State of Hockey = No Time for Ice Fishing

  • chirp
    Posts: 1471



    The kid needs to socialize with his peers too. I loved camping and hunting with my dad, but there needs to be a mix of both in my mind.


    No question. I agree 100%. Unfortunately organized sports these days are out of hand. These kids are not able to be kids anymore. Between the homework and extra cirricular activities that are expected of them.

    I will agree with you that youth sports are out of control. I believe that kids are way to specialized in one sport. I know they have to be to be competitive. It is rare for one kid to be competitive in more than one sport anymore. Unfortunate in my eyes that they have to pick at an early age to specialize in one sport. I don’t agree with you in that a kid should not be expected to participate in extracurriclar activities. I think that needs to be the childs choice not expected of them. I also agree that sports are a great way for kids to interact with other kids.

    Posts: 605

    I went to a small school, so this may not be true in bigger schools like up in the cities. But for my graduating class last year i noticed that there were 3 types of guys. There was the popular, sportsy guys that were always together whether it was on the field, court, or somebodies basement. Then there were your typical drunkies who did poor in school and spent all their time smokin pot and drinkin booze. (not many of them, if any were in sports) And then you got your nerds who may have tried sports, but were never good. I may be extremely bias as my life was fully rotated around sports until i graduated, but a little extra traveling and money spent is well, well worth it.

    Posts: 9311

    I went to a metro school and I was 2 of the 3. What 2 I’m not saying.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I don’t agree with you in that a kid should not be expected to participate in extracurriclar activities. I think that needs to be the childs choice not expected of them. I also agree that sports are a great way for kids to interact with other kids.

    Chirp. I was referencing the perception that colleges “expect” potential students to be 4.0 students with a letter in a sport or two and XX hours of community service/volunteer experience.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I was 1.75 of the 3.

    As far as I am concerned (for my kids) academics is the top priority and sports are a very distant second or even third. (For example) Iknow a lot of guys who were successful athletes in school who now deliver packages to me via UPS

    Posts: 1471

    Sorry misunderstood. I do get your point now.

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