Would you buy bait in Hudson???

  • rdwheeler
    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    About a year ago I had a warehouse in Hudson but it was not very close to the water, we had talked (over beers) about building a bait shop and buying/selling/trading fishing and hunting gear. Well that never came to a reality, but I was just curious if say someone put up a small bait shop in Hudson (near the river) and offered live bait and all the essentials for fishing would you buy bait??

    Because now that Gander doesn’t offer live bait, and Holiday has small suckers at best it makes it tough to get good bait without going all the way to Oakdale from the Hudson area.

    Prescott, Wi
    Posts: 372

    Doesn’t The gas station across from Dq sell bait. With Fleet farm up the hill. It would be tough to make a profit on Tackle. Just saying thought about it myself, just to many variables to make money

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3496

    I think it would be a tough nut to crack if bait were the primary product. In order to be conveniently located close enough to the river, rent would not be cheap. You would have to sell alot of bait to cover your time (5 am till dark every day of the week) and rent plus other expenses. When I do buy bait in Hudson, Holiday is adequate but not great. Another option to buy bait in Hudson would be a good thing.

    How about piggy backing with Left of Center?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Living in Hudson since 1970, I’ve seen a lot around this town and one of life’s biggest disappointments has always been a “local” shop! It’s been tried, right in that little commercial building west of the DQ even! Didn’t last long. I’m not sure if rent is too high when you’re that close to the river or what but there are MANY that would try and support it.

    Once on the river, I think some guys motor over to Beanies and get live bait. Beanie’s still sell bait? I haven’t been there in ages because I launch WI side and tend to fish artificials. However, I’d do some live bait if there were some good suckers to be had!

    Posts: 277

    I think the gas station across from the DQ is the Holiday station Rd is referring to. And yes, small suckers!!!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Can get bait in Houlten, Stillwater, Hudson and Burkhardt.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Between Fleet Farm and A-1, the hunting is pretty well covered. Haven’t been in Bill’s yet but I’ve always thought a shop that could take trades, perform some gun smithing, rod/reel repair, and offer higher grade guns wouldn’t make a killing, but would definitely get some business. Where in town can I get a Remington 700 anything??? WalMart has a BDL and can special order. OH BOY! Fleet Farm is missing the boat in some of their methods but it leaves a niche for someone that can fill it.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    I know Beanies had bait as of early last year when I launched. But I know they are only open certain hours, and not year round.

    And Beer sales could help a bit also

    I just think about this everytime I am either overpaying for bait, or buying baby suckers for over a buck a piece how nice it would be to support a local bait shop and have a nice place to BS about the bite in the area…

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    The thought has been in my head for a few years now. Location is going to be key remember theres gotta be room for truck towing a boat to park. We should meet. I have some backing and put serious serious thought into this

    Ps the area bait dealer is a grump . When I asked him about getting bait he was not pleasent with me. You can also get bait at the liquor store in north Hudson

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    I live right past that liquor store and NEVER knew you could get bait there, until today… But I still think it would really be a great area to “target”.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Any time I need bait on my way to N Hudson landing the guy @ the Liquor Store is never open. In a pinch I’ll go down to the station and buy bait, but that stuff leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve had half of the minnows die before I can get on the water with them. Makes a good reason to go total plastics;)jerr

    after thought- -Brothers’ Bait (formerly Stiles)in Stillwater couldn’t make a go of it. The competiton from the big box stores was too great. Even offering guide services wouldn’t keep’m alive.

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