I’m looking for a crew cab pickup

  • wimwuen
    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    Depends what you want, and how much you want to spend.

    Dodge has a high output 6 cylinder coming out. Chevy has the 6-1/2′ box crew cab coming out. I did the math, the extra 2-3 miles a gallon I’d get going ecoboost or high output 6 Dodge, would never even come close to saving me enough in gas to make up for the additional cost.

    I’m not a “I have to have the next big thing just to say I have it” kind of guy. I made a list of the things I really wanted/needed. I decided I could live without bluetooth in my truck (had it in my car and never used it). I drove pretty much every truck out there in 1/2 ton and decided I didn’t find $10K more value in the Ford or $8k more in the Chevy. They’re nice trucks, maybe even a little nicer than my Dodge, but nothing stood out to me that made me think they were worth 40-50% more.

    Somebody told me the after 2 years the dodge would be worth $2K less than the Chevy. I paid $8K less, so I guess that is to be expected. I’m in this for at least 5 more years, so that’s another factor. How long are you going to keep it.

    Ultimately, buy what you like the most. Drive them all. Then weigh the pros and cons. Nobody elses opinion is going to make you feel better when you’re making that payment each month.

    Posts: 3835

    Actually I think you and I are a lot alike. I’m going to drive this thing for a long time. I’ve gotten 12 years out of my jeep and it has zip really for options, CD doesn’t worki anymore, no AC. I want freaking AC. I think the backup camera is kind of cool because I fish alone a lot. I wouldn’t use the blue tooth either. I’ve driven the Chevy and the Ford already.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    One question, who didn’t take the bailout money? I have owned all 3 and I will not go back to Chevy or Dodge. Our company stopped buying Chevy because of the bailout and hasn’t looked back.

    They all have their ups and downs but I would suggest Ford all the way. You don’t have the number one selling truck for 30 years straight just because.

    With my Dodge I never felt good about the transmission. The Chevy always felt spongey when towing and had little noises all the time. My Ford’s have always been rock solid except for some early 90’s trucks I owned that’s why originally moved away from Ford. After owning others I was so happy the day I got back into the Ford and never looked back.

    No matter your choice you will probably get a good truck but if you aren’t brand loyal it can be a tuff process because they have all gotten better over the years.

    Posts: 3835

    I’m nervous because I’ve never purchased a new vehicle in my life. Ford is a good company no doubt. GM used to employ a lot of people in Wisconsin. I don’t want to reward them for leaving but maybe if there is enough demand they might come back.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965


    One question, who didn’t take the bailout money?

    Depends when they received it… in early 2009 for Ford, it was called a “loan” later that year for GM & Chrysler it was a “bailout”.

    From FORBES…Ford didn’t file bankruptcy or get bailed out by Uncle Sam, but didn’t it receive $5.9 billion in low-cost government loans in 2009 to overhaul its factories and bring out more fuel-efficient technology? What would have happened to Ford if Congress hadn’t authorized taxpayer money to fund that $25 billion Energy Department program during a moment of crisis for the industry?

    Facts, gotta hate em hate to see uninformed people

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    We all know about the 6 billion dollar Ford ‘loan’ but the bailout is a different story. GM and Crysler also took these loans in 2008 for 17 billion dollars. Then after the loans were issued another 80 billion dollars was given to GM and Crysler in various ways in 2009, I call that the bailout. Call it what you want but tax payers are stand to loose 28 billion as a result of the GM auto ‘bailout’ by not paying it back.

    Having loans is part of doing business all business have them. When the government takes over stocks in a company what do you call that, wise investing?

    I guess we will agree to disagree on this. Tomato or Tomauto you it’s up to you.

    Facts got to hate the for those less informed.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965


    We all know about the 6 billion dollar Ford ‘loan’… Then after the loans were issued another 80 billion dollars was given to GM and Crysler in various ways in 2009, I call that the bailout.

    Your “various ways” verbage was a “loan” to Chrysler…. a “bailout” infers it does not get paid back…turned out to be a good business decision

    SE WI
    Posts: 146

    I also appreciate all the replies here. I posted a similar thread on another website but don’t need a crew cab. I’d LIKE an extended cap for a lockable place to put chainsaws,vexilars,or to sleep at a boat launch.

    I know a guy who’s had a used car lot/service center for lots of years. Kind of a friend but I wouldn’t buy from him – there’s been several ‘barters’ in the past where neither of us came out ahead.

    One thing he did say – and since there were customers in the store,he whispered – was to stay away from the Hemi. He sees more problems with them than there should be.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    Posts: 3835

    Anybody here run a Honda Ridgeline?

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1635

    Another factor to look at in buying a new Ford,Chev,or a Dodge,is there a good dealership to service the make you buy? if your buying new your gonna want a good to decent dealership behind you

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