NUWAVE counter cook top and dogs??????

  • IceAsylum
    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    I bought my wife 2 NUWAVE pic’s for Christmas and we love them. Problem is every time we plug them in the dogs start cowering and trying to hide under our feet. Has anyone else had this issue?

    Posts: 2596

    You and your wife wouldn’t happen to be Phillipino would you?

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    LMAO. No wouldn’t need the cook top to scare them.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Hmmmm…Might wanna call the company to see what might be the deal.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Sounds like a frequency humm that they can hear and you can’t.

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    I figured it had to be something with a high pitch frequency, but can’t find anyone else that has noticed it. Ow and you bet your booties I called the company and got just the answer I thought I would ( I’m the first person to have ever called about it. Just figure I have to put the dogs outside when we use them. They work great for any thing you would normally do on your stove top but being to set the heat from the gitgo is awesome.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Your the 1st person who I have heard has one. Might be interested in trying one…

    Posts: 125


    You and your wife wouldn’t happen to be Phillipino would you?

    funny stuff there

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956


    Your the 1st person who I have heard has one. Might be interested in trying one…

    If you order one go thru Amazon not the company sight, sounds like a nightmare from the people who have.

    Posts: 1

    Was surprised to find this……I got the NuWave for Christmas. When we set it up, the Pomeranian got scared to death!(normally she’s a vicious killer attack guard Pomeranian)…. Seriously she ran into the far corner of the house and hid in the walk in shower. Totally freaked out. Since that time the 2 times we’ve used the NuWave on the back porch, with doors closed, she still shakes and runs scared. Who’d have thought! I’ve not seen anything else on the net about this…….will keep an eye open…

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    I did a search and there are a few complaints of the exact same thing with people’s dogs.

    Posts: 1

    It’s not just your dog(s). I have the same issue. My poodle and chihuahua totally freak when I turn the nuwave on.

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