Any reports from GC hearings at the Capitol?

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    As someone who picks up kids at two different schools I can see how a person could inadvertantly forget to lock the weapon in a case then lock it in the car. I’m not excited about having guns in school either, but the fact that it’s a “safe zone” only tells the criminals that law abiding people like myself won’t have a gun there.

    I don’t know the answer, but I lean towards trained profesionals should be the only people with guns in schools. Making me a felon for forgeting my pistol one time scares the bejesus out of me. I’ve never forgot and I’m very conscience of it. However, as someone who always feels like I’m constantly running behind or late I could see it happen.

    To this point, the CC folks in Mn have not been problematic. Why they are even going after us with new laws baffles me.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22635

    My issue or concern is the knee jerk reaction of lawmakers scrambling to write laws, that will have ZERO effect on preventing what happened at Sandy Hook, but which actually assures the next nutjob, that there should not be any other weapons on the school premise when he plans his attack, because they made it a felony for a law abiding citizen to do so… Plain dumb if you ask me

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18776


    My issue or concern is the knee jerk reaction of lawmakers scrambling to write laws, that will have ZERO effect on preventing what happened at Sandy Hook, but which actually assures the next nutjob, that there should not be any other weapons on the school premise when he plans his attack, because they made it a felony for a law abiding citizen to do so… Plain dumb if you ask me

    It is dumb. Bad things are going to happen. Mitigating the outcome in the best interest of law abiding citizens (aka-good people) is the best that can be accomplished. We seem to be past the point of equilibrium going the direction where more good people would be put at risk than where we are right now.

    It seems to me the only ones putting this great fear in the publics mind is politicians and the media. Without them this would not be such an astronomical cluster **** and we could all go about our lives hoping that we are lucky with life just as our ancestors have done since the beginning of time.

    Chris H
    Posts: 143

    X2 big G

    It does not matter to the madman if it is a felony, gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor to carry a gun on school grounds. If a teacher with a cc wants to carry a gun to protect themselves and their students, I have no problem with that. If a teacher does not want to carry i respect that also. I just think people should be able to make that choice themselves and not have a bunch of politicians making it for them.

    The vast majority of the mass shootings happen in gun free zones

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    As I’ve said before…

    Even if ALL teachers/faculty in a school decline to carry, a wacko knowing that they can/could/might carry should detour violence.

    I’ll be honest, I’m not thrilled about the thought of having staff carry at schools. But there is nothing else that has been proposed that will do a better job of shortening a wacko’s killing spree.

    Bed time.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    From today’s Strib:

    Assault weapons, ammo bans off table in state Senate

    Article by: JIM RAGSDALE , Star Tribune Updated: February 18, 2013 – 11:47 PM

    Weapons hearings in St. Paul will focus on background checks, not “highly divisive” bans on assault weapons and magazines.

    The Minnesota Senate will not act to ban assault weapons or high-capacity ammunition clips this year, a DFL leader said Monday.

    Sen. Ron Latz, DFL-St. Louis Park, who is chairing the Senate’s gun hearings this week, said he will focus on closing the loopholes in background checks and leave the issue of banning weapons or ammunition to Congress.

    “The assault weapons ban and high-capacity magazine ban proposals are highly divisive,” said Latz, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Legions of concerned gun owners turned out for three days of hearings on gun issues last week, and Latz said such bans also do not have strong support from law enforcement.

    On the other hand, he said, the idea of filling loopholes in background checks has strong public and police support, and he believes it can pass this year.

    “Law enforcement does have broad consensus in favor of universal background checks, closing loopholes in existing statutes,” he said. “I want to focus on what has broad public support.”

    The bans introduced in the House by Rep. Alice Hausman, DFL-St. Paul, were opposed by the National Rifle Association, the state’s Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance and dozens of gun owners who felt the bills would violate their constitutional rights. They questioned how the weapons would be defined and what would happen to those who own them now.

