How many guns?

  • TazTyke
    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    I made the first mistake of even bringing it up but I was talking to my wife about picking up a new 9mm handgun and/or a 22lr handgun.

    That’s when it started, yes all the questions. Didn’t you just buy 3 new guns last year? You can only shoot one at a time right? What would you need those guns for? Why do you need so many for, don’t they all do the same thing?

    And yes the question How many do you already own? I decided not to answer that question but it got me thinking,

    How many guns is enough or to many?

    If you have 4 shotguns and one is a 20 gauge, one a pump 12, one a 2 3/4 12 gauge auto and another a 3 1/2 inch auto, that’s seems reasonable to me because they are all different in their own way.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    “You can only shoot one at a time right?”

    THAT old line. If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it 50 times. Just keep buying. Tell her your a collector. That’s what my wife calls me now and it works!

    Posts: 1960

    Seeing how we are heading down the control/regulation/registration road……

    I have zero since I lost them all in a tragic hot air balloon crash last year. It was a really sad tale.

    If I were to have some, I think having a dozen shotguns would be logical.


    Big Stone Lake Sd
    Posts: 257

    I have a bunch, some were my grandfathers that I never shoot and the rest are all necessary. I own 2 each of the important ones like my shotguns 12,s and 20,s and my deer rifles, varmit rifles, on and on. You can never own too many,just my opinion.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I just look at the FW and say…How many exercise machines do you need in the basement collecting dust? Don’t they all do the same thing? How many do YOU use at the same time. NONE…thought so.

    Then duck. (I’m a professional, do not do this at home)

    Seriously, I had a pretty good arsenal for many years. Few years back when I received a few more from an inheritance, I figured I would move some out. It was a hard choice to make, but my rule was if I hadn’t shot it in 20 years, it’s time to move it unless there was a value only I could place on it.

    1 shotgun $900. profit
    1 shotgun (I paid $75. for it used) $300. profit.

    I could go on, but you get the drift. My answer to how many is…as many as you can buy at the right price and still put dinner on the table.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 478

    I never knew you could have too many.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    I literally cannot buy another long gun, until I get another safe…

    Central, MN
    Posts: 478


    I have zero since I lost them all in a tragic hot air balloon crash last year. It was a really sad tale.

    Wow the same thing happened to me.

    Posts: 3681

    Nobody needs to know my business.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    How many guns is enough or to many?

    I am not sure I understand the question.

    Is there such a limit? Not in my world. I guess I have enough when I die and cannot purchase anymore.

    Posts: 699

    Let’s reverse the roles.


    I made the first mistake of even bringing it up but I was talking to my husband about picking up a new pair of boots and/or a new pair of shoes.

    That’s when it started, yes all the questions. Didn’t you just buy 3 new pair of shoes last year? You can only wear one pair at a time right? What would you need those shoes for? Why do you need so many for, don’t they all do the same thing?

    And yes the question How many do you already own? I decided not to answer that question but it got me thinking,

    How many shoes is enough or to many?

    There, that’s better. Both can play that game. See how she replies to that.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    I am in the same boat. If I get many more long guns I am going to have to buy another safe. I might have a hard time sneaking that into the basement and using the old line ‘that’s always been in there’

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    u only need as many as u want, no different than two vex’s and a cam…. one boat for this, another for that etc…shotguns…i could buy and buy. point is this is the USA, get what u like while u can

    Posts: 698

    I am thinking of donating mine to the national well regulated militia it seems there is a need.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5575

    I don’t understand the question. Just reply that you can only wear one pair of shoes at a time…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911


    I don’t understand the question. Just reply that you can only wear one pair of shoes at a time…

    Can I use that one Sharon ??

    On another note, some of you guys are better off not replying, therefore not showing how brutish you are… by your replying, now the evil gov’t knows you have guns cheer up some, the mayan calendar was wrong at least

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009


    “You can only shoot one at a time right?”

    THAT old line. If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it 50 times. Just keep buying. Tell her your a collector. That’s what my wife calls me now and it works!

    Then I lost the entire collection in a hot air balloon accident..

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I think I am in the SUPER minority here but I have 6. I have a 12 Ga rifled shotgun, a 12 Ga bird gun, a 30-6 rifle, a MuzzleLoader, .22 rifle and another .22 rifle.

    I think I have 1 too many since I doubled up on the .22s. Maybe I’m just not a fan of buying things and not using them, because I just know I wouldn’t. That will most likely change when my boys are old enough to use them. I just think they should be used. I do enjoy seeing a cool collection of guns though.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13915

    The question of “How many Guns” is kind of absurd. As I look into my Reloading Room and see enough powder to push the Mississippi river to the other side of the Rocky’s, I have to ask How many creative ways can you make powder go BOOM BTW, that same dam hot air balloon incident happened here and everything that I had owned that was on Feinstien’s Bill was lost

    Posts: 1899

    If I had the money, I’d have a pile of guns so high I could swim in them like Scrooge McDuck swims in his pile of money.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    I made the first mistake of even bringing it up but I was talking to my wife about picking up a new 9mm handgun and/or a 22lr handgun.

    That’s when it started, yes all the questions. Didn’t you just buy 3 new guns last year? You can only shoot one at a time right? What would you need those guns for? Why do you need so many for, don’t they all do the same thing?

    And yes the question How many do you already own? I decided not to answer that question but it got me thinking,

    How many guns is enough or to many?

    If you have 4 shotguns and one is a 20 gauge, one a pump 12, one a 2 3/4 12 gauge auto and another a 3 1/2 inch auto, that’s seems reasonable to me because they are all different in their own way.

    Kinda reminds me of a tv show where a DA built a secret safe room next to the dinning room housing an arsenal and the wife had no idea.

    Sometimes some things are best not mentioned. Then when caught play dumb.

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