So after Deer Season a buddy and I built a nice 8 X 6 spear house with a 5 X 2 hole. We were going to put it in spots where we could spear and angle to keep the kids entertained. We set the house and saw quite a few Pike the first couple of times out and a few panfish; that was middle of December. Since then I have been out once; one flipping time in a month.
Having two kids in Hockey pretty much has me running around here and there constantly. Practice, games, and tournaments pretty much keep us busy 7 days a week. To make matters worse all my buddies are slaying walleyes and crappies on local lakes and taking trips to Red Lake and LOTW. I have had several opportunities to go on these trip; but wait for it oh yeah hockey games and practices on the weekends
. Then when you get a moment of free time you have to take care of normal household crap (which I hate doing even when I am not busy running around).
Would it be wrong to tell the kids to take up bowling or ping pong cause their is a slim chance you will be a professional Hockey player; cause that thought has crossed my mind over the last two weeks. I know I wouldn’t be a very good parent but this hockey crap is really cramping my personal fishing time. Call me selfish but a guy has to have some time for himself.
I usually don’t gripe about things that involve the kids cause I am pretty involved in what they do cause they are only young once; but do you really think that these kids need to practice 7 days a week. Our 12 year old is on a 13 day stretch of Hockey and Our 7 yr old goes 3 to 4 days a week . Maybe I should change my motto of “if you commit to a sport you need to be there all the time” to “if you are in a sport you will go when I feel like bringing you”. Back when I was in sports we didn’t travel all over the place and were still competitive in High School and played in Section Finals and State Tournaments. Maybe I just need to accept the change to modern times.
Anyone else have kids in Hockey experiencing the same dillema I am in?