    Support came from Protect Minnesota, a gun-control organization, and former Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan. But the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association, which represents rank-and-file police officers, threw its support behind universal background checks rather than the guns and magazine bans.

    “We always suspected this was the strategy from the minute this started, ” said Rep. Tony Cornish, R-Vernon Center, leader of the gun-owners-rights position at the Legislature. “I don’t think they thought they had the votes.”

    He said he remains opposed to the background checks plan out of fear that it would lead to a gun registry that could be used for confiscation.

    Rep. Michael Paymar, DFL-St. Paul, chairman of the House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee, told gun-control advocates at the Capitol Monday that he will push ahead with the background-checks measure. Paymar said “universal background checks will be the centerpiece of our bill” but banning weapons or magazines would face “much more opposition.”

    Latz’s committee scheduled hearings at the Capitol for noon and 6 p.m. on Thursday and noon Friday. Bills pending before his panel include trying to prevent people with severe mental issues from obtaining weapons and changing the way felons get their rights to purchase weapons restored.

    Jim Ragsdale • 651-925-5042

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You mean they might actually get it right?

    Here’s to public servants

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    You mean they might actually get it right?

    Here’s to public servants

    Here’s to strong opposition!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101


    You mean they might actually get it right?

    Here’s to public servants

    Just keep a very watchful eye on slimy DFLers. I’ll be very surprised if full blown registration isn’t on the agenda in their next round.

    Heck, Colorado looks to be passing similar laws to NY and CA. Really, CO. Our country is changing right before our eyes. Citidiots who think they know what is best for us continue to take away our freedoms little by little.

    Did you know it’s virtually impossible to ship reloading supplies person to person due to new federal regulations? The DFL continues to push their agendas all the while attacking the 2nd amendment from every direction possible.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18776

    This is not going away. Glad we made it this time.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    To be clear, my cheers were dripping with sarcasm. Pretty sure I don’t have to point that out with you guys, but just in case.

    Posts: 1899

    Does anyone know the status of the ridiculous changes to the carry laws that were being proposed?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I don’t know this for a fact as I haven’t looked today. But my understanding was all the nonsense was rolled into one omnibus bill, which appears to be dead at this time.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I should have something to post later today. A person I work with informed me one of the ladies lobbying for gun control has ties to the administration, but wants to come off as just a concerned Minnesotan.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18776


    I should have something to post later today. A person I work with informed me one of the ladies lobbying for gun control has ties to the administration, but wants to come off as just a concerned Minnesotan.

    Cool. Let’s burn her down.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    This is all secondhand info right now until he sends me the links, but apparently on her FB page she says she is willing to field all questions. If anyone asks her about funding it is immediately removed without an answer. It would be fun to harass her to the point she gives up her FB page.

    Central MN
    Posts: 323

    ProtectMN has received grants from The Joyce Foundation which is, well, you can look it up and form your own opinions about who is behind them and the type of people they are. Obama, Soros, et al. ProtectMN couldn’t be further from a local organization looking to ensure the well-being of Minnesotans.

    Follow the money. It’s not hard to find the trail.

    ProtectMN used to be called Citizens for a Safer Minnesota until that name lost the little credibility they had so they had to reform and rebrand themselves. Second verse, same as the first.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I’m sure glad all these new laws will stop all these crimes going on, I sure feel better now.

    And these morons just keep getting re-elected, maybe we deserve it..


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    It’s you city people who keep voting them in.

    Posts: 630

    Kooty, I have held my tongue for a while, but the “city folk” bs is not productive. I live in the metro and have been a card carrying conservative ever since I looked at my first paycheck when I was 13. I did not inherit my livelyhood and have no desire to do the same work for less wage and thus cannot be a “country boy” for the sake of being one. Name calling never produced evidence of intellect.

    47% do not contribute and 5% think that is an acceptable idea, that is who put us in this mess. To my mind the primary motivator of a libertarian is the possibility and the unacceptable option of failure. Those who would erase failure will also erase success.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I did not see any name calling there. And Kooty is 100% correct. The liberal (Democrat) votes come from the cities.


