Fleet Farm Speaks Out

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Duck Hunting Shotgun Proven To Be more Dangerous Than A Huldra AR-15

    Published on Jan 10, 2013

    This is a video letter to Minnesota Congressman Rick Nolan, and Senators Amy Klobucher, and Al Franken. This video proves that a duck hunting shotgun is more destructive and lethal than a Huldra AR-15 modern sporting rifle.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    In an interview with WCCO~


    Surprised by the stance of the lawmakers, Stewart Mills posted an open letter to Nolan and Minnesota’s US senators clarifying their danger. Mills family owns Mills Fleet Farms. He told WCCO that what he said in the online video are his own thoughts, not those of the company or his family.

    Link to full story<

    Posts: 6259

    Pretty cool video BK thanks for sharing, I sure Stewart Smally is listening

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    KUDOS to them for investing the time/money to get REAL information out to the public. For many of us, we spend our time on forums with people that share similar interests. That is a barrier that needs to be broken and this type of info needs to be shared amongst people that are in fear of the myths.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    Why aren’t we arming our schools with Tazers or Pepper spray or something for that matter. No defense is such a bunch of crap I can’t take it anymore. Evil is evil, if someone wants to cause carnage they are going to do it. Give them the tools to protect our kids, lethal or non lethal at least something.

    The glasses I wear are clearly a different shade of color then others.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I’m loosing faith in humanity Just a matter of time before a politician says these are [censored] assault weapons too

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Very well done!


    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    I’m loosing faith in humanity Just a matter of time before a politician says these are [censored] assault weapons too

    Those are classified as AR’s Randy…..Assualt Rocks

    Posts: 3010

    I can see it coming like a freight train at the other end of the tunnel.

    Expect Franken and Klobuchar to call for stricter controls on shotguns

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Nice Job Mills!!!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    I can see it coming like a freight train at the other end of the tunnel.

    Expect Franken and Klobuchar to call for stricter controls on shotguns

    I’ve always said I would rather have a 12 auto with buck over a rifle any day at short range. I hopt this video doesnt give those idiots in Wa any ideas.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I supported Fleet Farm before this. They now will recieve almost 100% of my business!

    Posts: 125


    I supported Fleet Farm before this. They now will recieve almost 100% of my business!

    My sentiment too. Mills will get my business, especially over [censored] Sporting Goods. A shotgun will always do more damage in close, the only reason police carry AR’s now is because of what happen in LA.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Excellent Video, Brian
    While this type of factual information fortifies the position of pro gun folks, it will probably not change the anti gun zealots as facts tend to over burden their emotionally based arguments, so they will choose to ignore it!

    Posts: 289

    Just another reason to support FF with your shopping $$

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    Damn right! Excellent video

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3542

    Gre3at Video and I will bet my bottom dollar those
    AR`s in the rack will be gone within the first hour of the store opening.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Great video, but you know it will fall on deaf ears.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1842

    Take a look at their Jan 11 ad. The Hulrda’s are front and center:
    FF Jan 11 ad
    I realize sales are planned months in advance, but I was surprised by the ad. I am happy to see they stuck to their plans.

    Go Fleet Farm!

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Great video with solid information!

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Why are 25 to 30 round clips required?

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    I was sitting on the fence as a life long hunter and gun owner. I support an assault rifle ban more after watching this video.
    1. I reject the argument that it takes 5 rounds from the Hulda to do as much damage as one round from the shotgun. High speed bullets kill, use a hollow point and I doubt there is much difference in killing and maiming power of each weapon with one shot to the target.
    2. Put up 25 targets and retime how long it takes to put one round into each target. Put up 50 targets. There is no reason to have a gun that can shoot 25 rounds without reloading.
    3. The shotgun is a devastating weapon at close range that quickly loses it effectiveness as the distance increases. What is the killing range of the Hulda? what happens when you fire the Hulda at an intruder, miss and kill your next door neighbor across the street standing in his house?

    Finally has anyone else noticed that it is always single white males that do the mass shootings? Maybe they would not be drawn to old wood stock shotgun instead of the sexy assault rifle that looks just like the one they use in the games.

    At some point we have to ask if some restrictions are not reasonable to try and save some lives.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    At some point we have to ask if some restrictions are not reasonable to try and save some lives.

    We already have enough restrictions.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m not an AR fan nor am I a high capacity clip fan for rifles. For one, it’s super hard on a barrel sending lots of rounds down a hot barrel. But besides the logical reasons, most here and out there appear to be scared of these weapons. Why, I’m unsure.

    This is a very good read from a self proclaimed lefty. Gun Ban

    I know I won’t change anyone opinions “arguing” on the internet. However, please take 3 minutes to sit back and think about this simple question. The last time you saw an article or news story about multiple people getting killed in an auto accident. Were your first thoughts to blame the vehicle? Did you instantly think we better limit Ford/Chevy/Dodge to 20mph or less because that family was killed.

