refrigerartor recomendations?

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    We had an ice maker short out and start a fire in our frig. So, needing to make a quick purchase today on a new one, and recommendations, likes/dislikes for a solid mid-range unit? As much as I like Viking, that is WAY out of my budget. We’ve had side-by-side and I’ve taken a liking to the 3-dooor style frig top 2-dor/pull out freezer drawer on bottom. Whistles & bells aren,t too important as it makes for more that can go wrong. Just want a reliable unit that isn’t a thin layer of plastic junk that dis-forms and becomes an over-priced pain in the

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    We have had Kenmore Elite in the past and I thought they were very good.

    Posts: 18

    Just bought a GE at Home Depot over the holidays in style you described and so far like it alot tons of room just make sure it fits. Had to redo so cabinets cause they make them big now

    Posts: 8

    Had mine go out last summer. So I bought a Whirlpool Gold series. Single door fridge on top, slide out freezer on bottom. With the single door you get lots of room inside the door for gallon milk jugs, OJ, pop etc. Ice maker is in the freezer but I can live with that. Love it!

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544


    We had an ice maker short out and start a fire in our frig. So, needing to make a quick purchase today on a new one, and recommendations, likes/dislikes for a solid mid-range unit? As much as I like Viking, that is WAY out of my budget. We’ve had side-by-side and I’ve taken a liking to the 3-dooor style frig top 2-dor/pull out freezer drawer on bottom. Whistles & bells aren,t too important as it makes for more that can go wrong. Just want a reliable unit that isn’t a thin layer of plastic junk that dis-forms and becomes an over-priced pain in the

    Same style as ours Samsung and going strong…Buy a lot of fishing gear for the price of these things,

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    We have a GE side by side and had a lot of trouble with it mostly with the ice maker and the water line freezing in the door.

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Whirlpool makes most of the common mid-range refers anyway. I think you’d be happy with it.

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