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  • crawdaddy
    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    Honestly what good is a harvest cutback going to do for mille lacs? Many of the walleyes in there right now look like they’re on a starvation diet. More walleyes in the lake isn’t going to fix things with their forage base. I think they should go the other way and open things up, clear out some walleyes. My buddy caught a 28″ up there with me this fall and I’m pretty sure the thing died shortly after a gentle release. She was hooked lightly in the upper jaw on an artificial bait, but still the stress of a light fight was too much for her. Caught 6 other eyes that day, all but one looked in horrible shape. We were bass fishing and all the smallmouths looked fat and happy as can be. I’m not sure if it’s because they can prey on crayfish better than eyes or what, but I have thought about it a lot, how all the bass and muskies up there are so healthy and the walleyes are mostly in terrible shape.

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