Oh boy. By the time the veterans show up in half way game shape Then get hurt because they were not. The new guys begin to play like they ever met each other the season will be over. Hope the Stanley Cup winner enjoys it as much as kissing his sister.I’ll watch a bad hockey game before a Super Bowl. But they won’t get $100+ for a seat to watch this year. Wish at this point they would have blown it off in hopes someone would learn from their mistakes. The first month of a NHL season is paying to watch training camp.That will be half of the season this year.
College has been the only thing on TV or going to a HS game and that is not the same as a NHL game. I like to watch the gophers play on TV, but live you really see how much slower they are compared to the NHL. I had my mindset that the NHL season was over. I guess I better check my schedule when I get my wild tickets most likely in the mail this week, to make sure I can make it to most of them. If not I will sell what I can’t use. In years past that was much easier said than done trying to sell a wild ticket. I think this year it should be an easier sell.