Byron Clements

  • whiskeysour
    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    I’m sure many of you have fished on the Genoa fishing float that is owned by the Clements. Last night Byron, who had cancer passed away. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

    Jeff Bennett
    Lake Puckaway Wi.
    Posts: 1180

    Prayers sent from the Bennet family.

    Stoddard, WI
    Posts: 60

    Prayers sent.

    Balsam Lake Wisc.
    Posts: 183

    I worked for Byron back in 1966 on the barge and also piloted the launch.
    Our prayers go out to his family.(His wife and son Mark).
    As you all know, Byron was a great guy. I can say he was very good to work with and for.
    God Bless

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    A great fighter for the river & fisherman

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