Merry Christmas *DELETED*

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Me Too Mary, Merry christmas too all and may you have a very happy new year. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able ride in a sleigh pulled with a couple horses, with bells and bows of pine trees hanging from it. Put in some hot coals under the seat and cover up with a couple fur blankets and go for a ride through to woods and across the creeks. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone and don’t sip to hard on the brandy, it’ll be hard to get out of the sleigh.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843



    Had a religion reference that may offend some people.

    Happy holidays everyone!

    No sir I did not delete it because it might offend some people. It was deleted because of the lack of responses to a sincere wish for the people here to be Happy with this season of celebrating Christs birthday. I really do not care if any one is offended with the words I used to express my family wishes to thousands of members and lurkers. You apparently do not appreciate my wishes. I would rather believe this is a personal thing than your inability to accept this is the time to share wishes of happiness. What I find interesting is the dozens of posts that were made after my post with the posters looking for info regarding fishing, saving money, ect. and passing on the opportunity to wish good will to the people they are seeking help from. As one unknown person said the silence here regarding Christs birthday is deafening. I feel sorry who refrained. Those that refrained from responding because I asked for people to KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS I am truly sorry for. If that offends you sir along with my position on other subjects deal with it. I wold think you would have started a new thread rather than to take a cheap shot at my efforts. You then hide behind the PC excuse.

    If you are waiting for something from me, pull up a chair you will be waiting awhile.

    Posts: 4941


    If you are waiting for something from me, pull up a chair you will be waiting awhile.

    Scrooge…. Grinch…. best wishes this season to both of you

    Posts: 3681

    Merry [censored] Christmas!!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 133

    Happy Festivus

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Happy Festivus

    Let us gather around the Festivus Pole for the airing of grievances and feats of strength. I’ll go first.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023



    Happy Festivus

    Let us gather around the Festivus Pole for the airing of grievances and feats of strength. I’ll go first.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412


    Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and if that offends anyone they can kiss my country


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985



    Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and if that offends anyone they can kiss my country


    Now THIS is the Christmas Spirit !!! Just like Jesus taught us

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    Well I would have posted sooner, but I am working a ton right now.. and yes.. thank you for posting about the Birth of JESUS CHRIST. because its HIS name that we celebrate, and its HIS NAME, that no matter where you are on the planet, gets recognition.. and it is HIM who has had an influence on each and ever one, like it or not. . do you ever notice that when some one slams their thumb with a hammer, they don’t cry out BUDDHA, or Mohammmend.. No its Jesus Christ, why because some want us to deminish what those words mean and the power behind them. and while this post may get deleted. that’s the one name that says it all. no matter if you are in the USA, or in the jungles of Paupe New Guinnee.. it will always be known.. to all a good night.. celebrate.. as HE is with us..

    Posts: 1471



    Just so everyone’s clear.

    From last year…. Click Here a take a peek<<

    Yeesh rub it in two lists and I can’t find my name
    on them.

    Another Charlie Brown Moment

    Don’t feel bad Jeff I was left out too. Well anyway, Happy Holidays to all at IDO. Jeff Huberty that includes you.

    Posts: 4941




    Just so everyone’s clear.

    From last year…. Click Here a take a peek<<

    Yeesh rub it in two lists and I can’t find my name
    on them.

    Another Charlie Brown Moment

    Don’t feel bad Jeff I was left out too. Well anyway, Happy Holidays to all at IDO. Jeff Huberty that includes you.

    Awwwe, thanks Chirp and a Merry Christmas to you.

    Now I am getting a warm Uncontrollable cozy feeling all over,
    Ohh wait a minute, nope I just pisked my pants.

    La Crosse, Wi
    Posts: 247

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Posts: 1471


    Don’t feel bad Jeff I was left out too. Well anyway, Happy Holidays to all at IDO. Jeff Huberty that includes you.


    Awwwe, thanks Chirp and a Merry Christmas to you.

    Now I am getting a warm Uncontrollable cozy feeling all over,
    Ohh wait a minute, nope I just pisked my pants.

    Jeff, that was TMI.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Post deleted by riverweed

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Merry Christmas! Mille Lacs Guy, Skeeter sw150, Blackduck, millelacsman, RetiredonOsakis, flatfish, lunker, Diesel, riverweed, ashwe012, mmorgen, hntfsh09, CTS, TG002, kp2422, Tom P., Abe, KeithNyst, fishermen22, Doug Diepenbrock, Brad O, protourbaits, Fishn Dan, AQUAJOE, TonyScully, basscatgreg, ironheadr5, DLD24, trappingaddiction, lookin4fish

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Merry Christmas!

    Jon Jordan, Dean Marshall, Kevinb, dandorn, Dirk W., big G, McNasty, onestout, Red Door Resort

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    and lets not forget iowa roger, riverweed, Doug Diepenbrock, Outdoor Guy, Skeeter sw150, CTS, guthook1, Mille Lacs Guy, chirp, LundProAngler, rembrant, kp2422, TG002, whfishman, Jimmy L, fisheygirl, MIDNIGHT777, Smackemup, flatfish, drewsdad, panfish_slayer, lunker, Jeff Huberty, fishermen22, Fishthumper, Denny O, Corey Waller, Tom P., wabasha24, ashwe012, bigpike,

    Posts: 1471

    Jeff, we finally made the list. It will be a Merry Christmas. Thanks big G. BK, I’m upset I didn’t make your list.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Pete Bauer, dandorn, ocean, Bigroy, James Holst, big G, distraction, Outdoors4Life

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    Post deleted by riverweed

    Let me try this.
    May we survive the insanity of this holiday.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Cheese and rice!!

    Would somebody put me on the Merry Christmas list so I can stop reading this insanity!!

    Merry Christmas to my IDO family!!!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    MerryChristmas Eric!! and

    Steuben1, Will Roseberg, BlueFin, Mike LeClaire, chamberschamps, ecnook, harry spence, B Curtis, Benelli Bob, chomps, Drew H., Crossin Eyes, Redneck, wannabefishing, StretchOut, Payday, Timmy, rembrant, Chad Luebker, ajs, PatK, Hendo1589, riverrookie, EyesNDucks, CamoHunter, smoke grub, Rookie, panfish_slayer, Drew E, Stick Boy

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    lets not leave out Kooty, dougie, mskyfshntchr, Calvin Svihel, bearplotts, IceAsylum, Flood the Pond, Out_Fishing, tswoboda, Jeff Jerry, tgruenke, bpp, revpilot, Desperado, skeeterzx225, bsully23, Belgianbuctail, ironheadr5, wannacatchafish, BZZSAW, mbenson, gundez-71, Dylan Gravenhof, StretchOut, JT Fish, 311Hemi, chomps, Harley007, Super Do, Will Roseberg

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Pete Bauer, IlliniWalli, big G, Jon Jordan, bluewing, SLACK, McNasty

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    You guys are the greatest, even if it took ya two years to get me on the list!!! I hope everyone has the safest and merriest Christmas this year!!! And we can start another post like this this weekend!!!


    Posts: 3249



    Pete Bauer, dandorn, ocean, Bigroy, James Holst, big G, distraction, Outdoors4Life

    I feel like Navin R. Johnson today!

    Merry Christmas!!

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    wow and I made the list this year as well. does that mean I was naughty or nice?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If it’s Huberty’s list…you don’t even have to ask.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 260

    Merry Christmas to all of you fine folks here at IDO. I want to send a special “Merry Christmas” to my fishing buddies…Slab Hunter, Fish King, and Frank. You are the best fishing buddies a guy could have.

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