut for brevity, the whole post is two posts above)

    Tough prisons do not make good prisoners, just tough prisoners” and they certainly don’t help with the problem of recidivism.

    … (cut for brevity, the whole post is two posts above)

    Desperado, thankfully you have the insight of how a criminal thinks we would be lost without you.

    Regardless of how a criminal mind works or doesn’t work.

    If it’s recidivism that you’re concerned about … well

    I guaran-d%^^n-tee ya, that swinging from a rope does significantly reduce the chance of recidivism.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    Maybe we could have them all help me start my chainsaw.

    Jimminy crickets BK
    My popcorn was just inhaled. I know you weren’t trying to end me but be more careful next time.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501



    Police: 10-Year-Old Child Killed in Oakdale, MN Shooting

    Police are investigating a shooting in Oakdale Monday evening that left a 10-year-old boy dead and two others injured.

    Oakdale police say a man was randomly shooting at vehicles around the intersection of 7th Street and Hadley Avenue, which is about two blocks from a Rainbow Foods grocery store.

    More at link above…

    Remember Devin.

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