..Motor>No Oil>Damage>Yes…2 or 3 lines.?
I had a couple Explorers in the past that went bone dry. I can vouch for that!
Like I said, I am not going to cry over not having 2 lines in the summer.
However, if they aren’t go to go to 2 lines in the summer, I think they should stick to 2 in the winter. It doesn’t make sense. What is their reasoning again? So one line is sacred in the summer but lets push the limits (so to speak) in the winter. I just don’t get it.
To Brian’s point, obviously we don’t run our engines without oil because some did studies and tests and based it all on reasoning. I would like the DNR once and for all to come out with a little article with fact, figures, studies, anything, that shows us why they allow the number of lines like they do. I have only heard a few things thrown out there, but not a cohesive and in-depth argument to their position.