Glad I am not a diesel guy right now.

  • Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I would be bitter and upset to be paying about $1.00/gallon for diesel over gas right now. Kind of makes those higher GPM savings vanish.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Have a nephew that parked his deisel at teh start of winter…

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    Even worse if you take in consideration the reformulation in 2007. Prior to 2007, it was all good.

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514

    And here I was just thinking it would be nice to have a 250 or so size diesel for hauling stuff instead of the 150 that I have now.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Several of our family members who are farmers/ranchers back home are going back to gas now too. For the few times a year they really need the diesel power to pull a goose neck trailer etc… just doesn’t justify the cost jump. Now with the new regs it’s even less appealing.

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    I have done the math on mine and as far as fuel cost, it’s about a wash. I average 19 mpg with my Duramax even when I pull a trailer and I’m at 175K. Doesn’t seem to matter. It’s the inital cost of a Diesel that hurts. Nice to have the extra tork when you need it though. I’ll be keeping mine until it falls apart. I picked up a Colorado to put miles on, much cheeper to run.

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    When I got my first diesel the price of fuel was around $4.40 per gallon in fall of ’05. Can’t beat putting a few hundred thousand miles on a truck and not touching the motor. The motor is going to out last the truck. Haven’t looked back after getting rid of the gas after seeing how they last when pulling a lot.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973


    When I got my first diesel the price of fuel was around $4.40 per gallon in fall of ’05. Can’t beat putting a few hundred thousand miles on a truck and not touching the motor. The motor is going to out last the truck. Haven’t looked back after getting rid of the gas after seeing how they last when pulling a lot.

    Exactly The guys who bought the Diesel because “it’s BIG & LOUD” are over paying for their transportation for sure There is a place for diesels, it’s just not for driving to the office, pulling the fishing boat on weekends and gettin’ groceries

    Posts: 1036

    I can certainly understand several postions here but this is why I also didn’t bite on the “cash 4 clunkers” program. I have a 2001 Excursion w/ the 7.3 powerstroke with ~170K miles on it. Love it. Don’t drive it(Excursion) every day thought, bought a commuter car for work and use it to haul the family and dogs on trips or to pull my boats. Used to drive a lot of miles yearly for fishing, now it moves 1-2x per month in the winter.

    My investment has long paid for itself but I would be evaluating differently if I was buying new or used today.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    My Dodge 5.9 diesel 3500 gets as good or better mileage pulling the 5er than my 5.3 Silverado 1500 does running empty. Running empty it’s about a wash for cost/mile. Regardless of economy when the camper makes it’s last trip for the season, my diesel goes in the barn, insurance is pulled and plates expire for the year. At 5k/yr, I figure it’ll last me as long as I’ll be needing it. I can buy a lot of fuel for price of a new 2500 gas rig.jerr

    Posts: 963

    I dont know… My buddy hooked the fish house to his new eco boost and ended up getting 7.5 on the way to Red not breaking 65mph, i will get double that, and empty 20 MPG all day on that same stretch…. i love my diesel… quater million and just gettin broke in!

    Posts: 204


    it’s just not for driving to the office, pulling the fishing boat on weekends and gettin’ groceries

    That’s me to a T. I use to drive my 2500 Dodge Ram 5 days a week downtown and park in a ramp. BUT that was when diesel was $1.60 a gallon and I got a smoking deal on the truck I couldn’t pass up (later sold it for a profit). I loved that truck but it just wasn’t practical, nor was it practical to have that and a commuter car.

    Now days I tow a 4,000lbs glass boat with a V6 Toyota (with the use of trailer brakes).

    Posts: 412

    After the great wind storm in Hastings last summer I was in the market for a new (to me) truck. I know I wanted a 3/4 ton and crew cab. After looking at the diesels and gas trucks I decided on a gas. I get 13mpg on the highway and 10 in town. Same as the 1996 f150 with the 351. I have twice the truck and much better comfort for long trips.

    Diesel never made sense to me because unless you consistently tow over 10k pounds it would be hard to see the benefit. And for me living in the rust belt trucks only last 15 years before the body falls off. Unless you buy a dodge. Then its 10

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    And for me living in the rust belt trucks only last 15 years before the body falls off. Unless you buy a dodge. Then its 10

    Yep. I washed my 2001 1500HD last week and BAM, all kinds of new rust spots magically showed up. The beginning of the end. 160k on that gasser and it should outlast the body.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    At this point it would never make sense for me to get rid of my 2003 F350 7.3 Crew cab dually 4X4. It has been paid for for years and I only have 84,000 miles on it. I take extra care of it I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE TO BUY A NEW TRUCK EVER AGAIN, they are way to expensive. It only comes out of the garage to tow the horse trailer or boat. It then gets washed and cleaned up right away and parked. It luvs it`s heated garage right along with me.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    I have an 09 duramax and I had a 08 1500 and I get 21-23mpg with my diesel and averaged empty 14.3 mpg with my 1500 gasser. And my diesel LOVES pulling anything you put behind it It has saved me quite a bit of money, besides the payment of course!!

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Yeah right

    Guys here think nothing of the $75k for a new fishing boat.

    Give me a break if you are trying to justify anything a guy does….

    You only go around once.


    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204


    Yeah right

    Guys here think nothing of the $75k for a new fishing boat.

    Give me a break if you are trying to justify anything a guy does….

    You only go around once.


    WELL SAID!!!! I have had days where I didn’t want to take my truck to run errands with the family because of “fuel” costs… Then the next day I go and run at 60mph for 20 miles in the boat!

    Posts: 963

    I run diesel because i play hard, i can pedel to work, as stated above when its time to hit the water the pedals down, same reason i like the XS, when i get to the water its hammer down! That all said pulling any toys around, ill take a diesel! Gas or diesel when you think your a badass payin 2.65$ a gallon you need to step the f0ck back and realize some Dbag has got you by the short hairs while him and his lame [censored] buddys are swillin 1ooo dollar bottles of who knows what never even knowing what it smells like to take a drink with pike slime on their hands….

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