She finally got me !!!! Jamaica bound

  • big_jon
    Posts: 37

    Wife has me convinced to spend some of my vacation taking her to Jamaica for a vacation late Feb, instead of using it all on fishing, with the exception that I can take one day to jump on a fishing charter. We will be staying in Ocho Rios, I think I would like to fish for a Tarpon, but I’m open to ideas…..anybody got any suggestions including contacts.

    Breezy Point, MN
    Posts: 207

    Make sure you take the hop plane over to Negril, best beach I ever laid foot on.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    There is just something right about heading south mid winter. 1st time you go you will realize that. Now if you can pull of the hat trick of fishing south of the border, in country and Canada in a week there is accomplishment.

    Posts: 37

    I got that in too….had 3 of the best days ice fishing I have had in my life time just before Christmas on Lake of the Woods

    Posts: 395

    I agree with getting to Negril Id rather go there than anywhere else in Jamicia–try getting there while your down there–lots to do out of Negril too

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Never been to Jamaica, but tarpon are a riot!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Jamaica has been our favorite Caribbean trip so far! Love it there. Many areas there you can’t go wrong with.

    Wish I would have packed a small packable rod and reel. Several guests caught decent fish off the beach. And to me, that beats just laying there in the hot sun.


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    I was in Jamaica last winter. Great place to vacation. Hope you have better luck fishing than we did. We ended up with a $600.00 4 Hr boat ride – Not one fish was caught or even seen. We have had bad luch on deepsea fishing. This year in Cancun we only caught 1 Barricuda in 4 Hr’s of fishing. You are doing the right thing to do some research ahead of time. Hopefully someone here can point you in the right direction to hook up with a good guide. Good luck fishing and have a great time !!!

    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    When you check out Fishing a Man’s Way on u-tube, scroll
    down to the photo of the PETA protestor wrapped up like a fish in Montgomery AL.

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