Gander Woodbury out of minnows/suckers Permanently

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    two years from now, every Gander will have a different name on the store front.. Bass Pro shops.. this is opinion, but they have already sold BPS merchandise in their stores.

    Just remember the third time you go down, you never come back up..

    I said that 5 years ago…then Sportsmans Warehouse left town.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Leaving town? I don’t know about that. Bass Pro, did they ever put a shop in the big mall? As of I know Gander is still the biggest retailer out there as for sportsman merchandise.

    The economy is playing some weird things on us and retailers must adjust to survive.

    Keep ones eye on whats happening. There is a shift on all retailers, even my favorite store.

    Maybe this will be godsend for smaller outlets to pop up to make products more accessible to us all with out the travel or the wait of delivery!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Yeah, BASS pro setting up shop in machine shop sheds GANDER is there for more than strictly fisherman. If you are well rounded in the outdoors, they enough of everything to get by Do you have to look elsewhere for that certain item, probably yes, but they have all the staples for most outdoor activities. That is their claim to fame, not that they have suckers and minnows

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Got Fleet Farm only a mile and a half from my house. Everything I need and I don’t use minnows.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Exaclty, now they have the staples for the outdoors, the farm, the garage, the basement, the kids… but they have no minnows !! Imagine that !!! I always said, when they start carrying beer, I won’t have to go anywhere else

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    Yeah, BASS pro setting up shop in machine shop sheds GANDER is there for more than strictly fisherman. If you are well rounded in the outdoors, they enough of everything to get by Do you have to look elsewhere for that certain item, probably yes, but they have all the staples for most outdoor activities. That is their claim to fame, not that they have suckers and minnows

    Yes that is what I prelude to. The smaller guy taking up the slack.

    I see an opportunity here. Short lived as it maybe but I’m thinking on capitalizing starting small.

    A CoOP with a registry. I have the facilities to supply a need and an access to a supply of bait.

    The CoOp signs a registry at a cost with unlimited access to tanks in the trust unused bait be returned to be reused. Those on the list will be free to take and return unused and existing at will. Of course its a stepping block and those accepted to the coop must be honorable;

    Bull heads included and jumbo leeches. I think we have a member that can testify to jumbo thats if he wants to contribute.

    A registry means each signed on is given 12 dozen minnows just like you are given 12 dozen at your residents its just I make it easy for one as for storage. Minnows are replenished. This is not selling.

    The wisdom at the time of asking for a license to sell by the powers at be be was dont waist your time as long as you don’t make money as it is so close to the end of the year. The CoOp was the remedy to be legal.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That would work except the returning of bait.


    Those on the list will be free to take and return unused and existing at will.

    If the bait is returned to the tank (well that’s breaking two laws right there) the whole tank is considered to be contaminated with ais.

    Nothing is ever easy.

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    yes, and you should never dip your bucket into a bait tank.. always let them pour the bait into your bucket or holder. no cross contamination.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    It is a learning curve, Thanks BK. Even without the return I think we all can benefit if we all can be responsible. Brainstorming has its Bennies with the down faults. I appreciate the input.

    Posts: 9330


    Exaclty, now they have the staples for the outdoors, the farm, the garage, the basement, the kids… but they have no minnows !! Imagine that !!! I always said, when they start carrying beer, I won’t have to go anywhere else

    The fleet farm gas station in Alex says minnows.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Fleet Farm here has crawlers and waxies. And the best thing I see recently is tool rental in the back of store. Prices look good too. May actually areate the lawn this year.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846


    And the best thing I see recently is tool rental in the back of store. Prices look good too

    Cool! Didn’t know about that. Thx! The equipment at the rental stores in Rochester has always been…substandard (to keep my language within the family site bounds).

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I thought I was ready to move on but have one more fresh bash left in me. Went there today. They are out of all popular ice fishing lines. As I was telling a senior employee (yes I was that upset) another senior employee walked up and confirmed my story and even added to it?!
    Ice season not even into full swing yet and they are out of ice lines both mono and braids. Tip up, etc. Oh there’s a couple of things left but its only stuff none of us use.
    I had a new rod in my hands that went back on the shelf when I found out I couldnt even spool it up. Their level of bad service to customers has no bounds.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Sounds like a busy place out of stock means they met quota already !!! be leary of the place with full shelves

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Unfortunately there is no silver lining to the Wooodbury gander scenerio. Its all bad.

    Corey Rhymer
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 763

    Where do we go now for bait in the Woodbury area?

    Posts: 4564

    Why does no one say they wish there is a Scheels in town? That place blows any other place in town out of the water. They always have 5 of everything

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    how many minnows & suckers ???

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510


    Where do we go now for bait in the Woodbury area?

    The Holiday Station in downtown Hudson sells bait. So does the CoOp gas station in Burkardt.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    Blue Ribbon Bait.


    Awsome place or

    High Five Archery in Stillwater across from the high School

    Holiday in Hudson is great but remember technically those minnows cant be transported across state lines. The liquor store in north hudson use to have bait not sure if they still do. high five archery

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1218



    Where do we go now for bait in the Woodbury area?

    The Holiday Station in downtown Hudson sells bait.

    x2 …

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