    Until our country addresses the real problem of lack of parenting, inability to deal with mental issues properly and simply restoring compassion for our fellow humans you can blame guns til the cows come home and yet your problem doesn’t go away. A gun in the hands of a responsible, law abiding citizen is not threat to you and your family no matter how “scary” the gun looks.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Until our country addresses the real problem of lack of parenting, inability to deal with mental issues properly and simply restoring compassion for our fellow humans you can blame guns til the cows come home and yet your problem doesn’t go away. A gun in the hands of a responsible, law abiding citizen is not threat to you and your family no matter how “scary” the gun looks.

    Exactly. I have been argueing for years it is time for parents to reinsert their foot into their kid’s rear. We need parents to act like parents to their children. Not peers or friends.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    I was confused by the title of this post..? I thought Fleet Farm neither condoned or supported his stance and this was his personal view ? I’d like to see them either truely get behind him or their sales ad Like it was said so many times… follow the $$$

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I hear so many people, including myself, state that we need people that reproduce to be PARENTS instead of passive, guilt consumed people that spoil their kids. My question is why won’t people just do it? Its common sense, right? I don’t believe in beating kids to a bloody mess, but what happen to the swat on the rear and a stern corrective action? Obviously our need to have double incomes to just cover most living costs have the vast majority of families with both mom & dad working. I just don’t understand people that choose to be a friend, feel guilty, and spoil their kids because of a lack of a stay home mom or dad. Some where a fear developed that left kids to be educated that they have a level of entitlement, disregard for others, and no freak’n ethics.
    It really ticks me off to no end, because of the accusations I go through. I can’t believe how many people over the last 17 years have told me to my face that I am too hard on my kids, I set expectations too high, I make them work too much, blah, blah, blah. Well if it offends someone that I am a Father instead of a sperm donor they can kiss my I know I brag up my daughters achievements, but they EARNED it.
    So, to shorten this, I ask why have we allowed politicians to run our country with the same level of no responsibility? Think about it, if you went to work and performed at the same level, you would be fired. We’ve created an urban society that has lost touch with core values and now we are paying the price.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I hear so many people, including myself, state that we need people that reproduce to be PARENTS instead of passive, guilt consumed people that spoil their kids. My question is why won’t people just do it? Its common sense, right? I don’t believe in beating kids to a bloody mess, but what happen to the swat on the rear and a stern corrective action? Obviously our need to have double incomes to just cover most living costs have the vast majority of families with both mom & dad working. I just don’t understand people that choose to be a friend, feel guilty, and spoil their kids because of a lack of a stay home mom or dad. Some where a fear developed that left kids to be educated that they have a level of entitlement, disregard for others, and no freak’n ethics.
    It really ticks me off to no end, because of the accusations I go through. I can’t believe how many people over the last 17 years have told me to my face that I am too hard on my kids, I set expectations too high, I make them work too much, blah, blah, blah. Well if it offends someone that I am a Father instead of a sperm donor they can kiss my I know I brag up my daughters achievements, but they EARNED it.
    So, to shorten this, I ask why have we allowed politicians to run our country with the same level of no responsibility? Think about it, if you went to work and performed at the same level, you would be fired. We’ve created an urban society that has lost touch with core values and now we are paying the price.

    Darn proud to call you a friend Randy. That is exactly how we plan to raise Dominic.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370


    I hear so many people, including myself, state that we need people that reproduce to be PARENTS instead of passive, guilt consumed people that spoil their kids. My question is why won’t people just do it? Its common sense, right? I don’t believe in beating kids to a bloody mess, but what happen to the swat on the rear and a stern corrective action? Obviously our need to have double incomes to just cover most living costs have the vast majority of families with both mom & dad working. I just don’t understand people that choose to be a friend, feel guilty, and spoil their kids because of a lack of a stay home mom or dad. Some where a fear developed that left kids to be educated that they have a level of entitlement, disregard for others, and no freak’n ethics.
    It really ticks me off to no end, because of the accusations I go through. I can’t believe how many people over the last 17 years have told me to my face that I am too hard on my kids, I set expectations too high, I make them work too much, blah, blah, blah. Well if it offends someone that I am a Father instead of a sperm donor they can kiss my I know I brag up my daughters achievements, but they EARNED it.
    So, to shorten this, I ask why have we allowed politicians to run our country with the same level of no responsibility? Think about it, if you went to work and performed at the same level, you would be fired. We’ve created an urban society that has lost touch with core values and now we are paying the price.

    Amen Randy. Seems to be plenty of sperm donors/leg spreaders around. There is a huge difference in kids that have some guidance in their lives to those that are left to find there own way.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Every generation, gets chastised by the previous… been happening forever… like the old ” when I was a kid, we walked uphill to school both ways in a blizzard” talk. & who can forget the old “I got my azz spanked & look how great I turned out”… so then you should get whacked too… The wording used has changed, but the meassage has been the same, there by putting oneself on a pedastal above todays “have all” generations

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