    Posts: 1899


    I did not see any name calling there. And Kooty is 100% correct. The liberal (Democrat) votes come from the cities.


    There are plenty of farmers who have drank the DFL kool-aid and have never voted (R) their entire lives.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    True. But not a majority of them.


    Posts: 1899


    True. But not a majority of them.


    Where I’m from in southern MN, I’d say it’s a majority of them. I guess it’s all a matter of who you know, though.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Ben, Sorry my attempt at humor was lost in that post for you. I was just ribbing Al because of where he lives. I had no intentions of name calling in that thread.

    The one a few above, was pointed directly at the folks who were born and raised in the city and the only thing they know about guns is bad guys have them. They are the ones who believe it’s OK for them to tell me how to live my life. These same people think I’m a danger to society because I own guns. These are citidiots.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Sorry, he didn’t get back to me until today. I copied this off the Gun board he directed me to.

    As many of you know Heather Martens is the paid lobbyist who presented 241 and other house files at the committee hearings last week. Anyway her organization “Protect Minnesota” is funded by the Joyce Foundation, and guess who served on the board of directors? Surprise Surprise its Barack Obama. Obama served on the Foundation’s board of directors from July 1994 until December 2002.



    List of participants at President Obama’s gun violence roundtable in Minneapolis

    Open the link and take a look. Yep, Heather Martens was at the “roundtable”


    Now, after just 2 posts on “Protect Minnesota” Facebook page I was swiftly blocked and my posts deleted. Seems Heather does not want people to know her connections to Washington DC nor the fact that this entire AWB push in MN is not “grass roots”. Hmmm seems Heather does not want her own members to know the money trail…interesting

    Just though some of you may want to try and enlighten the FB members of “Protect MN”

    Facebook Page

    Posts: 630


    Ben, Sorry my attempt at humor was lost in that post for you. I was just ribbing Al because of where he lives. I had no intentions of name calling in that thread.

    The one a few above, was pointed directly at the folks who were born and raised in the city and the only thing they know about guns is bad guys have them. They are the ones who believe it’s OK for them to tell me how to live my life. These same people think I’m a danger to society because I own guns. These are citidiots.

    It’s all good. Things go over my head on occasion.

    That being said, I have made it my life’s mission to protect my kids from the narrow minded liberalism they will have thrown at them on account of their zip code. The civilian disarmament nonsense that comes from St. Paul really sticks in my craw. I can’t believe that anyone voted for such short sighted idiots.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I’ve said it before, I figure if you are here reading IDO, we must have something in common. Even though I disagree with some folks almost all the time, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t share a beer or a day in the boat with them.

    Quick story, somewhat unrelated. I work in a building in Bloomington that is filled with “banker/investor” types. Full suits, wall street journal readin’ fancy shoe types very business professional. The floor we are on has several of these guys I see in the hallway etc… I’ve never spoke to any of them. I figure my jeans wearin’ redneck probably doesn’t have much in common with them. As I’m passing two folks today, I overhear the conversation about having a CC permit. I slowed my walk to the bathroom to hear more. They were both talking about the test they took, where and how well it went. I probably still won’t strike up a conversation with them, but I tell you what, it sure made me feel better knowing I might not be the only gun owner on the floor.

    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    We have been hearing a lot lately that elections have consequences. Sadly we have an uninformed electorate that just keeps voting for folks because they have always voted either Republican or Democrat. A good example if you are pro gun and the person you are voting for gets an F rating from the NRA you should maybe consider pulling the lever for a different candidate.

    Albert Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Here is the response to my letter to Denny McNamara 54B Representative:

    Chappy, Thanks for your email about this important issue. As a strong supporter of 2nd Amendment rights, it is my hope and expectation that we will stay away from any new regulations on our gun rights. I will not support efforts to take these freedoms away. If you’d like to discuss this or any issue further feel free to call or email. Keep in touch, Denny

    Representative Denny McNamara

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